Re: '79 Starcraft SS 16 restoration
I think you want the drains that you flare with a big ball peen hammer. They should be brass or aluminum. Thos plastic ones are thru hull fitting for bilge pumps etc. tube--**********.130047769
Here are instructions to instal them. Got this from someone here but not sure who.
1. Measure thickness of transom where tube goes.
2. Trim tube to 1/8" to 3/16" longer than you measured in step 1
3. Coat tube with 3m 5200 and insert into hole. I insert from inside.
4. Clamp tube in place using 2 clamps and a 2x4 with the clamps on either side of the tube.
5. The other side of the tube should be unobstructed.
6. Now take a steel bar a little smaller than the inside of the tube and a hammer and work the protruding end down to form a flange
7. clean up the 5200 that squeezes out
You can make a flaring tool with a long bolt , fender washers and a cone to force the end of the tube into a flare. Hobby shops sell alum propellor cones, just drill the screw hole out to take a bigger bolt.
Alternatively, a ball peen hammer, brace the tube on the inside to hold it, place the hammer's ball in position and belt the hammer face with a second hammer.