1976 Tom Boy Boat, 1976 40 HP Johnson Outboard and who knows what Trailer


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
GM, Good On Ya Man!!! I truly think the Good Lord intended for us to Help each other everytime we get the chance. I'm certain it WILL come back to you!!! I'm also certain that when it comes Pour time for the foam, you'll be Glad you made the holes larger!!!;)


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
GM, Good On Ya Man!!! I truly think the Good Lord intended for us to Help each other everytime we get the chance. I'm certain it WILL come back to you!!! I'm also certain that when it comes Pour time for the foam, you'll be Glad you made the holes larger!!!;)

Ha Thanks WOG, I hope you didn't take offense to my comment about enlarging the holes. It was merely poking fun then anything else. If I didn't trust or respect your opinion, I certainly would wait to PD the floor and redrilled them larger. I honestly think I am there now to PB the floor. It took some time to get to this point. And for some strange reason, it also seems like a turning point for the project as well. So many things are waiting for me to secure the floor now... If I can get the heat to corporate, I can get'r done! :thumb:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Gm , it's very kind and caring of you to help your neighbor out when he needs it the most . The world needs more folks like you ! You'll get to the boat soon enough .. Hopefully it will cool off a bit for ya !


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Okay another daily update...YEA! :smile:

Back a few days ago I told you all I was working on something and if it worked out good I would post it on here. Well It did work out pretty good and here it is. Nothing Earth shattering but it did help me out. For some strange reason every time I PB anything, I seem to get more on me then on the project. I tried zip lock bags and all those things. And while they did give me some control, by the end I had it all over me as well. So I thought, what if I could control the PB effort without getting it on me. And then it hit me. I though about using a caulking gun. I figured if I could clean out a all plastic caulk tube and fill it with PB, I could control it better. And so that is what I did. I took a used (don't ask me how much I had to clean out though) White Lightening 3600 Caulk tube. And since it is water clean up, it really wasn't that bad to clean it out like new. I then filled it with PB and started to apply it. And not only was I able to control the amount, but the fillet size as well. SO everything works pretty well with one exception. Seems those tubes only hold so much. So I had to refill mid job. But since I mixed a .75% mixture it all worked out nicely. Here are some pictures.
Floor pb1.JPG
Here is the tube I used with the back cap/plug all clean up.
Floor pb2.JPG
Floor pb3.JPG
you can see it cleans up like new... no latex caulk remaining.
Floor pb4.JPG
And here is picture proof I did PB one section of the boat floor down.
Floor pb5.JPG
If you can tell, the side filet is looking nice as well. I did use a plastic flat spatula to finish it off though.
I guess I need to celebrate for PBing one section down now. Been a long time coming.
I will most certainly finish this up tomorrow when the heat is under a million degrees in the morning...

Okay you all have a magnificent day! :thumb:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011

That figures. I knew I couldn't be the first to thing about that with all these project boaters on here... Well maybe next time... Amazing to see they want $10 dollars and shipping for four empty tubes though. You can buy the tubes cheaper then that filled. And if you have some homes being built around your area like we constantly do here, you can pick up the empty ones for ZERO. Throw them in some water and let them soak and clean them out easily. I wonder if they make plastic tubes in the larger tubes I see available. I think the larger ones are 20oz size. The normal ones are 10oz sizes. That would allow you more material to PB with....Ummmm


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I have to post this because it is so stupid that I can't get over it. Yesterday I posted how I used the caulking tube gun setup with the PB mixture to lay one section of the floor in my boat. Now for the unbelievably stupid part. I always mix such PB outside on the saw horse table. And I carry everything out there for the mixture. Well brainiac, didn't close up the pals of Cabisol and 1/4" chopped strand fiberglass and forget all about them until easily this morning when I woke up around 3 am in the morning to make a bathroom run. And it RAINED yesterday after I was finish in the shop. So now I have ruined Cabisol and 1/4" chopped glass. I lost about a 1/5th of a pal of Cabisol (I knew I needed more and already bough it, months ago) and about a pound of chopped glass. I need to buy more of that immediately. I must be getting older and certainly forgetful it seems... Is It possible to be that stupid? :frusty: :crazy: :stupid: :rant: :doh:


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Just being human .. It happens to all of us . Take your mind off of something for 2 minutes then ya end up with wet cabosil ! :lol:
You could always cut up your own if you don't want to wait for more chopped glass to come in .. ;)


