Bush's unity speech


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

great pics, however if we withdrew all US forces in 24 hours that govt would suffer a total collapse in 10.
voting is great, however we cannot secure the borders and the forieghn influnce grow. those same blue thumbs are also participating in death squads and insurgent actions.
which is why I cannot support removing the troops, I dont support continuing the same course, about all I can support is MORE boots and equipment.
and the fireing of those who planned this mess.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Bush's unity speech

I don't understand,rodbolt. I agree 100% with what you just stated there. LFK is concerned with torture as opposed to Bush's speach.
We should remain in a stabilizing role until stabilization is no longer needed.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

thats the problem 12footer.
they dont want it, had they wanted it it would have happened a few centuries ago when the rest of the world was shedding kings and dictators.
we cannot change a way of life,religion and passion.
it aint gonna happen.
especially when we torture,murder and rape the very people we are saying we are protecting.
this is as much a war on perception as terror, we have to win both or we lost both. its about that simple.
when I say we, it means some isolated factions of the US military.
however rather than denying and covering, did it happen ? yep most assuredly, did it get denied,covered up and lied about? most assuredly.
it should have been immediatly,rapidly and publically delt with.
99.9% of our troops have performed their duties with honor. the .1% is all it takes to damage the perception. and you cannot argue that in this war perception is as good as a military move.
so far there have been over 20 convictions for murder of detainees, some had no terror connections and were beaten to death by the US representative with their hands tied behind them.
you can go on the DoD website and the IG websites to verify it.
we are fighting an ideaology as much as a physical image. their perception of the west will recuit more fighters than actual fact.
biggest difference is they have no place to go and will eventually outlast the west.
one day they will run out of oil, how long will the west involve themselves in Iraq/Iran if and when the taps run dry ?
maybe as long as we have in south and saharan africa ya think ?


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

First off just give a kickback like bribe to Kofi's son, and that should get the UN on our side. It worked for Sadam, heck the UN thought that a Mercedes Benz was FOOD.

But first off I would throw any commander who dared stick his face on the TV in the brig. Second, I would impose martial law, then I would evacuate Bagdad and search the city building by building. Third any home found to harbor any suspect terrorist, will be arrested and their homes bulldozed. I would make any terrorist too hot to handle. You may not point them out but even tacid assistance to a terrorist makes you a terrorist. Anyone above the rank of sergant can make the call.

Next I wouldn't waste one soldiers time protecting a journalist. No riding in tanks, jeeps, eating in the mess, nothing. This is a war, prosecute it like one.

Got a terrorist in a mosque, cemetary, day care, hospital reduce it to a pile of rubble.

Got terror cells in Seria, Iran? Bomb them.

Next I would begin to freeze Russian and Chineese assests and restrict foreign investment by American companies until they cease their obstructionist mentality. We are all in this as Americans not just the military. I would initiate tarriffs on all products from countries playing games with us.

Then I would fly in the leaders of the Sunni's and Kurds and any influencial warlords posturing around the country and creating infighting, to Washington and let them know what is going to happen to them if they don't put it in the happy box.

Next I would suspend any regulation restricting oil production and threaten to flood the world market. I would put an oil well on the White House lawn to make the point.

Next I would suspend any aid to countries like France until the war is over. This includes UN dues. We have been supporting that deadwood organization for too long for nothing, we are going to get something for our investment.

I would also revoke any visas for anyone visiting our country for whatever reason from countries working against us.

I would be wire tapping any and all calls be them international or domestic on a list of people I even thought might have thought about talking to a terrorist. I would throw anyone in jail who compromises any operation regardless of their "feelings".

I would create a friend or foe policy for any country. Rewards to those who help, sanctions to those who oppose. This is a war on Islamo fascists, so this will include those who would help Iran, North Korea, Seria, or any number of African Nations, Hesbola, PLO. I would eliminate any and all Clinton-eske national bribe programs. No multi-billion dollar bribes to North Korea NOT to build weapons that they just ignore anyways.

I would make a worldwide cottage industry of turning in terrorists, and eliminate the enemy in expidited fashion. I would put this war on the table in every country.

Theres a start. Or we could run away.


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Bush's unity speech

rodbolt said:
thats the problem 12footer.
they dont want it, had they wanted it it would have happened a few centuries ago when the rest of the world was shedding kings and dictators.
we cannot change a way of life,religion and passion.
it aint gonna happen.
especially when we torture,murder and rape the very people we are saying we are protecting.
this is as much a war on perception as terror, we have to win both or we lost both. its about that simple.
when I say we, it means some isolated factions of the US military.
however rather than denying and covering, did it happen ? yep most assuredly, did it get denied,covered up and lied about? most assuredly.
it should have been immediatly,rapidly and publically delt with.
99.9% of our troops have performed their duties with honor. the .1% is all it takes to damage the perception. and you cannot argue that in this war perception is as good as a military move.
so far there have been over 20 convictions for murder of detainees, some had no terror connections and were beaten to death by the US representative with their hands tied behind them.
you can go on the DoD website and the IG websites to verify it.
we are fighting an ideaology as much as a physical image. their perception of the west will recuit more fighters than actual fact.
biggest difference is they have no place to go and will eventually outlast the west.
one day they will run out of oil, how long will the west involve themselves in Iraq/Iran if and when the taps run dry ?
maybe as long as we have in south and saharan africa ya think ?

