So of course I have been lurking all the best StarCraft restore threads here on iBoats. And it sounds like I have a a pretty desirable and rare model with the 22' Super Sport. This is definitely not the V5 hull though, as you can see the big splashwell and pretty open transom. But, I knew that the 16's were too small for what I wanted, and I thought about some 18footers, so I am in love with the big hull.
I spent the winter doing cleanup and maintenance projects on the boat, and made sure to winterize for the winter. We had some blizzards and I made sure to keep the snow off the boat cover, maybe more vigorously than the sidewalks.
So when I splashed a few weeks ago in the spring, my 120 Chrysler that might be original was so kind to me as to turn over but Not fire up and Go. It was humble pie to have that happen to me in front of the diners at the marina restaurant and to have the dockhands help me load it back on the trailer. So, after a few weeks of thinking, I decided its time to dive into the restore and rebuild the boat right. A friend said to me today that every day I wait, is another day that I am not on the water. So:
iSpy a Transom Knee?
Busted open the Console and found some maps, and a 1976 Boater safety brochure. Most recent piece from 2008.
Some carpet up, there are two floors and I think the one underneath is mulch.
Got a motor stand from FB marketplace
The PO did this due to it being unsecure on the trailer asnd he moved it in his yard after I agreed to buy it from him. BFH?
Feeling like a Jr member of the Starmada mob, but I know I have alot of work ahead of me.
Anyone in in SE PA that knows how to Rivet or knows I guy who can wrench on a 120 Chrysler/Force?