steve23guy said:
yeah, i jsut talked to my lawyer and well he said its not going to matter whos fault it was in this case, what it comes down to is that by the books, he was supposed to signal and did not, wethero r not people do it or not.. he was supposed to, its winning on a technicality, but a win none the less, his exact words[/quote
I think your attorney is telling you what you want to hear.
You cannot turn your craft into his path. What's the defense for that manuver? I'm sure you'll be asked that by the court. Just playing the devil's advocate here.
The defense is, he should have signaled, if he would have, i would not have turned, also he was way to close.. he didnt even give himself room to manuver in the first place.. according to one of the links that was sent to me it states in the USCG rules...
"Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions. "
i state this becuz in court he said he saw the choppy water tossin me around abit and was a lil worried but was in hurry, so. that being said. he knowingly put himself in that situation, and did not give himself enough safe distance to stop in the case something did happen, what if i just lost control from a wave and fell off right infront of him??? i wouldnt be typing to u fine fellas today thats for sure.
and also, if he DID manage to pass me and i didnt turn, at the speed he was going, the wake he made could have easily tossed me into/on the boat that was to my right..... he did not look at the entire situation as far as i can tell.. he behaved incorrectly.. i may have turned yes. i shouldnt have maybe.. but i WOULDNT have if i knew he was passing. or even if i knew he was there. i would have eather A. Waited for him to pass, or B. gone ahead more/sped up and given myself enough breathing room to do a go around.