baoting accident question.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 29, 2006
Re: baoting accident question.

THANK you! for making my case even stronger then it was, i appreciate it greatly, ure a good person THANKS!!!


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2006
Re: baoting accident question.

You're welcome. Let me know how you make out and good luck...


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 29, 2006
Re: baoting accident question.

yes they did check my BAC level but not his... i was blood tested in the hospital as well.. they did nothing to the driver of the boat... they didnt even ask me what happend. i woke up in the hospital and i asked the cop what was going on, he said ure getting a citation......


Jun 17, 2006
Re: baoting accident question.

where was this on the Fox? I live on it. I cant think of any area where its so narrow that 2 vessels should be that close (UNLESS theres other boats on the water, then its a different story)


Jun 17, 2006
Re: baoting accident question.

I should add that some time ago 4-5 years, I was involved in an accident with a pwc, Although he ran into me , he was scanning the shore for his buddies house and clipped the rear of my boat.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 29, 2006
Re: baoting accident question.

fox river grove/cary
Southbound just past the rt 14 bridge.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: baoting accident question.

bjcsc said:
Support from Coast Guard Regulations:

Safe Speed:

Overtaking (esp. "D") :

Action by Give-way/stand-on:

Notice "D": Nothing relieves the give-way vessel of her obligation to keep out of the way...

Preference is given to the stand-on vessel because it can be seen by the give-way in an overtaking situation. According to the USCG, whether or not you (the stand-on) do what you should (maintain course/speed) the give-way (the other guy) still has an obligation to stay clear of you.

Very sound advice there, if indeed what you have described is true that boater was a true A@@H@@@

Reel Poor

Vice Admiral
Jan 29, 2005
Re: baoting accident question.

From your profile I see that your not a newbe jet skier as you list three different skies that you have owned. For you to be asking these question here, you obviously dont know the Rules of the Road for boating so you don't adhere to them yourself, but you expect others (well this guy anyway) to abide by them. You have obviously never sounded a horn/whistle when you have overtaken a vessel yourself. With little experiance on the water an alert/cautious operator quickly learns that dangers do not typically come from boats along side of you when running along, they come from boats comming up from the rear. Why vessel operators think they can do whatever they want to on the water without any reguards to safe operation astounds me.
If yall operated a car like ya operate a boat/jet ski you would have an accident every 500 feet. Why do you watch where your going in a vehicle (look all directions) but not in a boat/ jet ski ? :'( :'( :'(


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: baoting accident question.

I just wonder how many times you have signaled before you passed another vessel. How many times you returned the proper sound signal when some one did give a signal.

I have never had a PWC signal me or give a proper signal when I signaled him. What you usually get back after a signal to a PWC is a singal finger solute.

I would bet that 95 percent of PWC riders that do not have another boat do not even know what the sound signals are and how they should respond to them.

When I running my boat I alway know what boats are around me, in front, crossing, or behind. Before I make a turn even a slow turn I double check just like changing lanes on the freeway.

Out here in California over half of the accidents involve PWCs. With the exceptions of Skiers and tubers most boater keep a pretty straight line. PWC where I boat change course ten times a minute. They make 90 degree turns, 180 degree turns, and 360 degree turns and all the while have no idea who is around them.

If they actually see another boater they jump the wake behind you while overtaking at high speed, cut acrossed your bow and go jump your wake again headed the other way. They cart a lot of PWC driver off to the hosipital or morgue and 95 percent of the time it is their fault.

In your case you both at fault. He should have stayed clear of you while over taking but you should have held your course and been aware of another boat near by and double checked before you made a U turn to go back. I hope you learned something and pass it on to your kids.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: baoting accident question.

You Didn't Look behind yourself,+ Turned INTO the path of an over-taking boat...........

You Lost on the Water,........
Your going to Loose in Court...........

IF you'd have used your Neck,+ Shoulders,........You wouldn't need to be Linda Blair to See What's Behind you.........


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 16, 2006
Re: baoting accident question.

You anti-PWC guys just crack me up. "Boatist" with his "I have never had a PWC return my signal" comment.....and just HOW is the PWC rider going to signal you? Ever notice that swimmers, canoes and bouys don't answer you either?

I've always known that what "boaters" REALLY can't stand about PWCs is that they are FUN!!!!!!

