Daily update...again... who knows when these will slow up now...:noidea:
Okay, today, after coming home from the dentist having my theethy's cleaned...Ouch! I managed to install the last floor section with the PB mixture. So far not one screw or fastener holds this together. BUT, when that PB cures, I can't ever see this floor coming out again without cutting and grinding it out...And I certainly don't want to have to do that again.

Now I have to fillet and double tab it next... YEA! I am thinking about what Sam did with reversing the 1708 to allow the CSM showing for a smoother look. Any problem anybody see with doing that? :decision: If so please let me know...now!
Here are some pictures for verification...

As you can see I used five concrete blocks as my hold downs until the PB cures.

You can see the black tubes sticking out seems like everywhere. But they are placed to help me wire up everything I could think of before hand. And the tubes on the sides stick out longer then the others. That is because those tubes are for the rod boxes coming yet on both sides of the hull and they have to go to the top of the boxes. And since the lower section of the rod boxes will be filled with mix and pour foam too, I had to make sure they were long enough...

Here is a rear to front shot. You can see the floor and the tubes. The tubes in the center of the floor are for the two seat boxes and the live well. I mean I need lights in those places as well just in case I ever do catch another fish. :facepalm:

And this is something I almost forgot to predrill. It is for the trolling motor wires. There are four holes (for lack of a better word) that will wire both the trolling motor from the battery AND wires to go back to the battery switch at the transom so if I every get stuck with a dead battery, I can use the trolling motor to crank off. So I drilled out an ovalish section, and then polyed a backer plate after waterproofing it and then drilled access holes for the wires. I can remove that access plate and stick my arm underneath if need be to work on the wires... I mean who knows. The access plate will be actually in the front seat box where the trolling motor battery will sit. As much as I tried to plan everything out. I know from past experiences something will crop up that I forgot. It always works out that way.
Tomorrow I will start with fillets and then tabing everything down. But I think the real work is behind me now. That floor was a long time coming and tons of hours of thinking and planning and preparation. I am amazed it actually fit and is level myself. Math surely helped this project out...
Until next time, you all have a wonderful evening... :thumb: