1976 Tom Boy Boat, 1976 40 HP Johnson Outboard and who knows what Trailer


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Thanks jbuote for the nice words. I hope I can put this issue to rest shortly and flip it as well. It seems everything that I think will take just an hour or two turns into weeks. But then I have to admit, other work turns schedules into Chaos so many times. If I actually did the boat work and nothing else, this project would have been over years ago. But as usual, life does get into the way and changes things on the fly. But It will get finished soon....I hope! :eek:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 17, 2016
OH I understand!
​I have my first boat, and I JUST got the engine running almost 2 weeks ago... I have to put my reg numbers on her, double check a little wiring, and then I can float her for the first time.. BUT.... Life happens.. Haven't been able to do anything with her for the last week and a half to 2 weeks..

​MIne isn't a rebuild, but I'll get there... And I sure KNOW you will too!! hehe..


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Okay I have some good news and some equally stupid news today. And sadly pictures to back both up. :eek:

I think it is disingenuous to only post good picture about boat refurbishing and not the pictures that just didn't work out as planned. So I like to posts the stupid pictures so others can see what really happens building boats.

First the good pictures. As some of you know, I was really unhappy with the "orange peel" I got when I shot the clear coat a few weeks ago. And that is because of a few things I did wrong. I shot regular hardener on a really hot day and the clear coat over-spray was hardening as it hit the hull, well almost. There were other issues as well. So I wet sanded the hull to get the orange peel smoothed out before polishing with 3M polishing compounds. BUT, I couldn't sand the orange peel level. It was that bad. I switched from 2000 grit to 1500 grit and tried, then 1200 grit, then 1000 grit and the orange peel still wasn't gone. I finally used a Scotchbite pad on a 1/4 sheet palm sander and really went to it. That did work but also cut through the clear and paint to the primer at a few places. Nothing big, but I was going to have to touch that up now.

Well out came the touch up airbrushes and the black paint again. After pouching up those spots, it was time to clear coat the center section again. No problem, I taped off the outer sides and got everything ready to go. Since it was merely the center section, I thought I had enough clear to cover it. I mixed up the clear and hardener and when to spraying.

I was extremely pleased with the results I was seeing and I honestly couldn't ask for anything better. This IS the way it should look. Here are those pictures;

Clear Coat 2 (1).JPG
This is the new clear coat finish. And this isn't even polished yet as well. The flow is nice.
Clear Coat 2 (2).JPG
I can't say enough about this finish. This is what I was wanting all along. The extra work is paying off.

You can see how I taped off both sides to only re-coat the center section.

Now here comes the stupid part. Once again I ran out of material. :eek:

Oh I have enough clear coat material, but I ran out of hardener. And that seems odd since the mixture is 4:1, four parts clear coat to 1 part hardener. I should have had enough for the rest of the quart or clear. I even use the PPG store's mixing cups that are clearly marked for each part. So I can't figure it out. But no, I was out. Here you can see.
Clear Coat 2 (3).JPG
Here you can see where I ran out.
Clear Coat 2 (4).JPG
And this has yet to be cleared
Clear Coat 2 (5).JPG
Here is a little easier to see what was cleared and what isn't. And the sad part about it is, the PPG paint store isn't open on Saturdays. So I cleaned the gun and everything else up and STOPPED! What else can I do...wait until Monday to get more materials. :eek: :help: :tsk: :violin:

Some times it is like :deadhorse: :frusty:

But it is reality. All I can do now is :pound:

You would think that after painting so many things, I would know if I had enough material on hand. This is getting too common place with me. :doh:

So I wait once again. But I can tell you, I will have enough material when I get back at it. :eagerness:

Until next time, you all have a great day and don't do anything like I do. You've been warned! :pound:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
It happens ...Frustrating but prolly more common than ya think ...


Vice Admiral
Sep 12, 2009
yep I "streched" the paint on fugglys trailer.......not a good thing but I was pregnant and just ran with it. In your case a little sanding and your off to the races! The part you got sprayed does look really nice!


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Yes guys I am giving birth to a catamaran.......its painful at times lol

Okay, I hope everything comes out alright. Whooooo.

And I thought my paint issues were problems. Some times you need to put things into perspective. :pound:

Sorry Arch, I just had to. :smile:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
When it rains it pours. Well at least that is what has been happening here since I ran out of clear coating materials last Saturday.

