Bush's unity speech


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Bush's unity speech

The Iraq war was started by people who did not listen to the militairy advise on the matter and who obviously did not do any homework on Iraqi history during the British mandate period.
These people were Bush and his party policy makers. As it turns out they were very arrogant and prejudiced about the outcome of this adventure.I remember Rumsfeld promising gas at the pump for a dollar a gallon.
When Bush asks for unity,he does not mean bipartisan unification,he means that everybody should follow him.
When asking for unity,one has to try and become a unifying force.
That, president Bush is not.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

No, Bush is asking for unity for the sake of our troops and the sucess of the mission. Thats what I saw.

Besides, the only democratic resolution regarding the war, I believe it was Kerry's, recieved only 18 votes. Democrats can't even get unity within their party how exactly could they lead anyone, anywhere for any reason?


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Bush's unity speech

kenimpzoom said:
Military objective is to continue to hunt down terrorists as well as provide support for the new Iraqi government.

Success is defined as: a stable Iraqi government in place that is able to maintain the peace effectively on its own.

I predict it will take another 5 years.


Why can't the dems see this? Take off the rose colored glasses dems! My goodness, do we need to crank out some Red Hot chilli peppers and make the room cold for the dems (or is that torture?).
What are your (the dems) solution? Besides redeploy?
I got the message from W, he's been saying it a long time, trying to get you (dems) to understand.


Sep 11, 2001
Re: Bush's unity speech

LadyFish said:
Funny, I watched the same speech and came away with a totally different impression.

The message I heard the loudest is that no matter what we've done to protect ourselves against terrorist attacks like 9/11 we are still not safe. And as we carry on with our daily routines in a comfortable manner and get on with life in our free country, terrorists like those of 9/11 are constantly plotting against us.

I also heard that if we don't stop these terrorists now, they will eventually gather enough power and force country by country and anniliate the U.S.

His call for unity to fight the war on terrorism was strong.

Excellent response LadyFish. There is a lot more than an election at stake.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

You jump PW2 as hating W. I do not know him so I am not sure. However, my Daddy taught me you should not trust or honor liars and W definitely fills that mold.

Now you W supporters believe we are in Iraq to fight terrorist. I would ask you to review why we went there first and then all the other reassons given. Either this administration is a rudderless ship or loaded with liars.

You chose but bottom line is no one claims we are in Iraq for WMD anymore, it has gone to rid the world of Satin Suddam, to forming new gov. to saving the people to rebuilding a democracy and now it is the center to fight terrorism that by its definition is not located in anyone central location.

One thing for sure W lovers Osama is NOT in Iraq. Pretend and lie to yourselfs all you wish but this Iraq deal is a pile of crap. And W plan that he did not reveal because it would not be wise is now announced.

Daddy where are you, Bush 41 bail my azz out just like you did in VN, the failed oil business, I am really good as a 2 % owner of the Rangers. Everything else in my life rates a total failure.

W is as stupid as Clinton was immoral. Comparison only embarass the office of president in the eyes of thinking people of the US and all of the rest of the world.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

Those of you who believe war on terror is Iraq, I ask do you think if every terrorist in Iraq was killed tomorrow that we in the US would be any more safe. I doubt it and so do you.



Apr 24, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

I see the killing as many terrorist idea, however, for every Arab killed in Iraq we have created several terrorist of the future. Imagine as a 8-13 year old seeing Uncle Bill killed when the devil US soldier crashed into the home and murdered him. This does not work, no matter what you think.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

Bring Americans together, the American population has not been so divided since the late 70's, and it occurred during the last 6 years. At least 50% of the population has no confidence in the present administration.


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: Bush's unity speech

txswinner said:
I see the killing as many terrorist idea, however, for every Arab killed in Iraq we have created several terrorist of the future. Imagine as a 8-13 year old seeing Uncle Bill killed when the devil US soldier crashed into the home and murdered him. This does not work, no matter what you think.

It'll work if we kill em' all.... :devil:


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Bush's unity speech

kenimpzoom said:
Military objective is to continue to hunt down terrorists as well as provide support for the new Iraqi government.

Success is defined as: a stable Iraqi government in place that is able to maintain the peace effectively on its own.

I predict it will take another 5 years.


Well, that explains the troubles in Iraq.

We are trying to use the military to achieve a political goal.

I wonder if we have shared this goal with the Iraqi leaders? We have Malaki meeting and glad-handing with Iranian leaders, who by all accounts are feeding the shiites in their battle with the Sunnis (and US).

I'm sure it will last at least another 5 years, or until someone in this country wakes up and tries to figure out what the heck we are doing over there, and how in the world can this lead to any sort of successful outcome?

Meanwhile the trail for Osama stays cold, and promises to remain cold, while recruiting for OBL and the like ramps up.

