1976 Tom Boy Boat, 1976 40 HP Johnson Outboard and who knows what Trailer


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Have you looked into a color laser printer? Might be an option.

I thought about it, but haven't actually priced them out yet. I do have an older laser printer, but it only prints black. However, since I make a lot of PC boards, I need that black printer to make the boards. Of course a color laser printer could suffice for that as well. I need a print driver for it so I can print to it from my laptop and avoid transferring everything to an old desk top that barely works anymore. But it isn't easy to find on the net. Still looking... It is a imagistics fx2100.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 8, 2011
Hi Gm! Amazing work on your boat! I live in Perry and just saw you are close by. Small world!


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011

Hello WOG, no I haven't try that site YET! Usually when I do find what is supposed to be the correct driver, you have to allow some "Driver" program be installed on your computer that monitors all your computer functions and then tells you when a newer version is released. And that sounds like a good idea, until you see the PRICE that they hide in the small print. I have yet found a driver that I could just download and use. But thanks for your find. I will lok it over and if good, download it. Thanks WOG, I do appreciate your looking...

Ciera2450, yes I live in Bonaire. Not very far away. We have to meet and see what the other one is doing with their boats. PM me and let's see what we can arrange.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
I'd be more than happy to download the driver and then send it to you. Send me a PM with your Email and I'll send it OR I can remote into your PC and download and install if directly on your PC.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Woodonglass, check your PM's.

Well I haven't posted any updates on the boat in a few days, and that is because I have been working on my 95 Ranger truck. I decided to replace the timing belt, idler pulley, thermostat, upper and lower radiator hoses, the radiator itself and water pump. No, I wasn't having any issues, I just thought since it is 24 years old, it would be a good idea to do that before it let me sitting on the side of the road.

I was wanting to get to the timing belt mainly do to the age. However, that belt looked like new instead of being cracked and worn. Everything went pretty well UNTIL I started filling up the new antifreeze...of course. It was coming out about as fast as I was pouring it in. So I started looking for the leak. Actually the amount pouring out, you would think it would be easy to find.

Well I would too, except if you ever worked on a 95 Ranger 2.3L 4 cylinder engine, you will know that the lower radiator hose connects to a metal intermediate pipe that "O" ring fits into the water pump. No clamps, no sealing bolts, nothing but an "O" ring to seal the two parts together. And that intermediate pipe fits through the Alternator bracket, not behind it, or even in the front of it, but right smack through it. So you can't see the pipe to water pump fitting.

Guess where the water flood was coming from? Yeah, that fitting. So I had to drain the radiator and remove the hose and bolts that held that pipe on to the alternator bracket. The "O" ring wasn't seated in place. So I set it in place and tried it again. YEA, it worked this time and everything else worked great.

Sometimes I create more problems then I fit. :facepalm:

And wouldn't you know it, I picked the absolute coldest days yea this year to do that too. :brick:

Hope to get back to the boat now... :focus:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Glad you got it fixed! Warmer tomorrow but rain again.

Yeah I hear yea. We can either have sun, wind and cold, or warm and rain. At least that it how it seems to run.

I hope to now get back to boat work again. And with the warmer weather, I can try some carpeting. I bought some Permatex spray and going to try it on some storage lids. I used the 3M spray on a small carpeted plate that holds the stick steering assembly in place. So we will see if anyone works better then the other. I still have about a gallon Dap Weldwood contact glue as well. So everything is waiting on nice warm weather.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 8, 2011
I’ve used the 3M Before with good results. Curious to see if one better than the other.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I’ve used the 3M Before with good results. Curious to see if one better than the other.

I have also used the 3M spray on a truck (yes the same Ranger extended cab truck) headliner. And after reading about heat releasing the attached pieces, my headliner is sagging in the middle with the 3M spray.

Now I don't solely blame the 3M adhesive, because the old material came off with some of the backing as well. So the remaining backing is/was iffy at best. And the glue could have worked perfectly with the backing material failing. I haven't pulled it down to see. I probably will order in a new headliner backing to install since the old one will never ever be good as new anymore. At least that is my assumption at this moment.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 8, 2011
GM, where did you source your plywood for your build? Was at Lowe’s on 96 yesterday and it appears they don’t carry the arauco ply anymore. I really liked that stuff. Was gonna try WR supply here in Perry.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 8, 2011
On my previous little boat build I used whatever outdoor carpet glue they had at Lowe’s for the deck carpet and it never had any issues up until I sold the boat. Can’t recall what brand it was.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
GM, where did you source your plywood for your build? Was at Lowe’s on 96 yesterday and it appears they don’t carry the arauco ply anymore. I really liked that stuff. Was gonna try WR supply here in Perry.

I actually tried to find arauco ply-wood with zero luck when I was needing it. Not available in middle Georgia, for you knows why!

I actually used exterior grade ply-woods. However, If I had to do it again (here we go), I would use the thinner sizes in every situation. In other words, instead of 1/2" floor, I'd use 3/8" (actually 11/32" they cleverly sell now). Instead of 3/8" I would use 1/4" ply (3/32"). Why you may wonder, because in every location, after sealing the ply woods with CSM and/or 1708 on all sides, it become so very strong and solid, you don't need the additional size or weigh. And when you are rebuilding a boat, you seem to forget about weigh until one day you wonder how heavy it is getting.

