1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

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Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 8, 2007
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

On a side note, I am building some underwater rgb lights for the stern of the boat.

Wait a minute!...you can't set me up with an iBoats Super Duper Trifecta story and have me look at pictures of an amazing dock and then just slide a zinger like that in there without any warning or further explanations or photos or descriptions or......:mad: I know you're the Lord of Lights, but really...I mean...really?? I am WAY curious how you plan to do this.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

Yeah, that was definitely sneaky....

I stopped for coffee on the way home today, got a tasty danish too. Oh, and on a side note, I cured cancer :facepalm:


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 29, 2009
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

I am really curious to hear more about this! I have RGB's in my boat now thanks to you :D :facepalm:. Now if I can get them in the water... hmmmmm :)


Jun 4, 2011
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

Wait a minute!...you can't set me up with an iBoats Super Duper Trifecta story and have me look at pictures of an amazing dock and then just slide a zinger like that in there without any warning or further explanations or photos or descriptions or......:mad: I know you're the Lord of Lights, but really...I mean...really?? I am WAY curious how you plan to do this.

Lmao, I was just seeing if you guys were paying attention! lol But I am seriously building some. If they come out well, I will be mass producing certain sizes and special order spec sizes, so all the specifics will have to wait, but you guys will see the progress as it happens. :) Also will likely offer special prices to all my Iboat friends.

Yeah, that was definitely sneaky....

I stopped for coffee on the way home today, got a tasty danish too. Oh, and on a side note, I cured cancer :facepalm:

I am really curious to hear more about this! I have RGB's in my boat now thanks to you. Now if I can get them in the water... hmmmmm :)

lol, how do you like the rgb's? :)


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 1, 2009
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

been quietly watching for awhile now...
when we gonna do some catfishing???

i have a pair of SS rod holders, that pivot and mount on the cap, if you want them...i wont be putting them back on my boat


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 26, 2011
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

...So sorry that you have to endure such deplorable working conditions.... Commuting in your pimped out boat, taking in sunsets must be tough... I will be thinking about you tomorrow as the continual glare of florescent bulbs and 3 computer monitors quietly suck the life out of me...

Did someone say underwater stern lights??? (ol' J.T. might have to make an appearance in his 70s-licious white leisure suit for that unveiling)...


Jun 4, 2011
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

been quietly watching for awhile now...
when we gonna do some catfishing???

i have a pair of SS rod holders, that pivot and mount on the cap, if you want them...i wont be putting them back on my boat

Hey man , welcome to the thread. :) No reason to be quiet around here, non of the rest of us are,lol Do you have a pic of the rod holders? I am eventually going to replace all of mine I think with drink holder/rod holder combos, but who knows.

As far as the cat fishing, I am always game for some game. I have very limited experience with fresh water fish so any that I land is a big deal for me :) My dad feeds his cat fish every nite off the back of his boat. I really haven't fish for them because I think there slimy, smelly and a mess to deal with, but I am open to the experience, especially the fight.

What I would really like to do is find some striped bass in the river, keep hearing there in the tail waters behind damn, but have yet to go try it out. :facepalm:

...So sorry that you have to endure such deplorable working conditions.... Commuting in your pimped out boat, taking in sunsets must be tough... I will be thinking about you tomorrow as the continual glare of florescent bulbs and 3 computer monitors quietly suck the life out of me...

Did someone say underwater stern lights??? (ol' J.T. might have to make an appearance in his 70s-licious white leisure suit for that unveiling)...

No worries man, I will continue to suffer for all of you,lol Thanks for the well wishes though, lol Man, every once in a while, you need to just leave those computers behind and go fishing. You will be there soon enough and appreciating all your hard work on the boat your building.

Yes, underwater light material has been ordered and once I get everything I will start manufacturing right away. They will have anywhere from 150 to 300 leds in them per light!!!:eek::D Will probably make smaller versions for smaller vessels also. We shall see! Get that white suit pressed and cleaned, lol :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 1, 2009
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

you can get some striped bass from the fossil beds...but mostly sunfish and catfish in that area.
we fish next to the locks and dam for big catfish and drums...also fish up in Wesport, or the north side of LaGrange. alot of striped bass, garr and catfish up in those bends.
i'll dig out those pole holders and send you a picture


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 8, 2007
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

"Yes, underwater light material has been ordered and once I get everything I will start manufacturing right away. They will have anywhere from 150 to 300 leds in them per light!!!
Will probably make smaller versions for smaller vessels also. We shall see! Get that white suit pressed and cleaned, lol
:D "

I'd be happy to Beta test those for you.....:D...make sure they work and all.


Jun 4, 2011
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

the 2 rod holders that i took off my boat look something like these:

Thanks man, I appreciate the offer, but I'll pass on the rod holders. Just not my style ;)

you can get some striped bass from the fossil beds...but mostly sunfish and catfish in that area.
we fish next to the locks and dam for big catfish and drums...also fish up in Wesport, or the north side of LaGrange. alot of striped bass, garr and catfish up in those bends.
i'll dig out those pole holders and send you a picture
I have only fished up to 18 mile island and down. Just getting into the fishing around here really this year. Got a couple small bass this morning behind 18 but nothing to write home about. I know the bends you are referring to up around westport, we have a dock going up up there right now and I have been through there a few times going up to madison. What and when do you fish the cats with? Nite or day or both? Also how are you fishing the stripers? Early morning, nite. etc etc? Any info is greatly appreciated.