You all can hope and believe that what we are doing is being effective all you want, I suppose. Sadly, and unfortunately, it doesn't make it true.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

well in less than 5 years we have gone from a united country with almost world support to we are about to lose england in this alliance.
that will most likly be funny.
seems the brits have had enough of Tony and pressured him to step aside.
seems this administration had this Saddam and Iraq war planned for a long time before it was an administration and had actually written president clinton asking to go to war as early as 1998, they also wrote a few congresssmen and senators.
I would have supported a takeover of saudi arabia, they hate the US so much the funnel quite a bit of money to terror groups,none of which were in Iraq prior to 03.
the issue stems from the war planners, we were fed a bill of goods that were cherry picked lies.
however most reasonable folks saw through the smoking gun mushroom crap and the 1% doctrine. my biggest beef is the fact we went in with 1/3 the troops asked for,none of the modified equipment and desert training that was asked for.
now the Generals on the ground are saying we have lost Anbar due to not enough boots and the equipment is failing.
does not matter why we are there,we broke it and if we dont fix it it will keep our military/industrial complex in business for years to come.
so no we cannot pull out now. we must at least double our troop strengh and better yet triple it.
we do currently have enough troops in Iraq to keep it destabilized for the next couple of decades though.
the next administration had best have some kind of plan and even then I see it doomed from the start.
if we pull out today the area will go up in flames I think, if we continue the course it will continue to devolve.
I just wish the brilliant stratigists that planned and executed this war would get fired and lets get some folks that can finnish it.
about the same as Home land bungling and FEMA.
do some reading on the past couple of months on the military assesments from the on scene commanders.
its rather shocking.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Bush's unity speech

I guess using troops for political reasons didnt work in Germany, Japan, or Korea either?



Apr 21, 2004
Re: Bush's unity speech

Iraq ain't Japan, Germany, or South Korea

Japan and Germany had built in long standing allegiances to their respective countries. Iraq's allegiances are to their respective tribes, not their borders


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

The debate on the war in Iraq is done. It is not a secret to anyone why we went, that this administration has no clue what to do now (except let the next administration handle it) and it is time for this administration to go away as one, if not the worst, in history.


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Bush's unity speech

txswinner said:
The debate on the war in Iraq is done. It is not a secret to anyone why we went, that this administration has no clue what to do now (except let the next administration handle it) and it is time for this administration to go away as one, if not the worst, in history.

But now we have troops on 2 sides of Iran, coinsidence?
And I'll give the worst in history, as much as I have seen in my short life, to Jimmy Carter.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

This from those who thought Rove was the leak on the Plame case. No they were sure. No they were positiive.

These same folks think that we have the worst economy ever. (Note to those confused, it isn't)

Question: We have had more terrorist attacks on American soil under which administration? Bush or Clinton? Hint, it isn't even close.

How can any member of our military feel comfortable when Democrats are spending more time looking for non existant rights of our enemy than supporting members of their own military.



Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

12Footer said:
Personally, I think the president just wasn't partison enough. I realise he has to TRY to pander to the left.
Of course you feel that way. ;)

12Footer said:
I really think he should just continue to tell the truth -- drum it into their heads like a 6th grade teacher carries-on about global warming.

Sounds like fun to me. :)

This is how the truth would sound, if Bush told the truth. However, I doubt it would matter. I can’t help but believe your hearing would shut off halfway through it.

[quote user=G.W.Bush] Dang, I dunt realy no how I got me this job. But I’m hear now, so I’ll do what I want. My pa said that we shuldn’t go into Iraq, somethin’ bout these two groups being in check, and a civil war/unrest in the area. Did I ask him what he thought? Hell no! I do what I want. I caught me a big fish in my lake and everything.

Was there WMD in Iraq? Nope. Were they connected to 9/11 or al-Kada? Nope. But we invaded anyway! Yahoo! My big buddies at Enron have nmade a killing on this deal. I cant wait to retire and get re-hired at a consultant fur them.

Have I been fis…fis….spent less money? Nope, shure haven’t. But I’m being honest now, so I feel like I can tell you all. I dunt care what you think.

I listen to a few of my buddies, and do what they want. I just mainly read what I’m told, or else I end up looking dum. When we get cought looking stupid, we spin it and blame the media. It’s greaeat fun! Let’s see, what else am I honest about? Oh, that appointing another buddy to run Fema, yea, that was a boo-boo. But I got rid of him. Other than that, I’ve kept them gays from getting married and have kept my pals in office. What more is there to do in this job? I’m busy enough doing that and getting to bed by 8.

Meanwhile, we are farther in debt than ever before, and have no plan for ending a war in Iraq. I no a lot of folks say we should have stayed focused on Afganistan. I dunt care what they say. They must be liberals! Anyway, I’m glad 12Footer likes me to be honest. It’s all I try to do, onest! I don’t know why my lack of taking the blame for anything would make any of those media watching liberals not trust me. Dam commies! The thing I’m most proud of? That big fish I caught on my private lake. Yahoo!


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

well I finally broke down and read the whole speech, did not see much political pandering like all the media has hollered.
about all I say was a few paragraphs spinning the same stay the course spin he has belched for 5 years.
but stop and take a look at the results of the past 5 years, we dont need to stay this course.
we either need to place enough boots and equipment in place to finnish the job,no matter why we got there, or pull out,sell arms to all sides and bomb the winner.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

rodbolt said:
well I finally broke down and read the whole speech, did not see much political pandering like all the media has hollered.
about all I say was a few paragraphs spinning the same stay the course spin he has belched for 5 years.
but stop and take a look at the results of the past 5 years, we dont need to stay this course.
we either need to place enough boots and equipment in place to finnish the job,no matter why we got there, or pull out,sell arms to all sides and bomb the winner.
I could not agree more. :)