Re: 1968 Starcraft Jupiter - Rebuild
Thanks RH... SS is tough stuff.
The guys at my work I suppose felt sorry for me and given that I have the whole dash drawn out, the material and all the dimensions, figure that they can program and laser cut the part in about 10 minutes!!! Bonus! So the dash pieces will look nice and work!
Ok... so made a little more progress this morning... I went to the side of my house where I have a pile of metal of many things... and found this nice piece of U channel --- I forgot that I had it made up for J1... I really like the look of it! And man o man did it strengthen the back up... solid as a rock with that piece in there! It's just placed there... so it's not that level... but it'll give some additional strength to the transom.
I also got the positive floatation trimmed so that the floor doublers will fit. At this point the floor is ready for sealing.
So, I listened to what EZ said about the transom board basically serving little purpose and decided this morning that I agree. So, I cut a piece of alum that I had in the same shape and size as the board that was there and will PL it to the transom as a cosmetic cover. The old board was PT and pitted the alum a little and otherwise made it look cruddy. The alum needs a little smoothing... but otherwise will work just fine.
Also got all the transom holes drilled in the wood and the aluminum skins. Interestingly, I wasn’t sure what to drill the larger holes in the aluminum with… so I tried an old spade bit I had. Wouldn’t you know it cut it like a knife through Canadian back bacon!! Didn’t do much for the sharpness of the spade bit… but it worked great.
Little by little... getting there. Dash pad should be planed down for tonight or tomorrow. Few more tasks and then it's sealing time of everything.
Pssss.... Sunday is a go for Jup 3!