So nothing worth taking a picture today. Clean up the garage and put back together the trim tilt system It works beautifully!!!! Then went to put it on and the stand the motor is on isn't quite big enough..... So will have to wait until later to do final assembly. Also, waiting on an order for a true Aircraft rivet gun. The one I got off Amazon isn't cutting it. So figured I would give a real one a try and see if it was truly worth it. So hopefully will have some more progress in the next week.
I also have to admit that I have wallowed a few holes.... So adding extra sealant and going to make sure to use a lot of Gulvit and maybe some truck bed liner on top to make sure I have no leaks. I have plenty of 5200 on it, but want to make sure nothing starts to leak with all the bad rivets I have... I am sure ya'll will commit on this and I welcome any. Just keep in mind, some of the walling is more figure eight then oversize hole..... I know, not my best moments, but it is what it is and moving forward. An recommendations other than going to size 1/2 to 3/4 rivets are welcomed (again not my best project moments)
On a much better note, started putting together the control box again. Updated the key control as there was some weird degradation of the case on the old one. Going to add in an emergency kill switch as this old control box doesn't have one. Once I get everything put back together, I should have pictures for ya'll.