Brand new boat listing to port!!


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 7, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Ok, I am going to throw something out here...<br />I hope nobody gets bent for me suggesting this...<br /><br />I too feel for Suds, but my question is this...<br />How do we know this is even true?? Maybe is just someone who is bent at Chap for some reason....<br /><br />Just a thought... Something to Ponder...<br /><br />Tallman


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

tallman,It at least begs the question as to the other forum that had an exact duplicate post about this problem that suds says he didn't write.Who in the world would have done that and why?


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 7, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

I believe from what I read at the other site, it was just someone who was letting other people know who probably dont frequent this site cause that person did say that it was reposting from another website. I dont think that the other poster was Sud just someone getting the info out.<br /><br />I just find the whole thing a little weird on here to say the least.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Same here.Seems to me that a resolution or refusal to resolve would have been addressed by now.I mean, the dang boat is either listing because of a manufacturer defect or not.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 4, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

If this issue is all a bag of hot air, and we don't know because we've only heard Suds' side, one would expect Chaparral manuf. or dealer to have the greatest of interests in stating that.<br /><br />Either by explaining, rejecting, stating or something. Here or elsewhere.<br /><br />True, we also have not seen any evidence of Suds' claimed 6" list, but among other the story contains a description of the dealer's attempt do put it right so he does receognize some kind of problem.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Hey Yall, man what a day to take a power-nap. Woke up seen the thread back at the top of the list and got excited hoping we had finally heard something from Suds. "SIGH" <br /><br /> Link, don't let it worry you, I don't believe that there is one member reading this thread, that once provided with the proof that this complaint is valid, would not be willing to get involved, in some way or another. I also would not send money or start a protest, without proof. I understand other's suspicion that this may be a hoax. If it is valid, I, personally feel that Suds is giving up a valuable resource of back-up, by not providing proof, and getting others involved. BUT, It's his money, it's his fight, and he knows his situation better than we do, so it is his decision, on how to tackle it. <br /><br />If it is a hoax, I'm not embarrassed, I said what I said, and I mean it! I, believe that this is what this forum site is all about. Getting the word passed around, and helping each other out, saving each other time, money, and the aggravation of being sold a line of crap, and feeling helpless to fighting a big company. I believe this site is about helping each other with each other's strengths and weaknesses. This country was founded on this, and somewhere along the way, the idea of getting involved, or each member of a group, sacraficing a little of themselves (of their own choice) to help one member, has got lost somewhere along the way. So, if it is a hoax, those reading this for entertainment, at least know, we gave some good advise, had good intentions, had a few laughs, and was (and still are) Ready to rally to the aid of a fellow boater in need of help! <br /><br />If this is real, I hope that Suds decision not to reply any further at this time, works to his benefit.<br /><br />So it is all up to Suds, he can give us an update, provide some proof, then we can huddle up and decide a course of action. <br /><br />If this is a hoax, he, and anybody else reading this at least learned we are united, concerned and willing to get involved, to help. Suds would have pulled a good one, but he would have to change his name and lose bragging rights for anyone to take him serious in the future. <br /><br /> So, Suds........The troops are getting restless,,,,,,,,,,losing faith,,,,,,,,,ANY UPDATE???????


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jun 26, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

godsbeast are you a lawyer :D that was very good very well put i say :cool:


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

No Tradin, I'm not a lawyer, I'm a Cop, so I am around lawyer's a lot. Oh God help me, hope they are not rubbing off on me. :( <br /><br />I had to tone it down a bit. While proof reading, I had a picture of myself on a Soap box, waiving an American flag in one hand, an I boats flag in another, with soft Patriotic music playing in the background. :rolleyes: :D <br /><br />Just one of GodsBeast's


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 7, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

**** GB:<br /><br />I think you should become a lawyer... That was well said....<br /><br />T


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Tallman, don't cuss me like that :D . Although it would pay better. ;) After many days and nights of wondering How could I have been so stupid to ever do this job? My only conclusion is, I'm doing what God intended for me to do. <br /><br />Thanks for the compliments. <br /><br />Just one of GodsBeast's

Reel Appeal

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 19, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Hi folks,<br /><br />Just a note of possible interest.I recently was looking at(another) boating site for info and noticed they had a forum.So,I checked it out(just for curiousity sake mind you!)and low and behold what do I see on the first page?! I'll tell ya.Someone who purchased a new,larger Chapperel (30'range)was complaining about quality and lack of customer service!This person also had major problems with a dealer.I wonder if it's the same dealer? :rolleyes: If the mods. say it is ok,i will give the site name for all to see.I did not want to promote other forums,etc...

