Wow! Learning a lot from this...
Me too

. . . I tend to learn by doing. Just hope I don't learn not to try this again

My game plan for next weekend is to finish off the hatches and then measure/cut the non-skid pattern. I am going to make paper templates, using some 30" width 'red rosin paper', and cut out the non-skid material from the templates.
The non-skid material is actually a thin (1/8") pyramid pattern floor runner. I have the material laid out flat (14' x 4') for the next 5 days or so, as it came in a roll and I want to make sure any 'curl' is taken out of it. The back side of the non-skid is textured and I am hoping that I can get it to stick to the plug my using epoxy. I am not sure what the non-skid material is exactly (rubber/plastic/vinyl). . . It feels more like plastic than rubber.
I'm figuring I can give the underside of it a good wipe with acetone prior to applying the epoxy. I have some spray adhesive, but that tends to make a mess and does not allow for the material to be 'positioned' once you set it in place . . . it has to be right the first time, which I figure will be nearly impossible to do. My hopes are the epoxy will allow me to 'float' the non-skid on the plug and adjust the positioning, then allow the epoxy to cure.
Any thoughts on this?