Bush's unity speech

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Bush's unity speech

OJ...It is my opinion that as much the present admin tries to portray how well things are in Iraq, I don't see it...
Just because I disagree with the way the war has come about & is being prosecuted, don't make me want to pray to Mecca!
I find it hard to believe the average soldier in the field needs or cares about an "atta boy"......
Or is there is no cheerful words coming from Democrats..
I'm inclined to think that he is much more concerned with ending the day without losing any pieces.....
Right back atcha! :love:........JK


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Bush's unity speech

" It is sad that's your perception of what it means to be a free-thinker. :/
God bless America and our free-thinking fore fathers."

No, it's sad that W can't get and use the tools he needs to win this war on terror. Who holding him up? Free thinkers like you and Teddy and Nancy and your pal Dingy Harry.
People need to STOP being so damn PC and treat these terrotists like the scum they are.
We could be united, but some just don't want it no matter what. As long as they can try to make W and his Administration look bad, that outwieghs anything else.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

Erik, I do agree with you in part but you have an idea, I have an idea but this administration has no clue what is going on or what we are doing in Iraq.

Truth, georgie thought this was another one day deal like Dad's only his brain seems to have run down his Dad's leg.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech


"Truth, georgie thought this was another one day deal like Dad's only his brain seems to have run down his Dad's leg. "

Nice job, a new low. Echmmmm, family friendly site. But not unexpected from someone who supports people who call our troops Nazis, terrorists, and murderers. No insight, just hate.


Unity isn't possible with this type of mindset.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

Eric you mention at least W has a spine. I disagree, he sat at home behind Daddy's skirt when he could have had a spine. Did not even fulfill his Natl. Guard duty. That is not a person with a spine.

That is a coward, willing to send others to die.

Pointer doesn't the truth hurt!!!



Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Bush's unity speech

txswinner said:
Eric you mention at least W has a spine. I disagree, he sat at home behind Daddy's skirt when he could have had a spine. Did not even fulfill his Natl. Guard duty. That is not a person with a spine.

That is a coward, willing to send others to die.

Pointer doesn't the truth hurt!!!

What is your proof of this? And don't say Dan Blather. And if serving in the Guard is not honorable, I guess your calling all those in the guard now spineless? Nice of you. Suppose you call that Supporting the troops.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Bush's unity speech

LFK said:
Those are fingers 12Footer. Didn't you go to school or learn about basic anatomy growing up?
The particular digit presented DOES make a difference to you, and I am actually glad you noticed. That, in itself, makes my piont for me.

So the two thumbs means "we are the champions"?
Or,"We will win this war" ?
And what i presented was "different"....Right?

What does the blue finger mean?? "Up yers"?
And if it is "UP YERS", who's exactly is it that they would like to have on the receiving-end of their shiny-happy blue digits?
Thank you.. Thank you very much.

You must join the American side,or be exposed as the oppostion you represent! And although you lost your representation in the halls of power, I know for a fact you aren't willing to lose your freedom over religious bias. Or are you?
Honest to God almighty, i do not understand hatered for any administration you express -- to the level that it LITERALLY overcomes the basic foundation of our form of government!!

You guYz are begining to scare the heck outta me!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

12Footer said:

The particular digit presented DOES make a difference to you, and I am actually glad you noticed. That, in itself, makes my piont for me.

So the two thumbs means "we are the champions"?
Or,"We will win this war" ?
And what i presented was "different"....Right?

What does the blue finger mean?? "Up yers"?
And if it is "UP YERS", who's exactly is it that they would like to have on the receiving-end of their shiny-happy blue digits?
Thank you.. Thank you very much.

You must join the American side,or be exposed as the oppostion you represent! And although you lost your representation in the halls of power, I know for a fact you aren't willing to lose your freedom over religious bias. Or are you?
Honest to God almighty, i do not understand hatered for any administration you express -- to the level that it LITERALLY overcomes the basic foundation of our form of government!!

You guYz are begining to scare the hack outta me!

I don't expecting much out of you, given your past posting history and inability to construct a logical response based on the post that you are responding too. It's nice to see that you again, when called on your statements ("fingers are thumbs, making incorrect statements about my political party of choice, etc."), come back with more incorrect drivel.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

EricKems said:
What is your proof of this? And don't say Dan Blather. And if serving in the Guard is not honorable, I guess your calling all those in the guard now spineless? Nice of you. Suppose you call that Supporting the troops.
You should have to actually show up for gaurd duty to get credit for "serving". Otherwise, having your daddy's buddies sign off on your sevice, without showing up, does make you look like you are less than honorable. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2004/09/08/bush_fell_short_on_duty_at_guard/

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Bush's unity speech

12, I am going to sign up with the "Lehigh Acres" crusaders tomorrow......
I am 46.....
If the joining age ever reaches my age, I will join....
& do what I can.....
Will that work towards my redemption as a true American?
Will it make me "Right" In the ALMIGHTY'S eye?
Crusade, Jihad same diff....
I think thre real, underlying issue is race......JK


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Bush's unity speech

LFK said:
I don't expecting much out of you, given your past posting history and inability to construct a logical response based on the post that you are responding too. It's nice to see that you again, when called on your statements ("fingers are thumbs, making incorrect statements about my political party of choice, etc."), come back with more incorrect drivel.
So you see what t i posted above as "drivel"?
Then i see your reply as defining you.. It defines you as a taliban or alqueda suporter because of what i posted above. We will kick yer arse. I promise that.Iether that, or you simply failed to read what i posted.
Iether way ---- Thanks again!

