1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

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Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

We had our first snow of the year today. Breaks my heart to here you were all the way down in the 50's My boat is stored in the back yard on some saw horses I wont work on it again until sprig.

Monterey Dreams

Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2011
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Hey Yamikaze,
How ya doing? It?s been a little while since I?ve seen you around the dry-dock. Have you got to do anything at all on your boat? It must be horrible. I go crazy if I can?t go out and do something every week. With school semester finishing up I have not really got to go out to mine either as much as I want.
Just wanted to pop in and see if everything was ok. How?s the job search, did you get any leads or jobs? (Not to be too personal or anything. Tell me to go to hell if it is, it?s ok. I won?t cry. Err, at least not much:rolleyes:). My work is slowing down also which makes funding my project a little hard. If you got time pop over to my thread, once and a while it be nice to talk.
Anyways see ya later. Oh yah, have you got any snow yet?
Hows the color choosing going? Have you decided on a color yet? I still vote green.:D


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Hey Yamikaze,
How ya doing? It’s been a little while since I’ve seen you around the dry-dock. Have you got to do anything at all on your boat? It must be horrible. I go crazy if I can’t go out and do something every week. With school semester finishing up I have not really got to go out to mine either as much as I want.
Just wanted to pop in and see if everything was ok. How’s the job search, did you get any leads or jobs? (Not to be too personal or anything. Tell me to go to hell if it is, it’s ok. I won’t cry. Err, at least not much:rolleyes:). My work is slowing down also which makes funding my project a little hard. If you got time pop over to my thread, once and a while it be nice to talk.
Anyways see ya later. Oh yah, have you got any snow yet?
Hows the color choosing going? Have you decided on a color yet? I still vote green.:D

Dave, Not much work getting done on the boat since I put it up for the winter. Being unemployed for over a year has really stripped away funds for the boat. I have been doing a little work on the back seat support. I have a little aluminum around and I am going to try and fabricate the two supports I need.
As far as the job hunt goes, I have given up on the printing industry and have decided to go back to school and try to salvage my teaching profession. I was accepted into the special education program at FSU. I will work on an endorsement that will be added to my teaching credentials. If I want to I can write a thesis and turn the endorsement into a masters degree. I am not sure at this point if it is worth the extra effort. I already have one masters degree that cost me a whole lot of time and money, but has provided little or no return.
I have been playing with another paint scheme I'll post a picture let me know what you think. I really like it, but I am not sure how I can do it and make it look good.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 27, 2011
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

I love your project boat, and appreciate the metal work you had done. I can hardly wait for spring when you can get back on it, and I'll pray for you finding employment.

My thought about the pits in the aluminum were mentioned earlier by another poster, and I would second at least the attempt to investigate filling the pits with several applications of paint/primer between sandings. You might even be able to find a primer that is formulated to fill imperfections. JMTCW.




Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Now THAT'S a Paint Job!!! You can make a pattern from Butcher Paper and then Pencil it onto the Paint. Tape it off and shoot it. Not that hard!!!! When the time comes I'll be more than happy to assist you.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Hey Yamikaze - Now that last paint plan I really like. The slash from midships into the fin is A-one. Fits the boat well. Good luck on getting back into teaching. We need more good teachers, bud.

Monterey Dreams

Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2011
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

I know all about the unemployment bit. Trucking has been hit really hard here in Cali My area has a 19 percent unemployment rate (I was laid off earlier this year also and it took me a much longer time than I wanted to catch my current job also). I decided to go back to college I am tired of driving and am about to begin my 3rd semester at city. It is really hard for me being back at school at 35! All the kids in my class look younger than my daughter (hell, I even took a class with her last semester!!!) I am praying for you my friend. I believe it works so I shall continue to do it for you.
Onto your beautiful boat; I like that one the best yet. Can you try this for me? Color the nose section red under that ?water line?? along the bottom of the hull and sort and then when the new red gets back past the downward swoop that you painted, run a new ?swoop? up running up from the new bottom red. Following the same lines as your downward swoop (so it looks like a thick white stripe) instead of wide red at the rear of your boat (up near the fins) and narrow at the front, do it opposite wide in the front where it connects to the bottom red of the hull under the waterline and then have it narrow to a point under the red top line you have painted (like a white stripe again between red lines. (I wish I could use Photoshop to show you what I mean but I do not know how to.)
Might be too much red but I think would look good.
Goodnight my friend.
I am sorry that the above description is as clear as mud.:facepalm:


