Re: 1961 Lonestar "Flamingo" - I finally Started w/pics
Re: 1961 Lonestar "Flamingo" - I finally Started w/pics
I call that little voice in my gut "Fred" (yes, he has a name). Fred is always right... In fact, he sort of drives me nuts that way.
At least you know what the problem is, and its a really easy fix... By comparison, your outing went gang-busters compared to mine..., seeing as how it didn't involve a tow, a piece of your boat getting torn off during said tow, and boogered-up trailer bunks as a nice little parting gift....
Yep, as Jas says, "runnin' old boats is hard" - but that's part of fun (for those of us that have "the sickness")....
Glad you had a good enough outing to give the admiral a glimpse of how much fun boating can be when "it all works out at the end of the throttle."