I decided to post a few POLLEN pictures of what we are dealing with here in middle Georgia. It really isn't anything unusual other then a lot earlier this year. But I now have to wash the hull before I can add the remaining paint. Again, not a huge issue, but still one other thing to work around.I can' wash it too much before I am wanting to shoot paint, because it will pollen up again.

You just never know this time of the year what the weather is going to be. Yesterday we had 30 degrees in the morning and then up to near 70 in the afternoon. And pretty much the same for today. But with wind, you get pollen. So luckily the base paint dries in about 5 to 10 minutes max. However, the clear coat is another story. I need about an hour or more for that to cure so the pollen won't stick.

Now I could get that pattern even if I tried. Once everything comes together, I will be painting again.
To bad I don't like this color pattern, it would be near finished now. :facepalm: