1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

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Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

Hah!, yeah I got my innnie and outtie taken care of last month. Have to say dropping the LU on the OB and then killing all power was easier than being on my belly fishing around inside a block with a piece of wire.

My donor boat has a poly belly tank in it, I was hoping for aluminum. Let me know when you go to evil bay with the tank so I can bully in on it.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

Yah, I put the Sea Ray up on clist today, got a couple of contacts right away. I had one fella offer a trade on a snow machine. Am I a snow machine guy too? Or just a boat guy?


Oh boy Jen's gonna:fish:

(yah know what, we really need a :wifefrypansmashhead: smiley)


OK, so, I got the 350 otta the Sea Ray this afternoon. Couple of trees, a nice beefy chain, chain fall, hoisted up...

Just barely cleared that stern rail there, nice...

I was on grillen duty tonight so after I flamed up some burgers I lowered that V8 down onto the trailer and the little JD pulled her up to the garage. I woulda got some photos for you guys but it was full on dark night time. Man it gets dark so early now, rats.


Butta! Went sooper smooth, all good!



Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

Use as you see fit:


Starmada Splash of the Year 2014
Jan 12, 2013
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

So guys out there really want used up tore down old boats with no motor or drivetrain? Or is it maybe that you have real life groupies that are all waiting to jump at the chance to have their very own Jasoutside autopsy glasser. :confused:


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

Nice fellas, yah, now that I've thought on it some more, bringing home a snow machine would be a terrible idea:fear::fear::fear:

WM, yah, I priced it cheap, and just about anybody would buy it for next to nuttin. Maybe. It hasn't sold yet anyway.


OK, so headlamp on, out to the Sea Ray, transom assembly off, trim pump out.

Now that I can see everything back there, I must say...

Should I say?

I really shouldn't say....

Uh, eh......

This nasty glasser, well, really isn't all that nasty actually!


Oct 25, 2009
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

Nice fellas, yah, now that I've thought on it some more, bringing home a snow machine would be a terrible idea:fear::fear::fear:

WM, yah, I priced it cheap, and just about anybody would buy it for next to nuttin. Maybe. It hasn't sold yet anyway.


OK, so headlamp on, out to the Sea Ray, transom assembly off, trim pump out.

Now that I can see everything back there, I must say...

Should I say?

I really shouldn't say....

Uh, eh......

This nasty glasser, well, really isn't all that nasty actually!

OK really Jason, think about what you just whispered and tell me you made the coffee a little weak this morning and your not really awake!!!!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 16, 2011
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

It is a lot easier to sell a snow machine!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

OK really Jason, think about what you just whispered and tell me you made the coffee a little weak this morning and your not really awake!!!!!

Holy smokes! How did you know! Yah, I actually ran out of coffee this morning, I only had about 1/2 of the grounds I normally have in the basket, yikes! Drinking coffee at half strength is dangerous, eeegadds!!:eek:

It is a lot easier to sell a snow machine!

Not if Jen pours gasoline on it and lights it up in her rage brought on by the # of random machines hauled onto the property:rolleyes:

Last edited:


Nov 3, 2011
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

Not if Jen pours gasoline on it and lights it up in her rage brought on by the # of random machines hauled onto the property:rolleyes:

But........... in about a month when there is a nice layer of snow, you could sell it for top $$ and pickup a nice kicker motor.... maybe even an etec??? :)


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

But........... in about a month when there is a nice layer of snow, you could sell it for top $$ and pickup a nice kicker motor.... maybe even an etec??? :)

Well, it's not that nice of a machine. It's an old utility sled, really good shape though. 1986 Yamaha 340T, I think if I were an ice fisherman it would be perfect. Ah, I'm not really though. I dunno, maybe you guys can talk me into it, he says it's valued at $900. I don't know enough about sleds but I kinda feel like that's a little optimistic.
2013-07-06 01.30.35.jpg


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

You wouldn't be tempted, even for just the 'right' snow machine:

If your after a snowblower, well then maybe this ad will lead you to the snow machine of your dreams:

Do you like shoveling snow? Then stop reading this and go back to your pushups and granola because you are not someone that I want to talk to.

Let’s face it, we live in a place that attracts snow like Magnetic Hill attracts cars, only that ain’t an illusion out there. That’s 12 inches of snow piling up and, oh, what’s that sound? Why it’s the snow plow and it’s here to let you know that it hates you and all the time you spent to shovel your driveway. Did you want to get out of your house today? Were you expecting to get to work on time? Or even this week?

You gave it your best shot. You tried to shovel by yourself and I respect you for that. I did it, my parents did it, some of my best friends did it. But deep down inside, we all wanted to murder that neighbor with the snowblower who was finished and on his second beer while you were still trying to throw snow over a snowbank taller than you are.

So, here we are. You could murder your neighbour, which could ensure that you won’t need to shovel a driveway for 25 to life, but there are downsides to that too. What to do?

Here’s the deal. I have a snow blower and I want you to own it. I can tell you’re serious about this. It’s like I can almost see you: sitting there, your legs are probably crossed and your left hand is on your chin. Am I right? How’d I do that? The same way that I know that YOU ARE GOING TO BUY THIS SNOWBLOWER.

I want you to experience the rush that comes with smashing through a snowdrift and blowing that mother trucker out of the way. The elation of seeing the snow plow come back down your street and watching the look of despair as your OTHER neighbour gets his shovel out once more while you kick back with a hot cup of joe (you don’t have a drinking problem like that other guy).

Here’s what you do. You go to the bank. You collect $900. You get your buddy with a truck and you drive over here. You give me some cold hard cash and I give you a machine that will mess up a snowbank sumthin’ fierce. I’ve even got the manual for it, on account of I bought it brand new and I don’t throw that kind of thing away. Don't want to pay me $900? Convince me. Send me an offer and I'll either laugh at you and you'll never hear back from me or I'll counter.

You want a snow blower. You need a snow blower.

This isn’t some entry level snow blower that is just gonna move the snow two feet away. This is an 11 HP Briggs and Stratton machine of snow doom that will cut a 29 inch path of pure ecstasy. And it’s only 4 years old. I dare you to find a harder working 4 year old. My niece is five and she gets tired and cranky after just a few minutes of shoveling. This guy just goes and goes and goes.

You know what else? I greased it every year to help keep the water off it and the body in as good as shape as possible. It's greasier than me when I was 13, and that's saying something.

You know how many speeds it has? Six forward and two in reverse. It goes from “leisurely” slow up to “light speed”. Seriously, I’ve never gone further than five because it terrifies me. I kid you not, you could probably commute to work with it dragging you.

You know what else is crappy about clearing snow in the morning? That you have to do it in the dark. Well, not anymore! It has a halogen headlight that will light your way like some kind of moveable lighthouse (only better, because lighthouses won’t clear your driveway).

Oh, and since it’s the 21st century, this snow blower comes with an electric starter. Just plug that sucker in, push the button, and get ready to punch snow in the throat. If you want to experience what life was like in olden days, it comes with a back-up cord you could pull to start it, but forget that. The reason you’re getting this fearsome warrior was for the convenience, so why make it harder on yourself?

By this point, you’re probably wondering why I would sell my snowblower since the first snowpocalypse is upon us today. I’ll tell you why: because I heard it was time for you to man up and harness some mighty teeth and claws and chew your way to freedom, that’s why.

This is my snow blower. Make it your snow blower.

UPDATE - I assure you that the snowblower is real, and it is still available. Do not despair if you have made an offer on this glorious tribute to man's triumph over nature and I have not responded yet, your time has yet to come.


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 31, 2012
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

Pretty clean/straight looking machine.... Not sure I'd go 900, 200-250 high in my opinion, but for a trail rig or little clam hut dragger it'd be right on target for sure.....

Not enough snow down in MO...... but I do miss my old 99 Polaris RMK I had back when I lived out in MT.....


Nov 3, 2011
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

ummmm yah... $900 is a lot I would think for that machine.... used to sled 5000 miles a year and well even had an Indy 500 of the mid 90's and yah... I would agree with SMG that would seem to be about $600+ high for that old of machine.

Your call there of course! ---- but practice ducking --- the frying pan may come your way!

PS --- kiddo's would love it! I know I did when I was a kid!!!!



Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

PS --- kiddo's would love it! I know I did when I was a kid!!!!

I keep thinking about a tube being pulled by that sled in the wide open farm fields round here. That would be a riot!:becky:

Justification for that machine seems to be creeping in.....


Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

maybe you can get him to kick in a little cash and use it to pick up a helmet... not for riding it but for telling HER about it!


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

but for telling HER about it!

Good call smoke, that would hurt less. Meh, eventually she'd break through and bust my skull though.

Darn good thing I can run faster than her!:thumb::bolt:

Weep'n Willy

Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 12, 2012
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

Yea Jas, I would pass for sure on that old of a snow machine especially at that asking price. Always a bunch on cl and the local auctions in our area for way less quid and much newer. Lack of snow last year had them going for quite a low price.

At least ya got the V8 out before the snow hit. we were nice and white here yesterday.


Apr 18, 2008
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

Little story about my experience with snowmobiling (cautionary tale)...

On or about xmas 2001 I was visiting the folks in MN...I broke my clavicle on a race version of a snowmobile (SM)...buddy traded me his SM for his wife's SM when we were out riding (her's was running rough, and he knew how to get to "go") I preceded to trade...I should mention it was my 2nd time ever on a snowmobile, first time driving!...I digress his only advice was "this (pointing to throttle) works better than this (pointing at brake lever)"! After passing him sideways on a patch of ice, I vaguely remember it hitting the end of the ice and launching (at about 40mph) and landing on my left shoulder and rollin' over. After getting my faculties in order I stood up and was okay (mostly). My left shoulder hurt...I stuck my hand under my coat and moved my left arm around in a windmill motion...felt a lot of bone-on-bone action (not the cool kind). I rode back to my folks home in Redwood Falls, MN had my pops run me to the ED...after some percocet, still the worse pain I have ever felt! Broke it in 4 places...not sure what a frying pan can/could do in relation to clavicle, but I wouldn't want you to find out!

My vote...trade for the sled!!!



Lieutenant Commander
Nov 8, 2010
Re: 1983 26' Starcraft Sportfisherman 261V Rebuild

The only sled I ever owned was a 78' Artic Cat 340,...

Bout it from an old timer in the pub for a case of Hamms,....

The next day I managed to get it running, And went to a dude I know that works on old sleds looking for a replacement track for the 340,...

He offered me 100 bucks for my sled and I sold it,....

At least I made some money on the deal,....
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