I'm trying to remember. 60 grit on raw fiberglass. Then a dump gun coat probably about 10 to 15 mil. Sanded that with 60 Grit. Filled in all imperfections and pinholes. Sanded that with 220. Another Dump gun coat. 60 grit again. Sprayed 50% duratec 50% gel out of a 3 mm gun. Sanded with 220 Grit. Another round of duratec. Sanded 320 Grit. Another round of duratec. Started sanding 320, 500, 600, 800 dry. Wet 1000. Buffer use Aqua buff 1000. Cloth pad then follow with aqua buff 2000. I will probably do a finishing compound with foam pad then 2 coats of mold release wax.
I used a 5 inch Dewalt da for most of the hull. Blocked up the holes for the 1000 wet and just used a squirt bottle for water. Sungold paper with water and gel coat sucks, it just falls apart.
There is not a single flat spot on this hull, so curvy. So many detailed ridges. There are some waves and spot or two where I could have done more sanding, but it is the bottom of the hull.