Here are examples of pin holes on this boat before and after I filed them using the lacquer spot putty and razor blade. These holes are pretty much on the front half of the boat. So whoever was doing the mold up that day didn't do something right, or merely didn't care. IDK.
Yea, I know, not the best picture but the next one will show the holes a lot better.
Still a little hard to see because the auto-flash took over. But this gives an idea what I am dealing with. You can actually see the little holes after I used the spot putty and razor blade.
Some more. I can tell you, if you were to go to paint them, they certainly will show through without a doubt. That much I do know.
And still more. They are scattered all over the hull in the front. And this is after two good coats of high build primer. So obviously they are too big for primer to fill them with out other fill methods.
Looks like a serious rash, doesn't it.

But the red spot putty does show them up very well. If I use 400 wet, they seem to fill and level.
And some larger ones that I should have caught when doing the regular fillers. So that is now my main goal. Then on to tape off and paint.
I don't think any body would ignore them and paint over them. But then again I honestly don't know either. Some folks wouldn't mind, and maybe I shouldn't either, but I do. OCD maybe? :noidea: