If you were local to me, I'd totally be commissioning a picnic table from you.
OK, Cool, Now I'm intrigued...this grout bag could end up on my next Home Depot shopping spree...those PB fillets look crazy good and I bet they went fast...???
How well did the bag clean up? Still reuseable?
Man, no wonder your tired at the end of the day, you work at least at 2 times super human speedNice video....Better fillets
Troop, you can fillet my stringers anytime you want. Very Nice Job!!!
You must have really used alot of hardener ta have to work that fast!
Good stuff Troop keep it up!
Very cool video... You are the "fillet whisperer"
P.S. I am thinking about sending my son on his wilderness survival camping trip with a pail of acetone and an egg beater... Seems much easier than rubbing some sticks together (that's so old school) :facepalm: