Thanks for the support and advice Decker, JBC & Judge.
Happy Friday fellow boataholics! time to feed the addiction, haha
Tonight we made a few adjustments to our process and kicked up the grinding a notch. First we got a fine particulate filter bag for the shop vac. Second, while one of us ran the angle grinder the other ran the smaller cut off saw. Using the cut off saw to cut the big pieces off really sped up the angle grinding. In about 2 hours tonight with both of us going whole hog, we managed to get within sight of the end of the grinding tunnel. We basically have just the bilge area, a little on both the starboard and port sides near the back, around the top edge where the 1x board ran all the way around for the cab to screw down to and about 30 minutes of scuffing with a sanding pad left. I figure a couple of hours this weekend and the interior grinding will be done!
Next up we are going to flip her over and see what we're dealing with on the hull. Wow, it feels good to be saying that. I pretty pleased with the inside of the hull. nothing major is left to deal with. I've found no more surprises so that is good.
Here's my grinding partner working in the dust tent.
Here's a better pic of him cleaning up after we were done. This shows how serious we've been about safety in this nasty environment.
this is a close up of where the stringers go after we are done grinding off the extra glass from the original stringers. (what are these grooves called anyways?)
the area behind the side floatation box.
a look at the almost finished length of the boat!
I'm toying with getting out the video camera as we continue and pretend I'm jasoutside or Wood. At least once the really dusty stuff is done.
Ok, enough rambling for tonight. I gotta get caught up on everyone else's progress then get some rest so I can hit it again tomorrow.
see y'all soon.