Search results

  1. Keyboardman

    2.3L cooling system questions

    Hi guys, I'm putting together a 2.3L engine and have been looking online for a diagram of the cooling system. I remember seeing one a while ago but can't remember where I found it. Also I'm trying to figure out how to pressure test the cooling system before I install it in the boat. Is that even...
  2. Keyboardman

    Exhaust Flapper/Seal needed?

    Hi Guys, I noticed that the Flapper that's supposed to be in the pipe after the riser is missing on a 2.3L I'm putting together. How important is it and should I try to find one? Thanks.
  3. Keyboardman

    Intake Gasket 2.3L ?

    Hi guys, I'm putting together a 2.3L engine and need an Intake manifold gasket. What's the difference between the "marine" gasket sold for $40 and the automotive gasket for $10? Thanks
  4. Keyboardman

    Cannot remove drive.

    Hi all, I'm trying to remove the vertical drive from a 2.3L cobra. Got it to separate from the housing about an 1" but won't come all the way out. I'm thinking the driveshaft is stuck in the coupler? Any ideas on what to do? Thanks
  5. Keyboardman

    Removing 2.3L engine.

    Hi Guys, Other than throwing it in the trash, does anyone have any advice, tips or things to look out for when removing the Ford 2.3? From what I've heard, I don't need to remove the drive as long as the mount height isn't disturbed. I'm going to change blocks and not sure if different yr block...
  6. Keyboardman

    Tilt Trim Circuit Breaker?

    '90 OMC 2.3l Tilt/trim not working. Stuck in the up position. The circuit breaker mounted on the T/T pump clicks when the switch is depressed. Fully charged battery. Is there anyway of testing this part or bypass it so I can at least get the drive down? I guess I could loosen a line and let it...
  7. Keyboardman

    Remote control box reassembly problem

    Is there a trick on how to compress the detent ball spring when putting a remote back together?
  8. Keyboardman

    Reed valve clicking?

    Hi all, while I was spraying Seafoam in the carbs on my '76 75hp Stinger I noticed that I'm hearing a clicking sound in the top cyl thru the carb. Also when spraying the Seafoam, that cyl will bog down without as much spray than the other two. I'm wondering if I may somehow have a damaged reed...
  9. Keyboardman

    1976 75hp Stinger bogging down after 1/4 throttle.

    Hi all, 75 Stinger was bogging down and dying at anything over idle. Completely rebuilt the carbs and now it will go about 1/4 throttle then boggs for a while and will eventually accelerate and get up to speed. Once up to speed, I can slow down to about half throttle and back up to WOT. Bring it...
  10. Keyboardman

    Looking for OMC service bulletin #1144 and/or #1429

    I'm rebuilding the carbs on my 1976 75hp Stinger and would like to do the Mods needed to help out the acceleration problem that seems to be inherent on these certain models. Google didn't bring up much more than links back to this forum discussing it. I've read that Mr. Joe Reeves may have them...
  11. Keyboardman

    75 Stinger bogs down and dies

    Hi all, I have a new to me 1976 75hp Stinger. It idles fine, will idle in gear, but when I advance the throttle it just bogs down and dies. Compression and spark are good. Spark advances before carbs open. I did pull the carbs and cleaned them by shooting carb cleaner thru them but did not do a...
  12. Keyboardman

    Purpose for Trail Lock?

    Hi all, I was wondering what the "Trail Lock" feature on my 75hp Johnson is for? It seems to prop up the engine in a semi-tilted up position but doesn't lock. Is it supposed to lock onto the rod that swivels up to it?
  13. Keyboardman

    '76 Johnson 75 Stinger fuel issue

    Hi all, The bottom carb isn't getting enough fuel to fill the float bowl. I've pulled the carb and checked that the needle valve isn't stuck or the inlet clogged. Fuel lines are all new and with no restrictions. A little fuel will drain out of the bowl after running, but not like the mid and top...
  14. Keyboardman

    Repowering old Tri Hull

    I'm going to repower my old '74 model Tri Hull with a Johnson 75 but the transom bolt holes from the old 50 are different. What's the best way to plug up the old holes? Also best way to seal the new bolts under the waterline on the new engine? Thanks
  15. Keyboardman

    OMC 2.3 to 4.3 swap?

    Hi all, I came across a OMC 4.3 engine and was wondering if it will mate up to the outdrive I already have in my boat on the 2.3l. Thanks
  16. Keyboardman

    Tapping sound from powerhead '76 75hp Johnson

    Have a tapping sound coming from the powerhead of a new to me 75hp Stinger engine. My old 50 makes that sound a little too but I've never had any problems with it. Possible bearing ready to go out? Thanks.
  17. Keyboardman

    Replace 2.3L OMC with 3.0 Mercruiser?

    Hi all. I have a locked up 2.3l OMC and have come across a good running 3.0 Mercruiser and outdrive in a junked out boat. How much trouble making the swap? Am I going to have to do a lot of transom work to retrofit it? Thanks.
  18. Keyboardman

    Removing 2.3l engine

    Hi all, I've pulled many automotive engines but this is my first marine engine I'm replacing. I'm guessing that the intermediate housing comes out with the engine as a unit and then separate it from the engine after removal? I can see two large mounting bolts and nuts, is that all that holds it...
  19. Keyboardman

    Difference in 2.3l exhaust manifolds?

    Looking at a replacement manifold but it has less bolt holes than mine. Will this new one work okay? Thanks
  20. Keyboardman

    Difference between Automotive and Marine head gasket?

    Looking to replace my OMC 2.3 engine with a Ford ranger engine. What's the real difference between an auto and marine head gasket? Was talking to an old marine mechanic and he said as long as you flush the engine after use there's nothing wrong with using one.