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Can you try this for me? Color the nose section red under that ?water line?? along the bottom of the hull and sort and then when the new red gets back past the downward swoop that you painted, run a new ?swoop? up running up from the new bottom red. Following the same lines as your downward swoop (so it looks like a thick white stripe) instead of wide red at the rear of your boat (up near the fins) and narrow at the front, do it opposite wide in the front where it connects to the bottom red of the hull under the waterline and then have it narrow to a point under the red top line you have painted (like a white stripe again between red lines. (I wish I could use Photoshop to show you what I mean but I do not know how to.)
Might be too much red but I think would look good.
Goodnight my friend.
I am sorry that the above description is as clear as mud.:facepalm:

Say What!!! I think I read this 5 or 6 times:):):) This is what I came up with.


Thanks for all the nice comments on the paint scheme. I really like the version a couple of posts up.
As far as the job thing goes, I am sure everything will work out in the long run. I have to admit teaching graphic arts and working in the printing industry was my whole life. I never thought it would die the way it did. I really love teaching, but never intended to teach anything other then graphic arts. Accepting this has been very hard. I have been mad as hell about what is happening in education for many years. I was even more upset when they closed my printing program. So mad that I didn't want anything to do with education anymore. Now that I have calmed down a bit and have had the time to reflect, I realize why I really love teaching. It is not because of printing. It is because of the joy I get working with students. That and summers off;)

Monterey Dreams

Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2011
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

I?ll tell you the truth, you did a heck of a job from my muddled description and I think it looks great. I would do either of these designs ?mine? or ?ez?s? (so far) these are much, much, mucho, better than the first ones you put out
Ez said that it? is too busy?. I reply with ?most of everything from the 50?s was?!!! For example look at Zoot Suits.:D
You really are very, very good with whatever program you are using. I really wish I had the skill to be able to do that. Your art really looks really ?life like?.
It?s great to talk to you.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

I have to agree with Ezmobee that one is too busy. The only problem I have with my first one is too much white. I think I would like to paint the bottom red where it would follow right along the water line. Something like the following pic. BTW I am using photoshop to edit my photos.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Instead of white, what about a cream to contrast with the white. 55-56 Chevies looked good that way. Look at this one The white isn't pure white, it's slightly subdued.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Instead of white, what about a cream to contrast with the white. 55-56 Chevies looked good that way. Look at this one The white isn't pure white, it's slightly subdued.

Not to sure about a cream white. Sure was a nice car though. Why can't we make cars with character like we used to. I was born 20 or 30 years to late. This actually goes for everything we make or build these day. Walk into any building made in the late 1800's to early 1900's. We used to make things much different then. These days we just make stuff covered with plastic and paint.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Once it's in the water, the red will not be visible so what's the point. I still think #1 is El Perfectamundo!!!!!:p


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

Been doing a little work on the boat over the last two days. When I got the boat the original supports for the back seats were gone. So I needed to fabricate some supports. They are basically the same as the front seat supports except they needed to be made with a slightly different angle. I used the front supports for some basic measurements and made some templates. I found some helpful instructions on how someone else made theirs on the Yahoo Lone Star club sight and away I went. I did make one change to the instructions, I didn't cut the angle iron I just used a piece of wood to support the angle iron and turned it around.



Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

That ^^^^ is some nice fabrication work!!!!
Way to go Yami!!!!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 14, 2010
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

That ^^^^ is some nice fabrication work!!!!
Way to go Yami!!!!

Thanks Woodonglass, I am fairly proud of them. Can't wait to get them on the boat and see some seats installed. Sure am glad good things come to those who wait.

Monterey Dreams

Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2011
Re: 1958 Lone Star Nassau Restore Underway

I agree, with Wood, I think they look very professional. Great job John:D, My hands bleed, just by looking at that cut metal. Thankfully when I work on my little boat I just itch!;)
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