1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

I think the HF blankets are better then nothing & cheap enough to hang 2X thick if 1 layer isn't thick enough to make substantial improvements.

I have my box almost completely enclosed in 2" rigid foam, floor too, so I only use 1 blanket folded in half so it's 2layers (I think)....

The bldg is usually in the mid to low 30's when I get there in the late afternoon, even when it was 20F or lower outside, and even after midnight w/ temps in the low teens, the box was @55F inside the box, w/ just 4clip lights. I choose them because I planned to leave them on 24-7, and although more likely to blow (maybe) they don't get as hot, the cords don't get hot & I'd rather run 4 of them instead of 1 500W. If for no other reason then 4 bulbs have to go to be w/ out heat.....


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 22, 2013
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

Wow. I had no idea that it got that cold In WV. But I guess it makes sense from what you learn in history about the frozen soldiers in our Countries early wars. The things that make you think. I'm with you on the whole idea of a little bit of improvement is better then nothing especially when a few degrees can really make all the difference.
Now I wish I would have just picked up those blankets when they were on their 3 day sale. Hopefully they haven't gone up to much. I guess I'll pick some up when I go get my other vent fan and duct in a few days. I had forgotten to mention that when I was there picking up my boys tool box kit I also picked up their blower motor with the attachable heating element. Not so good on that one. It does help a little but the air only maintains any degree of warmth up to about 4 feet out of the element and then begins to turn cold again. It would work really well for heating small spots from close up though just in case you guys have ever seen one and wondered how it would perform.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

That little heater in my hot box is about the same, not good in big spaces, but does keep my box warm enough overnight.

Been down to 12F a few times already at the house. In the upper elevations, winter is well upon them. Got 6-9" of snow in 4hrs+/- BEFORE Halloween in some places. A good bit is because of the somewhat mountainous area, but it's all got some elevetion.

I grew up in Louisville, KY, which is not much further south, is much flatter, and is much more temperate year after year in the winter. But it does get quite cold too. When we moved to Northern California almost 13yrs ago, Louisville didn't get above 30 at all for almost 45days. Then in late Jan, early Feb another whole round of cold arse weather.

It is colder here.........

That move ^^^ was to just north of the Golden Gate bridge, then Salt Lake City was next, and is our FAVORITE of all the places we've lived. Near east coast to west coast. By far.... Then Las Vegas & now here. :facepalm:

Look for a 10-20% off coupon via email if you'll sign up w/HF online. Blankets were $3.50 I think when I bought 2, just because :watermelon:


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 22, 2013
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

Great to know you've lived and loved it here. So you're also familiar with our extremely rapid weather and temperature changes too. I hope you guys were able to see some of our state while you were here. I swear there are some places that seem like you're on a completely different planet. And there are quite a few really great fishing and boating destination by my standards anyway. No wonder how you knew about our Great fishless lake and the colossal copper mine. You know they say you can see that mine from space. Personally, I'll beleive it when they accept me into the astronaut program and I see it for myself. I think we all know how soon that's gonna happen.:laugh:


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 22, 2013
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

Oh yeah, and on the coupon thing, you can search "hf coupon code" and just show them the code at the register on you smartphone for 25% off every single time you go there. I've done it at least 3 times. Same code and everything. I beleive its good for almost another year. They have never even questioned me once about it. Just thought I'd share that too.

banshee owner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 4, 2013
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

man i wish we had a harbor freight lol

we have princess auto almost the same but doesn't sound like it has as much as this harbor freight lol


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

Great to know you've lived and loved it here. So you're also familiar with our extremely rapid weather and temperature changes too. I hope you guys were able to see some of our state while you were here. I swear there are some places that seem like you're on a completely different planet. And there are quite a few really great fishing and boating destination by my standards anyway. No wonder how you knew about our Great fishless lake and the colossal copper mine. You know they say you can see that mine from space. Personally, I'll beleive it when they accept me into the astronaut program and I see it for myself. I think we all know how soon that's gonna happen.

Yes, in early Oct, standing in central SLC, basically, at 630a & drive up to ParkCity to work on a timber frame house & the snow is falling so heavy you can't keep up w/ the shovelling on-site & the wind is blowing it sideways to boot. Can't really see 30 or 40ft in front of you........... Yeah, weather changes often & quick.

North, East & West of SLC I've been to. Southern Utah I've only driven thru a couple times. My wife has been thru Moab & the CanyonLands though. Always wanted to make speed week @Bonneville, but never made it.... Fished some, but not a whole lot.

Good luck w/ your space quest. Might petition Richard Branson about volunteering to ride X-Ship 3....


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 22, 2013
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

Yep. Gotta love it! It's been coming down all day today as a matter of fact. Isn't really stickin too bad at the moment but the temps are dropping quick.
I went to harbor today and picked up six 72x80 packing blankets, another ventilation fan and two more sections of duct. Now I gotta install the other vent and hang the blankets. With the insulation in the garage door panels, the garage is already a bit warmer. And when I hang the blankets I will give it another temp test. I guess I will see what happens.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 22, 2010
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

I wish we would get snow.....they are predicting "freezing rain" down here instead. I would much rather have snow on the roads than the ice. Stay warm Jason.



Chief Petty Officer
Sep 22, 2013
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

Hey thanks Dan. It was 9 degrees today.:eek: 45 in the garage though with no heater. That door insulation made a huge difference.
I've watched a freezing rain storm video on youtube or something. It was dang crazy. I have to agree with you after watching that. That stuff is just plain deadly. I don't ever remember us having that happen here. Be careful out in that garbage if you have to be out moving around.
The news reports that the whole country is gonna get beat up by some enormous storm front.

On another extremely crappy note, I seriously pissed off the landlord over a pet deposit. She is very unhappy that I presented an argument instead of just keeping my mouth shut and doing what she says. She's one of those kind of people. I have a feeling we will be getting a notice. I may have to junk the project and I'm pretty discouraged about it. It's so dang flimsy with the state that it's in right now that I'm afraid moving I will distort it beyond saving. This sucks.
Sorry for venting guys!

banshee owner

Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 4, 2013
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

mhj instead of junkin it why don't you put the cap back on with your cross supports still attached it would have to be better than no cap. that is if you have to move or move the boat ect. Hopefully the landlord cools off and things are ok. I would just carry on and hope for the best.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

No need to junk it, she'll hold and keep. She's light as a feather now so you don't have to worry.

Warm weather is coming, and that's the time for boat resto anyway.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 22, 2013
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

Yeah, I guess we'll just have to see what happens. Too bad warm weather won't be here untill about April for us though. Dang. I'm have no doubt you guys will help figure out something that will work though. If I gotta get moving, maybe I can usd it to transport stuff:lol: Just kiddin. Thanks guys!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 22, 2010
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

Sorry about the flare up with the landlord....maybe she will "cool" down. I am pretty lucky with that situation - my landlord is my girlfriend. We have been together for 9+ years now and the arrangement is great. She is a lot younger than me, and since this is a family site lets keep the comments clean. :D She works during the day, I am retired, so I have most of the day to myself. I take care of everything in and around the house, and since I did my share of "field days" in the Marine's, I don't mind running a vacuum or swabbing the kitchen floor. I was getting ready to pull the Mercury off the boat next week, but with the weather I will put it on hold. Stay warm Jason. :flame:


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

Lay Low, Hunker Down, and try and ponder Sunny Days!!!! It's always darkest before the Dawn!!!! You'll feel better tomorrow.!!!:joyous:


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 22, 2013
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

Seems like a pretty good set up daniel. Thanks woodonglass. I already feel better about it. I took responsibility for my part and apologized. But to no surprise at all, I didn't get any return response of any kind at all. That's just the type of person I'm dealing with. I suppose and there is nothing else I can do about it.
So at this point I will just push forward. I still need to get that dang transom out and get the hull ground down. How far should I go with the grinding? At what point should I stop? There was some pretty extensive glass work done in there prior to what I'm doing now. There are areas where there is quite a lot of build-up and areas where it looks to be the original hull with no extra glass work layed over it at all.
Should I grind everything down to original hull if I can or just try to smooth and taper everything together? I think I am going to put a layer of glass down on the entire hull before I install any structure or transom. What do you guys think about all of that?


