Search results

  1. Keyboardman

    Rebuilding Carb kits advice needed

    Hi all, I'd like to rebuild the carbs on my '96 Evinrude 200 Oceanpro during the off season. I see OEM kits with new floats and also aftermarket kits without the floats for a little less money. Should I bother replacing the floats when rebuilding if there's nothing wrong with the old ones...
  2. Keyboardman

    Adding ballast to the bow?

    Hi all, I have a 21ft walk around cuddy with a new to the boat Evinrude 200 on an offshore bracket. This engine replaced a 150 and now the added weight has the stern sitting lower than the deck drains and unless plugged, they flood the bilge. Is it feasible to add ballast to the bow to try and...
  3. Keyboardman

    Tell tale getting clogged '96 200hp Oceanrunner

    Hi all, finally got this old 200 running and it obviously wasn't flushed out much if ever. I'm getting bits of sand and shells and who knows what stopping up the little hole in the tell tale. Can I just remove the directional insert part of the flush port that's getting clogged and run it...
  4. Keyboardman

    Loose flywheel magnets

    Hi Guys, I Found 4 out of 6 magnets loose on the flywheel of my Evinrude 200. Is there an aftermarket epoxy like JB weld that's suitable for the repair? What to do about the remaining two magnets that are still attached? I've tried tapping on them but they are still adhered well. I don't want to...
  5. Keyboardman

    How to clean Flywheel taper

    Hi all, I'm hoping someone can guide me in the proper procedure for cleaning and lapping the flywheel taper mating surfaces. I found lots of crud on the crankshaft and the inside of the flywheel taper after removing it. All the service manual says it to clean the surfaces with OMC solvent...
  6. Keyboardman

    Grade 5 bolts ok for Pulling flywheel on Evinrude 200?

    After trying all the local auto part shops and Lowes and Home depot, I cannot find grade 8 bolts for my flywheel puller. Best I can find is the 5/16 - 24 bolts in grade 5. I'd hate for them to strip out, but at a loss at what to use now. Thanks for any advice.
  7. Keyboardman

    Sticky timing base '96 Evinrude 200TXEDR

    So, as I start to do a link and sync procedure on this new to me 200, the first thing I noticed was a piece of rubber hose slipped over the cam follower roller. This engine was idling pretty high (around 1600 rpm) when I finished the rigging and started it. I thought well, that might have...
  8. Keyboardman

    Evinrude 200TXEDR correct spark plugs?

    I just finished rigging and test running a new to me 200 Ocean pro and noticed that the installed plugs differ from what the service manual specifies. There are QL77JC4's in it now and the book calls for QL82YC's. Wondering if there's any reason for the different plugs? Also it has an...
  9. Keyboardman

    Cooling system diagram for '96 Evinrude 200?

    Hi all, running on muffs, the new to me Evinrude 200's port side cyl bank seems to be getting a little hotter than the other. While the right side cyl head is just warm to the touch, I can hold my hand on the port side only a few moments. I'm not getting any overheat alarm. I've had to clean out...
  10. Keyboardman

    Painting in Cuddy

    What's a good type paint that will stick well to the fiberglass inside my cuddy? Acrylic Latex or some kind of epoxy paint? Thanks
  11. Keyboardman

    What Is this fitting/fixture for?

    Wondering what this is used for. Mounted on the stern.
  12. Keyboardman

    Installing System Check harness questions

    Hi Guys, I'm rigging a '96 Evinrude 200 with the system check harness which is new to me. It has the system check tach with the 4 lights. I bought a new warning buzzer as it didn't come with one and have figured out the rest of the connections with the exception of the Oil level gauge and the...
  13. Keyboardman

    Engine height on Offshore repower.

    Hi guys, I'm repowering a 21' walk around cuddy with an offshore bracket on the transom. It originally had a Johnson 175. I'm putting a 200 Ocean Pro on it now. I've heard that setting the engine cav plate height just a tad lower than the bottom of the hull is better as it will bite more in...
  14. Keyboardman

    New to me '96 Evinrude 200, keep the VRO?

    Hi guys, I just picked up my first engine with a VRO. I know little about them and have always heard of deleting them for safety's sake. I'd love to keep it for the convenience of no more premixing in cans. I understand certain model engines had an alarm to signal a fault and older models did...
  15. Keyboardman

    Opinions on 96 Evinrude 200 Ocean Pro

    Hi Guys, I'm interested in looking at this engine to repower a 21ft cuddy. Actual hrs are unknown but this is from the seller (A marine service center) "Comes with gauges, binnacle controls, main harness, the oil tank and the prop. Complete Engine - We have serviced the boat/motor for its entire...
  16. Keyboardman

    Johnson 175 bad compression

    2000 Johnson 175 model# J175VXSIF I did a compression test of this engine and readings are are all over the board. Right side readings were 100 top 70 middle and 100 bottom. On the left bank they were 0 at the top, 50 in the middle and 100 in the bottom cyl. We did the test with all the plugs...
  17. Keyboardman

    OMC 2.3L/Cobra Parts?

    Best place to sell OMC 2.3L Cobra outdrive parts?
  18. Keyboardman

    Mid 80's Johnson 115 lower unit froze up.

    I'm looking at a mid 80's 115 that has been left in the full up position for about 7 or 8 yrs. The engine is not seized but the prop will not turn in neutral. The engine ran and shifted fine before the old gentleman had to let it sit. I'm assuming that being stored like that has caused it. Any...
  19. Keyboardman

    Cylinder head getting hot 2.3L

    Hi all, So after finding out my thermostat was opening at 190 instead of 160 like it should, I ran the boat in the water without it to see if that helped the overheating problem. Well, the temp gauge wouldn't even get into operating range so I thought that was a good sign. I opened her up and...
  20. Keyboardman

    Bad Brand new Thermostat?

    I've been going crazy trying to solve an overheating issue with my 91 2.3L OMC Ford. Everything has been replaced, and was still overheating. Just for kicks, I removed the "Brand New" thermostat and now the engine runs cool as can be without it. I tested the Thermostat in a pot of water and a...