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Reel,<br /><br />Can you get an paste an excerpt here?<br /><br />And remember, if Suds were out to just hurt Chap:<br /><br />1) Chap would have asked iBoats to kill this thread or posted here saying it was all a lie<br />2) Suds would tell us who the dealer is<br /><br />I think healthy skepticism is a good thing but this rings true if you follow it from the beginning

Sea Mitch

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 9, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

I think Suds either got word from his lawyer or word from Chap that if he continues to post to this board it'll be detrimental to his case. I'm sure he's reading this and dying to tell us what's up but can't.<br /><br />Suds, we're standing by, I know the wheels of justice turn slow. Let us know what happened or is happening as soon as you can! Don't let 'em wear you down... get all you deserve.

Reel Appeal

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 19, 2002
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Well,here it is... Nightmare experience with Chaparral Purchase <br /> <br />Posted: 8/19/2003 9:52:17 PM <br /> <br /> <br />odelrey <br />Member<br /><br />Total Posts: 1<br />Last Post: 8/19/2003<br />Member Since: 8/19/2003 <br /> <br /> I purchased a new 2003 Chaparral Signature 350 a few weeks ago and it has truly been the worst buying experience of my life. The dealer that I purchased it from (The Boat Connection, West Palm Beach) had it for a total of three weeks and the boat came out the way it went in, my delivery took a total of ten minutes and then I was handed over a dozen manuals to study so that I could understand my systems. I contacted Chaparral Boats and after numerous voice mail messages someone finally contacted me. I told them that I would accept taking my boat to the dealer in Miami for service for which after a few days they informed me to contact the service manager at FT. Apache Marina and they would take care of my problems. I called and spoke to the manager and made arrangements to leave my boat on Monday morning and he told me it would be ready for me by Friday morning. I took the day off along with a friend and drove the boat down there and checked it in with the asst. service manager. I also asked them to do my first service for me (approx $600) that I would pay for. Thursday at 4:45 pm I received a call from the service manager informing me that no work had been done to my boat and would not be done because his owner "Fred" said he would not service my boat beacause I did not buy it there. I could not beleive what I was hearing and I instantly put in a call to Chaparral after leaving a voice mail I receiced a call the next day from Chaparral telling me that there was nothing they could do about it, that the dealer had the right to refuse service if the boat was not purchased there. I now own a boat that the msrp was $260,000 :eek: . and I can't get it serviced by a reputable dealer. Needless to say this will not stop here. I just hope nobody else has to have this type of experience in the future. The saddest part is that they make a descent boat but have the worst dealer network in the industry and you will get no help from the manufacturer. DON'T BUY CHAPARRAL". <br /><br />Oscar Del Rey<br /> <br /> <br />..


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 12, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

This is unreal, Even more ammo, and bad publicity against Chap(?). I can't imagine what is taking so long to resolve Suds' complaint. <br /><br />First Boat, I understand your encourgement, and agree that he should get everything he deserves, but after dealing with this from July 3rd, and missing most of this boating season, What could they do that would make this right if this happened to you? AND WHY if Chap knows of this, and Suds has been instructed not to post, has someone from Chap(?) not posted some type of defense? :confused: <br /><br />Just one of GodsBeast's


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 29, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Seems like Chaparral really doesn't care about their customers and that attitude is reflected in their dealer network. I'll shop elsewhere. It's not worth taking any chances with my hard earned money.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 15, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

and neither does suds- still no word yet.

Uncle Dave

Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 10, 2003
Re: Brand new boat listing to port!!

Folks,<br />It looks like you have all been scamed by "Suds".<br />There is nothing injurious or liable about telling the truth. For example Mr. O Dell Rey just posted with a similiar problem. He gave his name and home port, the selling dealers name and the nonservicing dealers name and the boat company. Now if he is a scam he will quickly be found out. The short of it is, telling the truth is not liabilous. So while "suds" appears to make a good case, without traceable evidence it really has the appearance of being a scam. Does anyone have any evidence to refute the above.<br />Fitz.