1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 19, 2004
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

QL77JC4 plugs at .030 are correct for your motor. Nice camp/cabin you got there. You're lucky to be able to live up there in "God's Country".

Triton II

Nov 23, 2004
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

Wow, what a great job you're doing Yooper, you're obviously inspired by the beautiful location! :D



Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2010
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

Thanks guys and thanks for the reply on the sparkplug question McGR:) I got a little more done this afternoon soooo hot but the boat was almost dry when I went back out earlier so quit with the motor for now shop vacced the rest of the water out of the bilge while it was drying the rest of the way I wanted to try some zc so went and got the gluvit and zc out of the basement finally

Sprayed the splashwell transom and part of starboard side but think the aluminum was just to hot as zc got kind of powdery on top after sitting a few minutes was hoping to get the rest of it this evening but had some honeydo's so it will wait til tomorrow. I'll try to get it later in the evening or in the shade for the rest of the zc though.


not the greatest pic but you can see the powder Looks like orange peel but wipes off with hand I'll probably wash and redo these spots.

Then I mixed up some gluvit started with about 1/2 the can probably would have been plenty but I really slapped it on in the bow not knowing what all that other sealant up there was for.



Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2010
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'


Stuff goes on nice easy to brush around but seems just thick enough to hang onto the rivets. I put it on all the rivets and the crack I had patched. I got almost to the stern with that batch and decided I might as well mix up the rest and slap it on the whole hull in case there were any more cracks.




I know gluvit isn't very photogenic and doesn't even show up well in the pics but its in there. Starting to look like rain tonight so went out a few minutes ago to see if I should put her in the garage but gluvit seems plenty dry already. Hoping to get the rest of zc on and leak check (or at least half of that ) tomorrow . So stay tuned and thanks again for the replies :D


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2010
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

I am looking at your photos on my phone right now so I might not have this right, but, it looks like GrandAm's have been mating with 4x4's up there in the U.P., eh!:eek::facepalm:

Yur camp is awesome! Feel free to pm me the address:D

Yup grand am mated with a toyota pickup to be exact. The camp was My father in laws dream and the B.I.L.'s and I (and a lot of other people who helped out) were fortunate enough to see him enjoy it while he was still with us.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2010
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

I will bring the beer;)

That lifted Grand Am is gonna need a step-down receiver mounted I believe:D

That's like telling a woman "I'll buy you however big of a diamond you want":)

Used the grand am quite a bit a few years back but mostly just sits now. Plan to get it running again soon though.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2010
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

Got home from work and pulled her back in the garage and finished up the zc. I don't know if I got a bad batch of this stuff or what but terrible product to work with either came out sort of half dry and left dust of splattered all over. Either way all that pretty aluminum I spent so much time stripping carpy white and green off of is now an even uglier green. took 8 cans of zc sprayed bare spots inside as well. I'll need to order a couple more cans for bottom.





After I leak check it I think I'll pressure wash it one more time to see if this stuff stays on and get the dusty spots clean I may need to recoat some of it but hopefully not. :D


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

That thin green layer looks like progress to me buddy!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

Maybe sand it a bit to even it out, don't know. I only used it on my transom and didn't have any issues.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2010
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

Thanks guys.:) I'm thinking most of the fuzziness? Dustiness ? whatever will pressure wash off as it wipes right off by hand (like oxidized paint on a 50's vehicle) I'll see whats left after that and decide what to do. Idk if the problems I had with the zc are related to heat and humidity or just bad zc.:confused: When I tried it outside I was sure the hull was just to hot in the sun but putting it in the garage and letting it cool off didn't make a difference. Cans had a date on em said they are about a year old been in temp controlled basement since I got em. I'm really not sure if getting an even coat with this stuff is imperative or not (or even possible ?). Either way I need to order some more for the bottom so guess I'll order enough for another coat. Not my favorite painting product thats for sure.:mad:


Chief Petty Officer
May 14, 2009
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

i think you would have had better luck spraying the ZC with a gun rather than rattle cans. with so much to cover why didnt you buy a qt of it and go to town that way ?? just curious .... scott


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2010
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

i think you would have had better luck spraying the ZC with a gun rather than rattle cans. with so much to cover why didnt you buy a qt of it and go to town that way ?? just curious .... scott

Good question... At the time I ordered the ZC I was planning to brush or roll rusto as I didn't want to mess with spraying....By the time I got around to getting paint I had been talked into buying a new sprayer sooooo........Also guess I went with the ZC I did as most of the threads I had followed to that point had used the same kind recently I've been noticing more using or planning on using qt's and spraying and even other etching primers. At this point I think I'm probably best off to stick with the same stuff but for future projects I'll try something different. I also wasn't initially planning on stripping the whole boat so wouldn't have needed as much. Thanks for the reply and your probably right:D


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'


I'm old and forgetful, so if I've asked this, forgive me, but what are you using for your finish coat?

Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

Who invited murphy to the UP:(

Hope it sticks well for ya, the zinc I've used had a wierd consistency too.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2010
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'


I'm old and forgetful, so if I've asked this, forgive me, but what are you using for your finish coat?

Just planning to prime over the zc with rusto primer, then rusto. Plan was blue and white but have some gray I was going to use on inside and seat boxes etc.. and there are a lot of white and blue boat threads going so Idk.. In any case I have some of the magic hardener stuff to add to primer and paint. I believe you had recomended thinning about 10% and using a 2.0 nozzle on the gun so that and a little penetrol are the plan at the moment . I also got another nozzle you had recomended (on Jas's thread I think) 1.5 ? 1.8? can't remember at the moment.
Cheapo seats I bought are blue white and gray, vinyl is a light gray, I have all three colors of rusto so.......Thanks for stopping in Wood and any input is appreciated.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2010
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

Who invited murphy to the UP:(

Hope it sticks well for ya, the zinc I've used had a wierd consistency too.

Murphy lives in My garage year round just visits other places occasionally:D Sorry to hear you had troubles with the Zc but kind of a relief at the same time , all the threads I've read just nonchalantly spray on some ZC and for me the stuff is a PITA.
Been pretty busy the last few days so no progress to report off tomorrow so hoping to get the leak check done and pressure wash again hoping to get some primer sprayed on the inside as well but we'll see .


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

Just planning to prime over the zc with rusto primer, then rusto. Plan was blue and white but have some gray I was going to use on inside and seat boxes etc.. and there are a lot of white and blue boat threads going so Idk.. In any case I have some of the magic hardener stuff to add to primer and paint. I believe you had recomended thinning about 10% and using a 2.0 nozzle on the gun so that and a little penetrol are the plan at the moment . I also got another nozzle you had recomended (on Jas's thread I think) 1.5 ? 1.8? can't remember at the moment.
Cheapo seats I bought are blue white and gray, vinyl is a light gray, I have all three colors of rusto so.......Thanks for stopping in Wood and any input is appreciated.

Kool, With this Heat I recommend you use Mineral Spirits to thin with or even better High Temp Paint reducer from Advanced Auto. Not all of then carry Auto Paint supplies so call first. Use this formula...

2 cups paint
1/4 cup Mineral Spirits or Reducer
1/4 cup Penetrol,
2 Tablespoons Hardener
Mix for 30 minutes Off and On to let the Hardener "COOK".

This should give you great results. If you are getting Orange Peel Add more Paint to the Mix to thicken it a bit or reduce the volume on the gun. Start on the transom to practice or on some cardboard until you get it the way you want it. Once you get it, it will flow like magic. Contact me any time with a PM if you have questions. It's really hard to paint in this heat so GET UP EARLY and do it in the Morning when it's COOL!!!!! If it's over 85 degrees the paint will "Flash Off" to quick and it's a Biatch to make it look good so you might as well not even try.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2010
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

Wow thanks a lot Wood sounds like you answered all of my questions in one post and I never even asked them yet. This will be My first time spraying anything with a gravity fed HVLP gun so I'll need all the help I can get. Thanks again:)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2010
Re: 1975 Starcraft Mariner 18'

Ok a little progress of sorts got up the nerve to dump some water in her this morning kind of nervous about the wieght so started out by lowering the bow and checking that area first. Hooked up the hoist and folded the jack to get her as low as possible.

Had a couple little dribbles on this seam not sure what I'll do here probably try some epoxy on the inside then maybe 5800 on the outside ?? I think Primer and paint will probably seal it up as very slow leak.


Then I raised the bow to check the middle and stern

I found quite a few rivets that need attention despite the generous gluvitizing a few near the bow but most are midship.

I raised it up Higher and checked the stern everything back here seemed fine

I used a jack stand under the back of trailer to keep her from getting out of control on me and filled It with more water until it was over the lip for transom. Then I leveled it back off and filled it until I wimped out. I didn't get it all the way to the crack repair but did hose that area good with no sign of leaking so hopeful. All in all I'm reasonably satisfied, I marked those rivets and I'll rebuck em as soon as I have an extra set of hands available as most are fairly low on the bottom I may slap a little epoxy or JB on to make sure prior to primer and paint. I lowered the bow again and checked it with more water with same results so pretty confident just the little slow dribbles at the bottom of that seam. I did take some more pics but Idk how many boat full of water pics anyone would want to see.