1976 Tom Boy Boat, 1976 40 HP Johnson Outboard and who knows what Trailer


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Good job on the generator ! Hopefully the neighbors can go and have a nice camping trip now !


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Hey , just noticed you have not pinned yourself on the members map yet .. Just clicked on it to see how full it has gotten .... Really stating to fill up ! :joyous:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Yea, I haven't gotten to it yet. Seems I get going on other things and forget about it and log off and on to other things without marking it. I guess that is part of the old age thingy. :noidea:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Okay, Seems I was able to stumble through pinning the map. It wasn't as intuitive as I thought, but I did manage...I think. :noidea:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Yep your in there ... About 2.5 to 3 hrs north of me and about an hour or so west of my bosses hunting camp ..


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Yep your in there ... About 2.5 to 3 hrs north of me and about an hour or so west of my bosses hunting camp ..

I use to hunt all over middle Georgia, but haven't hunted for a decade or more now. It got to be more trouble then it was worth. Too many folks and so little land. And it didn't matter what hunting club I jointed, there was always members fighting about something. I go/went hunting to relax and see nature and IF an opportunity comes by, then so be it. But that wasn't my first goal as a hunter.

While I was extremely good/lucky as a hunter, I like fishing better because of the quiet surroundings while enjoying the outing. And nobody messes with your fishing equipment either! :smile:

Sam, sounds like you are in Florida if you are 2.5 to 3 hours south of me. I'll have to check your pinned map location out. Have a grand day... :thumb:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Strange as it may seem, I did get to work on my boat yesterday. A rare thing lately it seems. I am once again working on the rod boxes and have cut more plywood parts for it. I hope today to get some of the bulkheads installed and waterproofed too. I also drilled the four holes to support the front of the fishing rods when installed in the rod boxes.

I took four 22" long 1 1/2" thin-wall PVC and drilled holes to accommodate them into one of the forward bulkheads for the rod boxes. That way the fishing rods will not get all tangled up in the rod box. I think we all have been there. :facepalm: I still need to drill the holes and install the PVC tubing to fit the actual control cables and electrical wires to and from the engine that will fit below the rod box floor section yet. I also cut the flooring sections for the boxes as well, and some of the top sections. But I have run into a little problem.

While it doesn't seem that problematic, I am having an issue as to where to place the two front stainless steel cup holders. My initial idea was to install them in the top area of the rod side compartments. However, the very area I allotted for them is exactly where the Engine controls and stick steering hardware has to install. So I have to improvise now.

I guess I will have to rethink that for a little time and come up with something that looks good and functions well. Some times those two issues are hard to do when available real estate is limited. I mean this is a 14' boat after all. I'll post some pictures to tell this issue better.

You all have a marvelous day... :thumb:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Paint it white and drill some ventilation holes and you may have a winner ! ;)


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Paint it white and drill some ventilation holes and you may have a winner ! ;)

Yea Sam, but it could get in the way of my casting techniques. :noidea: Some times I can get really wild with my back load-up with the rod... It is way better to stay very far away when I have a fishing rod in my hands. :eek:

I do have a little story about that, that is honestly a true story as well. I think I may have posted this once before, but for those of you that haven't read it, here goes.

Back a few decades ago (many even longer now IDKE) I had a 12 foot "V" bottom little FeatherCraft boat. It was nice but really wasn't meant for more then about two maybe three people at the most. Well I asked this guy if he wanted to go fishing with me. His response was yes. So I drive to his house that next morning and low and behold the entire family was standing there with all their fishing equipment. Yes the guy, his wife and TWO kids. My heart sank but I just didn't have the heart to tell them they couldn't go. So we all got into our vehicles and off to the lake.

Somehow we manage to all get into the little boat. Yes sardines comes to mind now. Well I was fishing for large mouth bass and they were fishing for anything that would bite. Those two issues really don't mix well, especially in such tight places and a mere 12' boat. So we are going down the little channel that feeds the lake and I was throwing a Carolina rigged Mann's 6" grape jelly worm. And is seems they didn't like where I was fishing and tried paddling away from that area. So each cast got further and further away. So still wanting to work that area, I reared back and really tried with all I had to sling that worm to the area and as I came forward, the rod stopped quickly. I mean a dead stop. I couldn't figure out what was wrong, so I looked at the line and turned to see what was wrong. Well this guys wife had that Mann's 6" grape jelly worm hanging from her forehead with the 1/0 Blue finished Tru-turn hook totally embedded into her head. Everybody was deadly quite, and I thought for a second and said "If you wanted a jelly worm, you could have asked"! That was the last time I had the entire family waiting to fish ever again. Some times things work out for the better... :facepalm:

Sequence of events! I have to wonder does anybody else ever get into situations where you have to build this before you can built that? I mean I want to build these rod boxes and would love to build them out of the boat and then simple PB them in place and tab them. However, seem everything has to be done before I can do that. And the rod boxes have to be in place to build other things concerning them. I have to run the PVC tubing to accommodate the engine shift controls and engine wiring harness to the helm section, but I also want to mix and pour foam in the lower sections as well. And then install the top flooring section and the cut outs for the lids and such. It is one of those catch 22's. You have to do this before that, but this has to be done before you can do something else. I know confusing, But Seems things are not always so easy to figure out and do. So I will strive on and will work the sequence out some how.

Cup holders are not the initial problem anymore. I think I have figured them out now. They will stand a little proud of the side boxes, but not look too silly when finished anyway. I really need to get moving because once I have the rod boxes and front platform installed, it is flip the hull and start the prep work for the paint. And honestly I am seriously wanting to do that. ..soon too!


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Okay a little picture less progress to report today. Seem the weather has turned cool with highs in the mid 60's and with rain. But I did manage to get some things moving again on the boat project. I removed the starboard rod box wood mockup and water proofed all the wood now with CSM and poly. It did stink in the closed shop. but I was only in there for about 30 minutes. Long enough to get enough vapors though. I need to use the 3M vapor respirator again when polying. :faint2: And since both starboard and port sides are merely the mirror image of each other, I can quickly cut the bulkheads and get that side ready as well now.

I also started to LAZER cut the different panels I will be using for the different electrical panels on the boat. I start out using Visio Pro for the initial design, but then have to transfer them to CorelDraw so I can use the LAZER Engraver. The designs have to be vectored and rastored to be printed on the material. CorelDraw allows that to happen. However, the difference between the Visio Pro program and the CorelDraw program is night and day. So when I transfer the design, I have to rework it some to allow it to be LAZERed. I know some are thinking, why don't you just design in CorelDraw. And that is a very good question. The reason is, I can design using my laptop while watching TV in the great room nightly, while the CorelDraw isn't installed on the laptop. It is installed on the desktop by the LAZER Engraver. So I work around the issue. AND I know Visio Pro inside out, while CorelDraw not so much. To accomplish things from one program to the other, I have to really concentrate hard because the operations are totally different. What groups items in one program doesn't in the other. What aligns things in one, is opposite in the other. Aren't computer programs wonderful. :facepalm:

But I've been swapping programs so long now that it will all work out in the end.

I'll post pictures after more is accomplished.

So until next time, everybody have a wonderful day... :thumb:
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Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Well a little update and some good news as well. I know some of you have read about the Onan Genset 4000 I was working on for my really sick neighbor. Well today (this morning) I was able to reinstall that very heavy generator (~300lbs), with help, back up under the RV. It had to be raised up using a few specially placed screw jacks and a lot of muscle. Okay, leverage type muscle. We got it all connected up after a few hours and WALA, press the button and running...perfectly. So I checked the AC outlets in his RV and 118VAC @ 59.59HZ. Even his RV Air Conditioner worked perfectly as well. So after much head scratching and days of trouble shooting, job complete. I can't tell you how much that job took to complete. Seems everything had to be clean and/or rebuilt to get it operating again. :dance:

I just hope the neighbor can get a few more outing in his RV before he has to stop that too. He can't drive it anymore, heck he barely can walk presently, but his wife can drive it. He is now wheelchair bound and of course 24/7 Oxygen as well. So they now have plans to go again before winter sets in. The repaired Onan Genset 4000 generator allows them to run his Oxygen generator machine even if they don't have standard AC hookup where they go, as his backup oxygen supply.

AND, I managed to get the rod boxes on their way pretty well also. I am now finishing up the lid layouts for them. Pictures will of course be posted soon. So all in all, a very productive day. :smile-new:

Until next time, you all have a truly thankful day... :thumb:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Quick question for the knowledgeable folks on here. I have a few items I need to seal/glue into place and I bought 3M 5200 sealer/glue for such things. How long does it take to cure/dry and will it work on cooler plastic materials as well? I have never ever used 3M 5200 before :facepalm: and therefore have zero knowledge about its usage. :noidea:


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
LIke What??? 5200, depending on the conditions, can take up to a week to fully cure. It's extremely messy and IMHO a PITA to work with. It is however, a very good adhesive in most cases. Having said all that, there are a lot of other good adhesives too. Depending on the application. Sooo...Again What are you wanting to do specifically??