So most any box store, like Lowe's on 96, which is our favorite, just use exterior grades and you won't have any issues. Ply-wood, like BCX, or CDX, will work in most any location since it will be covered over with either polyester resin and fiberglass or epoxy and fiberglass materials.

Oh, and one very important issue, DON'T use any Pressure Treated ply-woods or any other PT wood either. The chemicals will cause issues down the road. Especially if you are rebuilding an aluminum boat. JMHO


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I have to post this. Seems mother nature likes to play with you some times.

Today the weather was quite warm, but equally windy too. It was actually in the 70's. So I decided to try and do some carpeting. I got the Permatex Spray headliner/carpet glue out and read the directions. That is itself is funny, but then I took the carpet and one of the storage lids out side to spray the glue.

I sprayed both the carpet and the lid. And wouldn't you know it, the wind came through and literally blow the carpet off the table I was working on. And as I tried to pick the carpet up, the wind blew it away again, and again, and again. But now it was on the ground with all types of dirt and leaves available to get attached to the glued carpet. And each time I reached for it, the wind blew it away again. But the real funny issue is, every time it landed with the glue side up so it didn't get anything on it. And that went on for three tries before I caught up with it and finally picked it up.

I guess mother nature was having a great time watching me frantically try to get it so it wouldn't get dirt and leaves all over it. I did finally get the carpet on the lid and it seemed to work equally as well as the 3M spray glue. It even smelled the same and looked the same. So we will see.

I did a few smaller pieces and a little painting as well. All in all a productive day with some funny moments thrown in. :laugh:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
I hate when that happens ! Like chasing your hat down the street ! :lol:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Ciera2450 AND

I hate when that happens ! Like chasing your hat down the street ! :lol:

It actually reminded me of those slap-stick comedies where they are trying to catch something and ever time they bend over to get it, it blows away again. I was actually laughing when it happened. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought someone was pulling it away just in time...

We did have some pretty high winds and the same for today as well. But the temps have dropped to mid 50's now. However, the shop is usually a little warmer and with a small heater ( not the K1 Kerosene one) I as going for more carpeting. I am going to be extremely close on having enough carpet. While I have lots of left-overs, the grain direction or one dimension doesn't cover the item I am trying to cover... DOH! :facepalm:

So at worst, I may need one or two more yards if it doesn't work out. But surprisingly, the carpet I bought years ago when, I did the bunks on the trailer, actually matched perfectly with the color and texture of the latest purchase of the same color and type. I would have never thought that would be the same. And I mean an exact perfect match too. Another lesson learned.

So if I do get some substantial carpeting accomplished, I'll post pictures for sure. Up to this point, it was merely plates and storage covers and really nothing large enough to see any real result.

I will say this, the Permatex spray does hold very well. Is it better then the 3M spray, I can't say at this point. :noidea:


Rear Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
i swear that glue is great for catching some kinda gnat too i had hundreds of them stuck to a old piece, not even sure why because i never even saw a bug when id sprayed a hour ago but the scrap was covered with them ... lol if only carpenter bees were attracted to it!


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
i swear that glue is great for catching some kinda gnat too i had hundreds of them stuck to a old piece, not even sure why because i never even saw a bug when id sprayed a hour ago but the scrap was covered with them ... lol if only carpenter bees were attracted to it!

If carpenter bees showed up and got stuck, wouldn't that be similar to a sticky tape fly trap, Or are you looking for some help with your woodwork projects? :lol:

I am sure had I tried this in the spring, when it gets warmer, I would be covered up with insects. At least that is what happens when I spray paint things in the spring.

I was wondering if I should start a separate thread for this or just ask it here. I know it has been covered before but a separate topic thread would be good as well.

Oh well, I'll do it here since it is part of the boat build.

I have a typical high current Perko Battery Selection/OFF Switch. Yes, the same one everybody else uses and talks about. My question is, how and where does most people mount them in their boats? I thought about on the transom, but the less holes drilled into the transom the better, at least in my opinion. Then I thought about mounting in in the actually battery box top. There is room, but it would be laying flat and seems more issues with water could come into play. So I ask, how and where do others mount theirs. Connecting it up is easy enough and I have no problems doing that after it is mounts. :noidea:

I started wiring up the multiple electrical circuits on the boat today. Interesting seeing the circuits come alive to figure out which wire are going where. And my plan was to label each wire with it's label to identify where they go. And everything was going great...until I went for the clear shrink tube to shrink over the labels. I have too big a diameter size, even after shrinking, and had to stop. I ordered the correct size for those wire, but I can't go and wire up anything until it comes in. I printed all the labels but still have to wait. Always something. :ballchain:

Hope I get some feedback on the Perko switch issue... :decision:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 8, 2011
Somewhere the switch is easy to get at and makes wiring convenient at the same time. If you decide the transom, I have some starboard you can have and glue that to transom and then screw the switch into that.