What i got out of that was that, yes most troops are good and doing the best they can. I agree with you there.
The rest was how bad we (America) are. No planning, no follow through, dumb people making the calls.
Sounds like you saying aside from the troops, it's a hopeless situation. Sounds like a comment that France would make.
It would be nice to put half a million troops there, but we don't have them. Why? Who cut the military's numbers since the fall of the Berlin wall? Can't blame that one on W, can ya?
Troops went to war with what they had and are doing a fine job of it. Once again, who cut military spending so the didn't have the latest and greatest equipment to go to war? Can't blame that on W can ya?
Who is stopping the wire tapping and parts of the Patriot act the we need to win this new type of war? Can't blame W on that on either, can ya?
So give W and the troops the means they need to win this war in Iraq and Afganistan and around the world and stop crying about how bad things are.
Let's see the Dems give some support to the Whitehouse and let's do this right instead of being willy nilley about it. They don't have to like W, they are there to represent US!! Let's see them do it.


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Bush's unity speech

Pointer, now there are some positive solutions that would work.
I'd just add, kick the UN out of here and let someone else pickup the tab for that useless body. The Sudan might a good place for it.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

come on, in the 6 years of Bush and Co we could have a million man military, however it would require a draft as most kids dont sign up usually unless they are at an economic disadvantage.
I wish both sides of the white house would decide whats going on.
but quit blaming the former idiot, baby shrub has been in power to long, I served under daddy shrub,and clinton. our technology and living conditions actually improved drastically under the dope smokeing liar ,not to be confused with the current cocaine cowboy, how long did you serve?
I tend to agree with a lot of pointers above speech :). its either we do all or nothing.
heck we can even pre-emptive strike russia and chia and place 7-11's and wally worlds on the radioactive waste.
however it may take more than 100 army rangers to accoplish that mission.
but given the last 5 or 6 administrations wars on terror,poverty and drugs I get a bit cynical.
the UN is a total joke, however I cant think of a replacement.
we either have to have it or we have to make the US a global set of states.
how do you propose to raise enough troops and equipment to take on the world at large ?
then how do we pay for it ?


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

Ah Geez, Lets just break it down:

First off just give a kickback like bribe to Kofi's son, and that should get the UN on our side. It worked for Sadam, heck the UN thought that a Mercedes Benz was FOOD.


But first off I would throw any commander who dared stick his face on the TV in the brig.


Second, I would impose martial law, then I would evacuate Bagdad and search the city building by building.


Third any home found to harbor any suspect terrorist, will be arrested and their homes bulldozed. I would make any terrorist too hot to handle. You may not point them out but even tacid assistance to a terrorist makes you a terrorist. Anyone above the rank of sergant can make the call.


Next I wouldn't waste one soldiers time protecting a journalist. No riding in tanks, jeeps, eating in the mess, nothing. This is a war, prosecute it like one.


Got a terrorist in a mosque, cemetary, day care, hospital reduce it to a pile of rubble.


Got terror cells in Seria, Iran? Bomb them.


Next I would begin to freeze Russian and Chineese assests and restrict foreign investment by American companies until they cease their obstructionist mentality. We are all in this as Americans not just the military. I would initiate tarriffs on all products from countries playing games with us.


Then I would fly in the leaders of the Sunni's and Kurds and any influencial warlords posturing around the country and creating infighting, to Washington and let them know what is going to happen to them if they don't put it in the happy box.


Next I would suspend any regulation restricting oil production and threaten to flood the world market. I would put an oil well on the White House lawn to make the point.


Next I would suspend any aid to countries like France until the war is over. This includes UN dues. We have been supporting that deadwood organization for too long for nothing, we are going to get something for our investment.


I would also revoke any visas for anyone visiting our country for whatever reason from countries working against us.


I would be wire tapping any and all calls be them international or domestic on a list of people I even thought might have thought about talking to a terrorist. I would throw anyone in jail who compromises any operation regardless of their "feelings".


I would create a friend or foe policy for any country. Rewards to those who help, sanctions to those who oppose. This is a war on Islamo fascists, so this will include those who would help Iran, North Korea, Seria, or any number of African Nations, Hesbola, PLO. I would eliminate any and all Clinton-eske national bribe programs. No multi-billion dollar bribes to North Korea NOT to build weapons that they just ignore anyways.


I would make a worldwide cottage industry of turning in terrorists, and eliminate the enemy in expidited fashion. I would put this war on the table in every country.



Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

your wrong on the troop assesments on almost all of it.
think about it.