Now, back to the topic......if you can't turm your head to look behind you then don't EVER ride a PWC!!!!! especially near me or my family.

Steve, I have nothing against trying to midigate the damages in court, but for gosh sakes, after nearly getting killed haven't YOU learned ANYTHING? You're statement (excuse) that you're not the exorsist girl so you can't look back is as stupid as I've ever read.

There are morons on boats AND PWCs. If in an area with other baots you HAVE TO expect morons to do what morons do - dumb, unsafe stuff. On a PWC especially, if you don't expect others to sometimes do something stupid, you may wind up "in the right" ..... .but dead!


Mar 28, 2006
Re: baoting accident question.

No boats here in South Africa have horns unless the owner put one on himself, they just don't come out with it ..... I drove over a jet skier with one of my racing inflatables before, he was regulating the traffic and I'm not sure what he did but I went over him chopping the jet ski in half, was so funny, but in the process flipped my boat and the engine ripped right off the transom and chopped my own leg .... luckily just a really big and deep scratch ... 36 stitches later, I was beck for the next round ..... the jet skier was ok though ... they are still giving him shock treatment ... ;) ... I will try and find some pics ..... hehe

cobra 3.0

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 31, 2003
Re: baoting accident question.

djc...only in South Africa!!! Sounds like like the USA during the days of the WILD, WILD WEST!

Your only hope is to focus on the boater being in a hurry and the boater being dangerously close to you. What the heck is a boater doing 15 ft from you at 55mph? If the boater agrees with this statement, maybe your case can be won...even if you were on the much hated PWC's under the influence of alcohol.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2006
Re: baoting accident question.

You guys are a tough crowd. How do you jump a guy in this situation? I hope none of you overtake other vessels at nearly twice their speed within 15' on a regular basis, or think it's OK. Even if you had looked what would you do if you saw another boat, 250 feet behind you, heading straight for you, at 55mph!? Would you hold your course? Would you turn? Is he going to hit you, or miss by 15'... Think fast - you have three seconds before impact....geez...

Steve: I would also make a point about the other guy not being breathalized. Even though power boaters are apparently beyond reproach, half the ones I see drink and drive (when they're not memorizing the regs) ;)...


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 24, 2006
Re: baoting accident question.

Not much of a fan of PWC, and yes I have ridden them.

I agree with BJCSC on this one, Accidents happen, you have blind spots no matter what you drive. There is no excuse for unsafe boating and traveling that fast - that close is just plain unsafe.

Just my .02


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 20, 2006
Re: baoting accident question.

Both of you have to share responsibility. You definately and any other water craft operator when turning need to look check and recheck for all watercraft in your area. If there are to many craft wait till they clear. I've seen PWC's whip tight turns with total disreguard for their surroundings and that is more the rule then the exception. They are very manuverable and that may lead the operators into a complacent mode. The amount of 180's that you yorself would make in one outing far exceeds what a boat operator would execute in several outings. No one should take for granted that the operator of other water craft are aware of your intentions. The boat operator was wrong as far as a 55mph pass at 15ft. is concerned. It's rediculous and I wouldn't want to be a passenger on his craft. Likewise, Turning a PWC or any water craft around on a river requires a thorough examination of the water around you. Not a quick glance. If you would have done so, there would not have been an incident. I personally wouldn't care to be a passenger on your craft either.
You both deserve a citation. Him for reckless disreguard for passing so close at such a high rate of speed and you for negligence as far as checking for craft before making such a radical change in course.

I live in Il. and have been on the Fox south of the Chain of Lakes. It has a reputation that goes back close to 30yrs. of being known as Kamakazi Alley.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: baoting accident question.

Rant on.

I am kind of embarrassed for us over here. The guy comes here, admits he messed up, takes some abuse, comes back with a defensive remark and gets hung by that.

Anyway, at least bjcsc (I was nice too and I guess that makes me guilty by association) is trying to help this guy. Based on my initial research and bjcsc's more thorough job, he is minimally responsible. If what he says is true, that boater was a basshole, held ultimate responsibility, endangered his own passengers and showed no remorse for almost killing a guy. Yes, our friend here made a mistake, HE HAS ACKNOWLEDGED THAT!!! I guess that the rules of the road only apply to boats less than 10 ft. Big boat, big head, bigger ba11s than brains, go ahead ignore the rules, and some of you are supportive of the guy I just described; WTF!!! PWC operator should've tooted a horn. Jeez!!!

