Re: 1976 22' Starcraft Islander Rebuild
Ohhh pretty vinyl
I wish you could see it in person, the photos don't really show it but it's very nice
i do hope you have accounted for the vinyl and hinge thickness on these things you have begun to cover?
Well, in full disclosure...
Originally I was just going to leave these painted (really glad I didn't now) so I cut them with that in mind. Now with the vinyl I had to trim this hatch piece on each side in order to make it fit...
So, through the table saw, sand, prime, paint. Kind of a pain but the good news is I remembered to do it
BEFORE I wrapped it in viny.
Had I not I would have had to tear it all apart. Whew!
The rest of the hinges and stuff is all gravy with this setup.
Thanks for keeping tabs on me!
Jas, my buddy. Your vinyl is looking very pro! I am definitely taking notes for when i do my dash this wekend. Yes Yes I like.
Inside corners were the only real challenge, the rest was pretty easy. For your dash, since you'll have gauges and such covering the edges, that job should be a big piece of cake for ya!
Wow... buy those up, incredible prices for SS!!!
Grabbed three lots of em about 11 hours ago
Have a good weekend guys!