Re: 1968 Starcraft Jupiter - Rebuild
A more detailed progress update... PL'd an alum skin to the transom where the motor mounts. This is just to cover up some of the pitting and scratches from the previous pressure treated board. Got an early start this morn and got the clamps off the alum skin and used some ss screws and 4200 to final attach to transom of boat.
Next, I got the transom installed --- but not bolted up. I put a bead of 4200 along the top of the wood where the two pieces of ply join together --- just to seal it up better.
Then I attached two pieces along the top of the gunnwale --- screwed in but not completed yet. My joint cutting at the dash wasn't as good as the dash to the dash pad... but such is life!! I'll have to fill it and sand it and then spar varnish... it'll be fine.
Finally I laid out and marked where the little pieces will go right at the dash and the gunnwale. I have to trim them to the right size. Hopefully you can see them... they have a little curve to them... just sorta tie things together where the dash pad, gunnwale and dash pieces all come together. There is a gap there that these little pieces cover up --- the aluminum is raised up a bit and creates a gap.
Anyway, that's it for today... a little more progress. Tonight, the dek master gets ordered and carpet for the sides gets picked up.