I have all the gear, just not the local knowledge. I am use to fishing stripers in salt but have yet to catch one in fresh water. I will be heading to cumberland in the fall to fish for them there.

"Yes, underwater light material has been ordered and once I get everything I will start manufacturing right away. They will have anywhere from 150 to 300 leds in them per light!!!
Will probably make smaller versions for smaller vessels also. We shall see! Get that white suit pressed and cleaned, lol
:D "

I'd be happy to Beta test those for you.....:D...make sure they work and all.

Be carefull what you ask for, first you will have to drill 18 holes in your transom,lmao Lots of wiring,lol Just kidding. I got some material local today, so will be building some this weekend. Stay tuned,lol :)


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 29, 2009
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

lol, how do you like the rgb's? :)

I love them :D! Except the controller I got with them isn't working right so I ordered a new one and it's on it's way. I'll have to get a pic up in my thread soon! They look amazing at night.


Jun 4, 2011
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

Todays pics of hard at work, or maybe not,lol Reality is about to set back in, starting a tile job monday. But it is at the marina .

Sunrise couldn't have been any better this morning. Although it did make me hit a nice size log at about 40 mph. :facepalm::eek:



Our pre-work fishing spot. Yeilded two small bass on top water plugs.


This little guy was fishing also, more efficient than us for sure.


Ohh and we got some deck boards installed to. lol


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 1, 2009
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

got me thinking about adding some RGB's to mine....SWMBO says "gee, thanks alot!!" lol

lil buggy

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 24, 2011
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

Zinger is right. Underwater rgbs? Brother I do believe you owe bsnb a set,for the idea bahaha.

As for cat fishing goes, fish creek mouths at dusk da big shovel heads come out of hiding and into the main channel to feed. You can get em on the way back in at sunrise. I use strips of spam on a floating jig head with some successes. A few lines down for cats then throw the Berkeley gulp twisters for the wite and stripped bass, who knows you may get a walleye. We were out last nite and only got 1 shovel head.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 1, 2009
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

the big boys are fun to catch, and put up a nice fight....
we mainly go for the channels cats, in the 5-8 lb range, mainly to eat...any bigger than that, they don't taste as good.

and on the river, we use cut live bait or jumbo tiger shrimp, sitting on the river bottom


Jul 9, 2012
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

What an incredible job you did on that boat. I am going to be starting a restoration on my fathers 1989 Sea Hawk 254. It won't be nearly as spectacular as yours but i am definitely going to steal some of your ideas. I love the bolsters and the hard top. Mine has the Volvo AQ 271 5.7 with a Duoprop. It has been on blocks shrink wrapped for about 12 years. One question I had that maybe you could help me with. I remember before the boat was put into storage there was a problem with the power trim. When I set it on 0 it would slowly fall to -3 and then it would hold. Is that most likely a problem with the hydraulic pump inside the boat?


Jun 4, 2011
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

What an incredible job you did on that boat. I am going to be starting a restoration on my fathers 1989 Sea Hawk 254. It won't be nearly as spectacular as yours but i am definitely going to steal some of your ideas. I love the bolsters and the hard top. Mine has the Volvo AQ 271 5.7 with a Duoprop. It has been on blocks shrink wrapped for about 12 years. One question I had that maybe you could help me with. I remember before the boat was put into storage there was a problem with the power trim. When I set it on 0 it would slowly fall to -3 and then it would hold. Is that most likely a problem with the hydraulic pump inside the boat?

Thanks man. Look forward to seeing you post some pics up in a rebuild thread. Not familiar with the Volvo motors but duo prop sounds good! Would like to have aduo prop myself.

If the trim is like mine, it has a trim pump in the stern near the batteries. It has a breaker on it and also has a screw that if loose will cause the drive to be able to be raised or lowered by hand. Its an override of sorts. Thats really all I know and I know the 1990 was a little different from the 89 and older in some ways as far as construction and mechanicals. Good luck and keep us posted. Good to see another one getting restored.


Jun 4, 2011
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

B.O.A.T, you all know what that means!! I will be busting out another couple thousand when I can for a new outdrive I think.

I hit a log the other day at about 38 mph and I think it was probably the root cause of what happened yesterday.

Clunk, clatter cluk clunk clunk clatter bump clunk clatter! :facepalm: I was cruising back to the job when it felt like the outdrive imploded. I have no idea yet what happened or if it is even the outdrive, but the motor still ran and runs, but it sounds like it is clunking visciously when in gear and some while out.???? Anyone know what could have happened. I could smell and see some liquid on the surface of water afterwards. Smelled like hydraulic fluid. Or like 90 weight out of a truck. It has been running great and there was no warning other than I hit that log.
Will be dropping it off next week at the mechanics so he can take a look at it. Haven't even talked with him yet.

Anyway, this isn't the veiw you want. towed it in with the 13 whaler.


Jun 4, 2011
Re: 1990 Chris Craft 254 Seahawk ( Refurb and upgrades)

The dock is done and it looks great and is really stout. The customer is very happy. Justs sucks my boat is broke again! Anyway, heres the pics. It was raining o us almost all day, not complaining because we desperately needed the rain, but put a damper on the pics.





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