Behind in my schedule that was in my head, and over budget - so im on track for a proper build right?!
Nothing done since last weekend except a leak test today!! I was able to go to the lake 5 min down the road, and convinced a very friendly park ranger to let me in for free
. Took just a little convincing but since i was without a motor, seats, or even an oar, she let the $20 fee slide. Told her i literally need to look for leaks for 10 min.
I forgot to take pictures of the boat in the water again
, but I only found 3 leaks!! 2 leaks were from the holes i left open for my fish finder lol. The other leak was from a rivet in the bow - which was my fault. I missed pieces of an old rivet that i drilled out and set a new one in it. So its no wonder the new rivet leaked, the old rivet sharing the hole will never set right. Not bad considering we replaced over 120.
Big plans this weekend and through next week!! Paint is ordered which was actually difficult for CA - low voc is normally all you can find here. Hoping to get the following done in the next week: I plan on putting coat-it on the inside and any outside head i can with whatever's left. Then finish up the side brackets/braces, and brace the middle stringers. Also bought the foam for the inside so when coat-it is dried, the foam will go in! Going to try to fill holes with putty too.
On monday Im trashing the glasser. Got a full suit for when she gets cut up with a recip saw or chain saw. My buddy with a grapple bucket on his bobcat will load it in a dump trailer, and then shes gone. Then i can order lights and any material I need for the trailer bunks. Will have to get schooled in looking at the bearings and axle to make sure its up to par. A quick wire brush to a few rust spots then some black spray paint to finish her off. Hoping it goes quick. Will leap frog the hull onto the new trailer when Im done.
By next weekend I want to start fitting the floors, and getting the transom wrapped up. I figure once most of the floors up to the consoles and braces are in, I should have and be ready for paint. Trying to kick $&!@ into high gear and get ready for a splash. She should be functional within a month Im hoping, and hoping to have the interior the way I want not long after that. I just need time lol. Will start cracking away on stuff tomorrow!! Ive had enough inspiration from everyone else getting their projects moving haha. Time to work!! Check in again tomorrow.