Well got one of the motor mounts stringers in and lowered motor on to just check before doing other side and noticed the wonderful person that did the repairs last time glassed the motor/drive off to one side by 2 inches. I made the mistake of following how it was:facepalm:
I am going to push it over as far as I can but not sure I can get quite to CL. how far off center can I be before it's problematic. I know I can get an inch, maybe 1 1/4. Any more and i will have to glass another piece of 2x10 against the existing glass and not sure I will like that. Also for the lag bolts for the mounts .... I have read different ways. What's better?
1. Drill for the lag,install to cut hole, remove lag and fill with cpes
2.drill oversized, mold release lag, fill with epoxy and glass and install lag then let cure?
or is there a better way?