Search results

  1. Keyboardman

    How to test an OMC 2.3L Exhaust manifold

    Hi all, before I trash this 2.3 Cobra set up I have I'd like to at least test the manifolds. I have the exhaust and riser off. The outside looks good visually and the insides are rusted up quite a bit. I've heard about using Acetone. Can I fill up the exhaust ports to see if it leaks? What's...
  2. Keyboardman

    OMC 2.3L Repower options?

    So I have a beautiful boat and trailer I got for $100 with a locked up 2.3 in it. What are my options on repowering this boat. Is there another engine that would bolt up to the outdrive or what about looking for a different sterndrive set up altogether? Thanks
  3. Keyboardman

    OMC 2.3 cobra engine

    Hi all, I just picked up a 1991 sunbird with a 2.3 OMC cobra engine. The engine is locked up. I was wondering if the Ford 2.3 engines that came in Pintos, Mustangs and Rangers is the same engine? Could I use a 2.3 Ford short block to rebuild this boat engine? Thanks
  4. Keyboardman

    Skeg replacement

    Hi all, The skeg on the 76' 75hp stinger I'm working on has been damaged and it's been ground down a lot by some previous owner. I've been looking online for one of those SS replacements that just slip over whats left and you bolt it on. I'm not having any luck finding any manufacturers that...
  5. Keyboardman

    Plugging transom holes for engine swap

    Hi all, I'm replacing the 50hp engine on my boat with a 75hp and the transom bolt holes are different on the new engine. What is the best way to plug the old holes? The boat is an old fiberglass tri hull. Thanks!
  6. Keyboardman

    Water in lower unit Johnson 75 Stinger 75ELR76D

    Hi all, Just picked up the 75 Stinger which had been laying around un used for years unknown. I drained the lower unit and at first a little clear water came out and then the rest was black oil. Very little filings on the magnet screw. Assuming water has been getting in to the gearcase, what...
  7. Keyboardman

    Intermittent spark 50ESL74

    Hi all, I'm getting intermittent spark on cyl #1 on my engine. Have the open air tester set at 7/16 and while the spark is good and crisp blue, it seems to be erratic. I've checked the sensor coil with an ohm meter and it reads 16 ohms, within the specs and it's not grounded out. I swapped out...
  8. Keyboardman

    Used Johnson Stinger 75hp opinions?

    Hi all, I'm looking at a Johnson 75hp Stinger along with another Johnson 75 and an Evinrude 75 part engine. All years unknown right now. I'm looking for opinions on these engines. Are they any good, reliable, any inherent probs? I can pick up all three for $400. Thanks
  9. Keyboardman

    Johnson 50hp cutting out at WOT

    Hi All, My '74 Johnson 50 started acting up last weekend. It starts, idles fine and runs great up to 3/4 throttle. Anything above that, and it starts cutting in and out. The tank is vented, the bulb primes hard and I see no kinks or leaks in the fuel line. I've never had this problem until last...
  10. Keyboardman

    Identifing Year Model for 25hp Suzuki help

    Hi, I've just acquired a 25hp Suzuki tiller steer engine and can't seem to find out what year model it is. There is a plate with a serial number but no Model ID that I can find. Is there anyway to ID this engine just from the serial number? Thanks guys.
  11. Keyboardman

    Spark plug choice for '74 Johnson 50hp?

    Hi guys, The factory service manual for my '74 Johnson 50 says to use a Champion UL-77V surface gap type plug which I'm currently running. While talking to a mechanic friend of mine he suggested using a standard type Champion QL77JC4 plug instead. He said that later on they found out that a...
  12. Keyboardman

    '74 Johnson 70hp opinions needed

    Looking to repower my boat with a bigger engine and came across a '74 Johnson 70hp for $500. Was wondering if anyone had any opinions on this engine and if it's worth looking at. Thanks!
  13. Keyboardman

    50hp Johnson carb swap?

    Hi guys, been having no luck in finding carbs for my '74 50hp Johnson. I did find a set of carbs from an '81 model. Will they work on my engine or should I keep looking for originals. Thanks
  14. Keyboardman

    Johnson 50esl74m Fuel pump rebuild problem.

    Hi all, So, I've been trying to re assemble the fuel pump and am having a hard time keeping the diaphragm in position. One valve with the spring on the bottom is pushing it up while the other is pushing it down resulting in distorting it and not sealing correctly. Does anyone have any tricks or...
  15. Keyboardman

    50esl74m Miss with video

    '74 model 50 has bad miss. Seems like it's running rich. Compression 140 on both cyls, rebuilt carbs, new stator, coils, power pack, leaf valves look good, great spark at 7/16 on open air tester. Lots of black gook coming out of the exhaust as well as smoke. Spark plugs are black and wet. Could...
  16. Keyboardman

    50esl74m High speed jet/orifice plug

    I'm rebuilding the carbs on my old 50hp Johnson and have removed the high speed jets. They look clean but I am wondering if they can get worn out and need replacing? It says 58 on them and I was also wondering if that is the same as a #58 drill bit. If so, should I get one and see if it's worn...
  17. Keyboardman

    Rebuild kit for 50hp Johnson?

    Hi all, I'd like to rebuild the power head on my 50esl74m this winter. Can anyone recommend a good place to get all the parts in a kit rather than ordering them piece by piece? Thanks!
  18. Keyboardman

    Johnson 50esl74m Male fuel line connector on engine.

    Hi all, The fuel line connection at the engine seems to be leaking. I've replaced the female connector on the tank hose but when I pump the bulb I can see gas weeping out at the connection. I've been looking around for the male connector that bolts to the engine but am having no luck in finding...
  19. Keyboardman

    Tachometer for setting timing on 50esl74m?

    Hi Guys, My service manual says to set the timing at 3 degrees at 900 rpm and then 19 at 3500. I have the timing light but my boat doesn't have a tach. Other than spending $75 for an in-dash tach, is there anything else I can do or use? Thanks
  20. Keyboardman

    Fuel lines to carbs 50esl74m Johnson

    Hi guys, I finally found the factory service manual for my 74 50hp Johnson. According to the manual, the fuel line from the pump should go to the top carb and then the bottom one. On my engine, the fuel line goes to the bottom carb first then up to the top carb. Looks like I'd need to change the...