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

Some folks can't be appeased no matter how hard you try...if you are up to it, a little trick I have used to build new bridges and repave the road with someone who has been less than nice is to find out what their favorite food is and get them a small surprise bouquet of flowers with a gift certificate for their favorite munchies...even if you can't find out what their favorite consumable good is, a gift card to the local grocery store inside of an "I'm Soooo Sorry" card can work wonders...;)

Anyhow, as to the grinding question...
Basically getting down to good fresh glass is usually sufficient...as long as it is well adhered and opens up the pores to receive the new stuff...a quick check after grinding is to wet the area down with some acetone, and if it turns nice and clear, you are golden...

I am biased when I give my opinion on whether or not to add a layer of glass/cloth to the hull...I say Yes!
I know that it is an added expense in both cash and time, but the benefit I perceived is the incredible stiffness it added to my 'ol tub...went from feeling OK to feeling like it had a battleship's hull...

I added this layer after tabbing in all of my stringers...and wrapped it over the tops of them...and ran it all the way up to the top edge of the hull...

I also felt that doing this would allow me a little more leeway whenever I grounded my hull against the inevitable rocky shoreline or submerged tree log...:facepalm:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 22, 2010
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

Well, I ain't Doctor Phil and this sure isn't a bleeding hearts forum with Opra. While I agree partially with what Gus (GT1) suggested to do with the landlord situation, I have some unsolictied advice. One of 3 things are going to happen or are already in the process of happening.
(1) landlord has already made the decision to move you out, or
(2) she has already filed it away for future use if necessary; in other words, if you do anything else to "p**s her off, you will be gone, or
(3) she has filed it away and basically forgot about it. My humble opinion is: if you do anything additional as to apologize, gift card, sorry card, etc., you just might be moving it back out to the front burner, opening up an old wound. You might just want to let the sleeping dog lie and hope it isn't number one.



Chief Petty Officer
Sep 22, 2013
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

Hey guys. Sorry I've been gone so long. I just can't seem to dig up any time to get anything done. I'm afraid I will run out of time to have her all built up by the spring time. If not, oh well. Resources are kind of slim right now with the time of the season I guess.
As far as the other situation goes, I don't beleive I will be wasting any more energy on it.
Good to hear from you all again. It's been a while GT1M. I hope things have been going well for you. I really like your idea about running the glass over everything after the stringers etc... have been glassed in. I honestly didn't even consider doing it that way before you mentioned it. I just thought it would be easier to lay it all out before any structure was in the way. I think I'll go about it your way instead.
Tell me, would it not also be better to lay it in after the stringers and cross braces are in for the purpose of the structure having the hull in it's proper form and less prone to flex while such a large area of glass work is setting up? I hope that makes sense.
I'm just still trying to get my head wrapped around a proper plan of action.

I know I'm still a bit away from glassing the new stringers back in but I just can't seem to get past the worry of not getting them re-installed at the correct height so that the new sole is the right height for the console and forward casting deck area to bolt back down in the correct position.
I took as many measurments as I could before demo, but I have realized after the fact that there are going to be other factors that come into play upon re-installation. For example, the stringers were not beveled or cut in any manner to fit the contour of the hull. They were just glued down in a few random spots to hold them in place so they could be glassed in, and there were gaps and spots that the stringers weren't even touching the hull or backfilled at all. Just plain open space of up to about an inch or so in some spots. That alone seems to me to be a problem in the correct replacement of the stringers.
Also, the layers of glass covering the stringers and cross braces will add height to the actual peices themselves. I know, or hope at least that there will be enough room for a small amount of error when screwing these portions of the cap back down, but I would still like to hear some input from all of you on this matter. Or even if there is just a simple way to re-install all of the understructure that I just haven't thought of yet.
Thanks to all as usual!


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 22, 2013
Re: 1982 Glastron Hpv165 bass boat restoration.

It's ice fishing time too.
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