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Bush's unity speech

"how long did you serve?"
8 years active duty army starting under Reagen in 85.Got out as an E5 and passed the E6 board. Served in Desert Storm.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

12Footer said:
I don't understand,rodbolt. I agree 100% with what you just stated there. LFK is concerned with torture as opposed to Bush's speach.

No I'm not. You're delusional and ignorant on what I am concerned with. I was just giving the prior post two thumbs up.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

12Footer said:
It's nice to know you can count to two...
Now... count THESE thumbs, LFK!


Those are fingers 12Footer. Didn't you go to school or learn about basic anatomy growing up?


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Bush's unity speech

rodbolt said:
come on, in the 6 years of Bush and Co we could have a million man military, however it would require a draft as most kids dont sign up usually unless they are at an economic disadvantage.9/quote]

When I was in, most were middle class, not exactley disadvantaged.

I wish both sides of the white house would decide whats going on.
but quit blaming the former idiot, baby shrub has been in power to long, I served under daddy shrub,and clinton. our technology and living conditions actually improved drastically under the dope smokeing liar ,not to be confused with the current cocaine cowboy, how long did you serve?

How did living conditions improve? Barracks and on post housing was old at best. Korea had kwansin (sp) huts. Ft Polk had decient barracks, Ft. lemardwood had old barracks, Germany had REAL old barricks with coble stone, Ft campbell and Ft hood I lived off post but the barracks were OK.

I tend to agree with a lot of pointers above speech :). its either we do all or nothing.
heck we can even pre-emptive strike russia and chia and place 7-11's and wally worlds on the radioactive waste.
however it may take more than 100 army rangers to accoplish that mission.
but given the last 5 or 6 administrations wars on terror,poverty and drugs I get a bit cynical.
the UN is a total joke, however I cant think of a replacement.
we either have to have it or we have to make the US a global set of states.
how do you propose to raise enough troops and equipment to take on the world at large ?
then how do we pay for it ?


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

did 6 years under Bush sr and clinton, USN went from E-1 to E-5 in 3 years passed but was not eligible to advance E-6. then a service connected disability shut my carreeer path off.
I missed the time in rate requirement by 3 months to advance again. my goal was e-7 in 10.
however the base at NOB got better, in fact I got a letter of commendation for supporting the barracks at NOB the uss arligh burke detachment was in, no thanks to anyone other than myself and 3 other petty officers.
when the first tomahawks were launched in the persian gulf conflict I was steaming in the atlantic on a US navy warship.
I still no longer trust Bush jr and his cast of villiage idiots.
but I did vote for them the first time.
wanna bet after 6 years of your buddies the barracks situation has not changed much ?
I know for a fact that base housing in the NOB area has deteriorated faster in the past six years than the entire clinton Era.
I drive in there a few times a month.


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Bush's unity speech

Thank you for your service rodbolt.

I have no idea the state of today's living conditions for the military. I was just noting how it was when I was in. Whether it has changed or not I can not say, but I wouldn't asume from one post the rest of the military's living conditions haven't improved.
And I would once again take W over the lat 2 dem candidates. He has a spine, like it or not, he doesn't let the poles dictate what he believes to be right. And I agree with him more times than not and I stand up for him because he has a spine.
I think that is one reason the dems dispise him, he says what he thinks, like it or not and he does what he says he's going to do. If that is a bad trait in a person, then I'm just as bad. I say what I mean, no PC crap involved, and I do what I say I am going to. It pissess people off, oh well I don't care, life goes on.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Bush's unity speech

I guess the unity speech didn't exactly take hold


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Bush's unity speech

PW2 said:
I guess the unity speech didn't exactly take hold

You certainly aren't helping.

I'd love to see you dropped in the field with a book of your iboats threads in your arm.

Good God, with Americans like you, who needs enemies?

I didn't like Clinton, but I never would have gone to the lengths you have to divide Americans during wartime just for petty political reasons.

You'll get your chance again in '08. Go vote for who you like. I'll live with the results either way.



Jun 19, 2002
Re: Bush's unity speech

Haut said:
Why report something positive when there isn't?....
They are getting enough smoke blown up there arses by IED's & this administations ambiguous strategy & supposed goals......
Do you really think that the guy in the field gives a rat arse if Hillary says "Good job Boys"?
Or if Richard does?
They are reaping the cost of an ill planned incursion......
THey have my sympathy, I hope that they all come home.....JK

Face east and kneel or become one of the 72 virgins. your choice. (maybe theres some good news for you after all)...:love:


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Bush's unity speech

PW2 said:
I guess the unity speech didn't exactly take hold

Why, did you not waver? why dont you get a copy of the Quran and a black mask. Then at least you can unify and and align yourself with free thinkers, lol.8)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

oddjob said:
why dont you get a copy of the Quran and a black mask. Then at least you can unify and and align yourself with free thinkers, lol.8)
It is sad that's your perception of what it means to be a free-thinker. :/

God bless America and our free-thinking fore fathers.