Okay a little more update material. Well I did wet sand as previously stated, and today I did the buffing. And a few things cropped up. But nothing that can't be remedied.
The areas that wet sand good came out looking pretty good after the buff. But there were a few areas that are going to need another round of wet sanding to remove a lot of orange peel issues. So a little more with those areas and then another buff for those areas and I am calling finished.
I started out with 3M Ultrafine number 3 polishing compound 39062. And the blue foam pad on a Makita buffer set to 1500 RPMs per the 3M instructions. And it was amazing to see that shine pop through. But like I said, a few areas received some over-spray and need additional wet sanding yet. I also realized I didn't have enough polishing media to do the entire hull.
So when we went out for lunch, I dropped by the PPG auto paint store and bought some more. But I bought one step gritter, 3M Ultrafine number 2 (39061), Instead of 3M Ultrafine number 3 (39062), Works pretty much the same way, just a little more cutting ability.
This area was just buffed and really looks nice. The junk on the right upper side is some splatted compound. It does that when buffing.
Here is one side after the buff. Not too bad. I only wish the entire hull looked as good. But sadly there is more work to do yet.
Here is a closer shot of the side so you can see the different color and how they came out. Again, I only wish the entire hull look like this.
This is a interesting shot. It shows the side that has just been buffed and the transom that hasn't been touched yet. You can obviously see the different.
Here is the bow area. It came out nice as well. Still has some partials to brush off, but not too bad.
And this is the other side buffed.
And I am showing this shot so you all can see an area that still needs additional wet sanding. Not all that junk is orange peel. Most of it is from partials that sling around when buffing. But it still needs work. So after my arms rest for a while, I will be back at it. But the arms are screaming "I need a long break". And I think I will listen to them.
Until next time, you all have a great day.