Winter here so not much work lately, still acquiring parts I will need. Got the Knee Brace removed on a nice day this Sunday afternoon, still pretty cold out. Did a pretty good job of drilling out the center of the solid rivets and although I marked a few edges I didn't oblong out any holes all the way through. Also did more sanding than is shown in the pics. Glad I took the knee brace off as I am finding some transom corrosion, but nothing all the way through. Going to give it the wire brush, vinegar, and jb weld or marinetex treatment. I then think I will prime and paint the inside of the transom skin. Was expecting some corrosion in the bilge underneath the knee brace but looks good there, which is a plus.
The amount of work ahead of me to rebuilt this boat is pretty daunting, but I'm going to work my hardest to get it done and do it right so I can eventually enjoy this thing for alot of years to come. Would never have even tried this without iBoats.