Re: 1976 Holiday 18 Mercruiser 120
dang, you work too fast. i was going to suggest that a layer of glass cloth between the 2 halves and then glue em with epoxy would work fine to make up the 1/8". but your way will work great too, and prolly easier to reinstall
Make hay when the sun shine, I would be using epoxy if I could get it up where I am, just too mush $$$, Using the Metric 3/4 ply and a scab of metric 5/8 with the transom skin gives me 2 1/8 " right where I want to be.
Good. We were getting worried... it was like a whole couple of hours without a decision!

We would have had to send and "intervention" crew to get you through it!
Glad your moving forward!
Indecision keeps we awake at night, if I don't get sleep at night I'm tired and that hinder my ability to work on the boat

so you can see logic tells me I had to decide fast. :facepalm:
you of course know Jim is joking here, cuz by the time the team could shovel their way to your door, you'll have the resto done and the next one started. prolly collect a few more SOTY awards too by then.
No joking b2, hardly any snow here, the wind has been blowing so hard it has blown all the snow east to Jim and the guys in the Midwest in the form of snow storms.
I'm late to the party, but you did the right thing by making a new transom.
The old one probably had even 10 plus years left on it..
But your new one has 38
Thanks for stopping by Kev, real glad I made that decision.