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Just being human .. It happens to all of us . Take your mind off of something for 2 minutes then ya end up with wet cabosil ! :lol:
You could always cut up your own if you don't want to wait for more chopped glass to come in .. ;)

Yea Sam, I was just thinking about doing that as well. I have lots of CSM and can take a few minutes and cut enough to do a lot of mixes and move on. Thanks for the ideas though. I still can't believe I was stupid enough to do that. As many times as I mixed up PB now, not once did I forget the materials outside. You can bet it won't happen again... :doh:


Jul 11, 2014
gm, a few months back I did the same thing with a 5 gallon bucket of resin. It sits on my table behind the boat in my home made bucket pourer. I poured some in a small container and left the lid off the bucket. Unfortunately it was at the far edge of the table where the tarp ends on the canopy above me and it rained that night. I did the same thing, woke up early and it just popped into my head "You dummy you left the screw top off the resin". Sure enough about a cup of rain water got down inside the 4+ gallons I still had in the bucket. Thank fully water and resin don't mix and the water was sitting on top of the resin. I was able to siphon off the water and it all worked out. So your not alone in that forgetful boat there, a bunch of us in there with you.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
gm, a few months back I did the same thing with a 5 gallon bucket of resin. It sits on my table behind the boat in my home made bucket pourer. I poured some in a small container and left the lid off the bucket. Unfortunately it was at the far edge of the table where the tarp ends on the canopy above me and it rained that night. I did the same thing, woke up early and it just popped into my head "You dummy you left the screw top off the resin". Sure enough about a cup of rain water got down inside the 4+ gallons I still had in the bucket. Thank fully water and resin don't mix and the water was sitting on top of the resin. I was able to siphon off the water and it all worked out. So your not alone in that forgetful boat there, a bunch of us in there with you.

WOW Mark, That surely would have been expensive if it did mix. Glad you were able to rescue you resin... I should have known better but obviously I didn't. But all is well. I think I may have ruined about $10 to $15 dollars worth of material, $20 at the most! So I will have to just eat that lost and buy more... Not the end of the world, just that it could have been avoided if I had just thought. :facepalm:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
OMG I have to post this because I can't believe it myself. As I stated I left both the Cabisol and chopped 1/4" fiberglass containers out yesterday. And I know for certain it rained. Not a huge down pour but rain all the same. And I thought about it in the middle of the night and thought all was lost. However, I just went out to survey my huge mistake, and for some strange reason neither of them were even a little wet. Not one drop of water in them at all. Even their tops were bone dry without even a little moisture evidence. So with the exception of a few leaves because it was actually under larger trees, I guess the trees soaked up the rain. Either way, that was a huge unexpected surprise to me... Maybe somebody was looking out for me after all... I'll take it... Whoo Hoooooo... :bounce:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Daily update...

I manage to get the second section installed today and it went pretty well too. I didn't use the caulking tube only because I didn't clean it out and now the polyester is HARD and it will not clean up again....oh well. But I did switch back to the zip-lock type plastic bag with the corner cut out and made another pastry bag applicator. It works like usual. Pretty good until I get to the end and then it gets iffy to squeeze the remainder of the PB mixture out. But it all worked out nicely. You can see the black tubes sticking up through the floor. Those are there for the wiring later on. One more section and the floor is in... :whoo: Floor pb-7.JPG

Since the floor fits so well I didn't use any screws or mounting hardware. Just a few concrete blocks and it sealed up like magic. Those blocks are a little heavy though. You can see all the wiring black tubes coming out of the floor as well as a few cross tubes to go from the helm controls to the other side of the hull.
Floor pb-8.JPG

The odd shaped hole in this second section is there for the live well drain and inlet for the aerator and outlet drain tube. The other holes are for the mix and pour foam... Floor pb-9.JPG

One last section yet to PB in. But before I do, I may cut an access slot for the trolling motor battery wires. That way I could get under the floor is need be... IDK yet! :noidea:

Well until next update, you all have a beautiful day... :thumb:
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Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
GM, I've been sitting here this morning ADMIRING the quality of your craftsmanship!!! It truly is nice to see this. I was thinking that back in the days of our grandfathers this was the norm. Not so much today. If it were, we wouldn't be doing these restorations as much. The thought and detail that you're putting into your work, for some, is above and beyond what's necessary, but in the big scheme of things, it really IS the way it should be done. Pride in your work and doing things right IS what it's all about. I commend you sir!!!! I find myself "Getting in a hurry" far to often at times and sacrificing Quality at times and then I see work like yours and it humbles be and reminds me to STOP and SLOW DOWN and do it RIGHT!!!!




Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
GM, I've been sitting here this morning ADMIRING the quality of your craftsmanship!!! It truly is nice to see this. I was thinking that back in the days of our grandfathers this was the norm. Not so much today. If it were, we wouldn't be doing these restorations as much. The thought and detail that you're putting into your work, for some, is above and beyond what's necessary, but in the big scheme of things, it really IS the way it should be done. Pride in your work and doing things right IS what it's all about. I commend you sir!!!! I find myself "Getting in a hurry" far to often at times and sacrificing Quality at times and then I see work like yours and it humbles be and reminds me to STOP and SLOW DOWN and do it RIGHT!!!!



WOG, thanks so much for the extremely kind words. But you sir have set the bar so high that it is the standard for all of us to shoot for. So I see your efforts and accomplishments as my goal. The real reason for my slow progress isn't so much about thinking or quality effort as it is haven't ever done anything like this before and trying to be careful to not make any HUGE mistakes. We all obviously make mistakes. In fact I make enough for two or three people all by myself. But I try my best to keep them to a minimum... :facepalm: I do like watching other folk's projects and certainly do read tons of them as well. My saying is, everybody has something to offer regardless their experience. Maybe not directly some times, but surely makes you think enough to see some new or better way to try things. I will say this, metal work is easy, because if you mess up, you weld on more material and machine it again (some times ?). Fiberglass is similar because if you mess up, poly more material on and sand it down again. Woodworking is the only material that is not forgiving. Make a cut too short, and you have to replace that piece (if it is a furniture piece). So different hobbies are similar but also have their unique differences enough to keep them interesting... Either way I enjoy this new challenge. Thanks again WOG I do appreciate the accolades and keep watching... :thumb:


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Daily update...again... who knows when these will slow up now...:noidea:

Okay, today, after coming home from the dentist having my theethy's cleaned...Ouch! I managed to install the last floor section with the PB mixture. So far not one screw or fastener holds this together. BUT, when that PB cures, I can't ever see this floor coming out again without cutting and grinding it out...And I certainly don't want to have to do that again. :eek: Now I have to fillet and double tab it next... YEA! I am thinking about what Sam did with reversing the 1708 to allow the CSM showing for a smoother look. Any problem anybody see with doing that? :decision: If so please let me know...now!
Here are some pictures for verification...
Floor pb10.JPG
As you can see I used five concrete blocks as my hold downs until the PB cures.
Floor pb11.JPG
You can see the black tubes sticking out seems like everywhere. But they are placed to help me wire up everything I could think of before hand. And the tubes on the sides stick out longer then the others. That is because those tubes are for the rod boxes coming yet on both sides of the hull and they have to go to the top of the boxes. And since the lower section of the rod boxes will be filled with mix and pour foam too, I had to make sure they were long enough...
Floor pb12.JPG
Here is a rear to front shot. You can see the floor and the tubes. The tubes in the center of the floor are for the two seat boxes and the live well. I mean I need lights in those places as well just in case I ever do catch another fish. :facepalm:
Floor pb13.JPG
And this is something I almost forgot to predrill. It is for the trolling motor wires. There are four holes (for lack of a better word) that will wire both the trolling motor from the battery AND wires to go back to the battery switch at the transom so if I every get stuck with a dead battery, I can use the trolling motor to crank off. So I drilled out an ovalish section, and then polyed a backer plate after waterproofing it and then drilled access holes for the wires. I can remove that access plate and stick my arm underneath if need be to work on the wires... I mean who knows. The access plate will be actually in the front seat box where the trolling motor battery will sit. As much as I tried to plan everything out. I know from past experiences something will crop up that I forgot. It always works out that way.

Tomorrow I will start with fillets and then tabing everything down. But I think the real work is behind me now. That floor was a long time coming and tons of hours of thinking and planning and preparation. I am amazed it actually fit and is level myself. Math surely helped this project out...

Until next time, you all have a wonderful evening... :thumb:
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