BTW, I have been boating on Inland Lakes and rivers for over 30 years. I have NEVER, repeat, NEVER heard or given an audible sound for overtaking. I am not saying that is right, but the fact is that some of us are hyper-correct around here simply for the sake of being hyper-correct (I have been guilty of that too). I have blown my horn at PWC operators who I believe were operating too closely to me, and I have to admit that I have never needed to do that with a boater, that changes nothing in regard to how we should respond to an honest plea for help.

Rant off.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: baoting accident question.

Well, from listening to this there was probably some animosity involved on the part of the boater in passing so close at that speed.

But, like I said, they earned my feelings. I don't go around hating people.

Totally agree on all the unexpected turns and things.

And I don't hog the lake and usually go during the week when no one is around.

When you are following a surfacing school of fish you have to follow them. Any noise, especially a high speed PWC sends them sounding in a heartbeat. And then the PWC goes around you in circles looking at you, which, by the way, is against the law in Texas to circle another watercraft. (Must have made that for PWC behavior 8) ).



Jan 13, 2006
Re: baoting accident question.

QC said:
Rant on.

I am kind of embarrassed for us over here. The guy comes here, admits he messed up, takes some abuse, comes back with a defensive remark and gets hung by that.

Anyway, at least bjcsc (I was nice too and I guess that makes me guilty by association) is trying to help this guy. Based on my initial research and bjcsc's more thorough job, he is minimally responsible. If what he says is true, that boater was a basshole, held ultimate responsibility, endangered his own passengers and showed no remorse for almost killing a guy. Yes, our friend here made a mistake, HE HAS ACKNOWLEDGED THAT!!! I guess that the rules of the road only apply to boats less than 10 ft. Big boat, big head, bigger ba11s than brains, go ahead ignore the rules, and some of you are supportive of the guy I just described; WTF!!! PWC operator should've tooted a horn. Jeez!!!

BTW, I have been boating on Inland Lakes and rivers for over 30 years. I have NEVER, repeat, NEVER heard or given an audible sound for overtaking. I am not saying that is right, but the fact is that some of us are hyper-correct around here simply for the sake of being hyper-correct (I have been guilty of that too). I have blown my horn at PWC operators who I believe were operating too closely to me, and I have to admit that I have never needed to do that with a boater, that changes nothing in regard to how we should respond to an honest plea for help.

Rant off.

Agreed and again if what he states is true, any boater overtaking another boat, pwc, canoe, sailboat etc etc etc......... at such a rate of speed, and in such close proximity, that he or she cannot veer off or has the head in some place other than where there going, on a vessel that cannot be stopped or turned is insanity.

Boating @ 50+ mph is fun and exciting, for me my sense's are full on, im scanning hundred's of yards in front of the boat, watching for bar's (water color variations) floating debrie, wake's, anything that might launch me to a place i do not want to go. The more i think about this id suspect this boater was hazing this pwc.

Think about it, if they (pwc) turn sharp or short he was right on top of the craft, if it was a wide arching turn, he was not even looking where he was going or again he was to close and overtaking the vessel at a very high rate of speed one he or she was not in control of.

This is the type of behavior that a lot of pwc exhibt, make no mistake i am not supporting a behavior that a lot of them do have, however i have also seen large boat's haze other's with there wake thinking it's great fun, kind of a getting even mentality.

In the end he was rear ended, blowing your horn? That's a excuse for such calous behavior or disregard of what could be coming.................Actually it would demonstrate the individual knew of the circumstances he was approching and totaly disregaurded it.


Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: baoting accident question.

Even if you had looked what would you do if you saw another boat, 250 feet behind you, heading straight for you, at 55mph!? Would you hold your course? Would you turn? Is he going to hit you, or miss by 15'... Think fast - you have three seconds before impact....geez...

I would have turned the other way. Here in Missouri it is the PWC responsibility(And the law) to stay 100' away from boats. What law says the guy in the boat can't pass him? When you ride a PWC, you need to be acutely aware of your surroundings. Kinda like following too closely in a car and then blaming the guy in front of you when he has to panic stop and you hit him...And I will tell you that I am by no means a PWC fan. Seen and heard to many disrespectful things to stand up for them...