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  1. Keyboardman

    Flywheel bolt torque for 1974 50hp Johnson

    Anyone know what the torque spec is for the flywheel bolt on my '74 50 hp Johnson?
  2. Keyboardman

    Gas spitting out of carb 50hp Johnson

    Gas is spitting out of the top carb on my 74 50hp Johnson. If I spray sea foam in the bottom carb, it wants to die out but no affect when doing the same to the top carb. Possible Reed valve problems? Great compression on both cylinders,,,,,,,,,
  3. Keyboardman

    1974 50hp engine miss/no idle

    Hi all, I'm new here as well as new to the world of working on outboards. I've done a lot of automotive and truck repairs over the years but this is my first outboard engine. My 1974 50hp Johnson will not idle and seems to have a miss also. I've rebuilt both of the carbs and put new spark plugs...