Monday I bought more then enough clear coating supplies to finish the hull. And I even found out that the PPG auto paint store I do business with told me if I ever run out of supplies again and they are closed (Saturdays and Sundays), to call him on his cell phone number, and he will meet me at the store to get whatever I needed, or even bring it to my house. I told them I couldn't do that for a mere can of hardener. But he insisted to call him even for a can of hardener if I ever need it. Nice people to say the least. And they go beyond everything to make sure I get what I need.

Anyway, since that time, it has rained here everyday, and I mean raining hard too for most of the day. So no clear coating until maybe tomorrow at best, if the rain stops.

Some times it seems like something doesn't want me to finish this boat project. :noidea: But I will continue, being this close now.

I do have one other issue as well. Seem some birds have taken up nesting under the flipped hull now. When I start sanding the orange peel, about a minute into sanding, with the boat move as well, birds exit the hull from underneath and fly to the trees. And this has been going on now for some time. So I may have to relocate some nest once I flip it back over. :noidea:

Who said rebuilding a boat wasn't interesting? :eek:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2012
I hope you don't have to relocate some eggs too. That would be no fun with the birds dive bombing you.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I hope you don't have to relocate some eggs too. That would be no fun with the birds dive bombing you.

Yea I know ll about dive bombing from other birds.

When I was still working, for a salary anyways, we had this small tree just outside the building along side the walk. And every spring season birds nested in the small tree 15 foot tree and everybody was dive bombed walking in to the building and out. It became so bad that the send out a building wide memo to be careful when leaving the building because of the birds.

So I may have to crawl under the boat and see where they are and how I can accommodate them first. No reason to disturber them for a boat.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 31, 2013
Excuses Excuses, first snow, then rain, then excessive heat, missing a little hardener, and now birds? :facepalm::pound:

Oh wait there's no snow were you live. :drum:

The birds just want first dibbs on a new bird house shaped like an overturned boat :angel:


Just saying you do great work :flame::first:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Ha, If I didn't have excuses what would I blame my laziness on. :noidea:

You have no idea how badly I want this boat project to be finish now. It is holding up a ton of other projects. But I have to still do it when the weather is right...and the moon and planets are aligned up correctly as well. :eek:

Sunny today, and hopefully I get to spray this afternoon. We will see. :whistle:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Okay I did finish the clear coating now. And here is proof.

FInal Clear (1).JPG
Yes this is the final...hopefully. And I haven't even remove the tap yet either.
FInal Clear (2).JPG
Just another shot to make sure it is done.
FInal Clear (3).JPG
And I reshot the transom. That never hurts either.

At this time, I am not sure I will do any wet sanding and buffing being how this center section will never be seen unless somebody wants to crwl under the boat on the trailer or even in the water.

I just hope the fishies like it. That is my only hope to possibly catching any.

So now I will allow it to thoroughly cure and remove the taped off material and see what I got. Has to be better then the orange peel from before, and It honestly does thus far. I can't see any orange peel. But again, we will see.

So maybe a flip soon? :noidea:

OH, I did have another bird fly out from under the hull while wiping the hull down before shooting the clear. :eek:


Sep 2, 2014
Any birds left during the clearing process were flying higher than any set of wings have ever taken a bird before. :-D


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Any birds left during the clearing process were flying higher than any set of wings have ever taken a bird before. :-D

Well they didn't inhale any clear coat material, but they could have inhaled Acetone. I am going to have to crawl under the hull now and see what they constructed. If there don't have any eggs, I will move their nest to some good place and flip the hull back over. If they did lay eggs, I may wait until they all hatch and move on. :noidea:

Well I don't think they inhaled any clear coat. They didn't look bright and shiny anyway. :facepalm:


Sep 2, 2014
Well they didn't inhale any clear coat material, but they could have inhaled Acetone. I am going to have to crawl under the hull now and see what they constructed. If there don't have any eggs, I will move their nest to some good place and flip the hull back over. If they did lay eggs, I may wait until they all hatch and move on. :noidea:

Well I don't think they inhaled any clear coat. They didn't look bright and shiny anyway. :facepalm:

Haha, they probably saw everything as bright and shiny.

I think my FIL's robins were hatched out already but now I can't remember :-/


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Looks great Gm !
I see a flip in the near future !!!
I had to wait for some birds to hatch while working on the ODK ...They finally did but I didn't see them ever fly ..l hope my lab didn't get em ...