MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 13, 2008
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

Ok, finally got the opportunity to get some pics done for you guys. So here goes...

I already explained how I worked with the plywood sheets I can't say enough about making templates out of cardboard. Don't think that one template for the same part will work. It doesn't. I learned the hard way. Luckily I was able to correct the problem I encountered (2nd Stringer) without wasting any lumber. You need to make a template for EACH part. Even after using the templates you may need to do a little tweaking of the final pieces but the templates make life a lot easier. I was partially able to use the rear bulkhead template for the center one. The center one needed a little more heighth than the rear one but the bottom countour is the same as the back. The front bulkhead needed a completely separate template. The hull angle is different there.

In cutting the transom, you also have to keep in mind that there is an angle between the transom and the floor to take into consideration as well as the sides of the transom where it flares out. I used an angle guage to measure the angles and set my jigsaw when I was ready to cut the areas that needed an angle.

I used a jigsaw for all of my cuts with a long fast cut Dewalt Blade. Believe me there's nothing fast about it when you're cutting through an inch and a half of plywood! Because I beefed up the corners of the transom skin and floor, I used a router to put a 1/2" radius around the back-side edges of the transom so it would clear the additional glass there.

Now here's a bit of a tip for you. Everything doesn't have to fit like a glove. Close is good enough. That's what PL Premium, peanut butter, and glass is for. You can make everthing nice and tight later. Concentrate on getting a close fit. It doesn't have to be perfect. In fact as you get to making the templates you'll find that nothing about the boat's construction was perfect when the boat was 1st manufactured!

Here's a shot of the templates and the finished parts...


In an earlier post I showed how I copied the hull contour for the stringers. The template pictured only deals with that contour. Not the stringer height. The stringers in this boat are 4" tall until the contour starts and remain level on top. Knowing that, I made the template long enough to get back to the part of the hull that was straight. I cut 2 strips of ply 4 inches wide and then lined up the template with the bottom and front of the stringer and then drew my cut lines. I should have made a second template for the 2nd stringer. I didn't and ended up regretting it to an extent. I was able to fix the problem.


This pic shows the end result of the Transom using the old one as a template. The old one looks larger due to the picture angle. You'll also notice in this pic that the ends of the stringers shown are angled to fit the angle of the Transom. This is something MGF DIDN'T DO! Currently the Transom is held together with drywall screws so that nothing moves. When I'm getting ready to laminate the transom halves together I'll put in a couple of 1/4" dowels to re-align the transom halves and then remove the screws.


The end result...

From the bow to the stern...


The Transom...


From the back. Notice the area that's going to be glassed back in where someone cut the transom down before to accomodate a short-shaft motor.


There you have it. Next on the agenda, laminating the transom halves.


Apr 26, 2008
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

Wow! Good job!

I am still a little afraid to tackle this project. I have a really bad habit of assuming I can do anything. Then once I have everything apart, I have a hard time getting to go back together properly.


May 21, 2007
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

MAn she really does look great !!! great work !!! John


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 13, 2008
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

Thanks Newbie and John!

It's exciting for me to see them in. Can't wait to get the floors in. Got a lot to do before that though!

Newbie, this stuff ain't hard. It's just a matter of paying attention to what your doing and taking the time to think for everything to go smoothly.

John, yup, I've been keeping an eye on your boat. Loved your post about your 1st time out with her after the repairs! I can only hope that I feel as good about mine when I'm done.

Well, goin' out to see if I've got enough stuff laying around to laminate the transom.



May 21, 2007
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

Thanks Newbie and John!

It's exciting for me to see them in. Can't wait to get the floors in. Got a lot to do before that though!

Newbie, this stuff ain't hard. It's just a matter of paying attention to what your doing and taking the time to think for everything to go smoothly.

John, yup, I've been keeping an eye on your boat. Loved your post about your 1st time out with her after the repairs! I can only hope that I feel as good about mine when I'm done.

Well, goin' out to see if I've got enough stuff laying around to laminate the transom.


OOOOH yea Driven1 , it was really a great feeling , how well it handles now and how it just shoots out of the water!! I still cant get over it !! Its been one week today , and had it out three times !!! wanted to go again today, but honey do list !! and plus we went threw 6 taks of gas so far, just want to keep running her !!LOL went threw 2 1/2 tanks yesterday !! had the kids out tubing , callie is the one that helped me the most so she got to stay out there , and she did !!! she is so sore today !! hahahah

Dont worrie when you get her in the water its allmost like having a new kid again !!! LOL john


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 1, 2007
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

From the bow to the stern...


is that another project cap in the back ground:rolleyes::D


Sep 18, 2007
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

Alright'y then! Two projects at one time.
BTW! The boat looks great!


Andy in NY

Oct 25, 2007
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

Wow! Good job!

I am still a little afraid to tackle this project. I have a really bad habit of assuming I can do anything. Then once I have everything apart, I have a hard time getting to go back together properly.

I know we have talked about it before, but I think it could be really benificial for us to work with each other. 2 heads are better than one... and only an hour and a half apart I think it's doable.

I feel the same way about it that you do. I am scared sh--less about tackeling this project...

hey, maybe we can even ger Oops! to make the drive from BC... its only 2500 miles... 44 hours driving... no big deal...:D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 13, 2008
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

Yep, that's another project cap in the background. I hadn't been itching far good enough working on the MFG so I needed some more fiberglass to cut, grind, and sand. I feel so much better now! :D

It's a 1960's era AeroCraft. I haven't figured out exactly what year yet. If the hull ID means anything at all about the year, I'm gonna assume it's a '68. HID is 6882. I've got another thread going on it here. When it's done I expect it to look as close to the brochure pic from a '63 as I can.

Friggin' raining out today so working on the boat(s) is a washout. Damn I wish I had a garage! Supposed to rain tomorrow too. @#$%&*!!!! :mad:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 13, 2008
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

Well Guys an' Gals, I got started getting ready to laminate the transom halves and had just finished up drilling the pilot holes for the screws and then a family emergency arose.

My 2 year old grandson's favorite puzzle came apart...


"Fadu fik it?", with a tear in his eye. "Yeah, buddy. Grandfather can fix it." He can't quite say "father" and he can say "Grand" but can't put the two together yet. So immediate action needed to be taken...

So, I got out my trusty bottle of Titebond and coated one side of the puzzle with a brush, placed it on top of the other, lined 'em up, cleaned the excess glue off, and...


Sandwiched 'em between my transom halves and put the flower pots that are full of dirt on the top to clamp the puzzle halves.

So, as it turns out, I did get to do some laminating today! :D

Hope you're all having a great Labor Day Weekend! Mine stinks. Gotta work the whole thing! @#$%&*!!! :mad:


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

you do what you can to fix things......:D

and some things ARE more important than working on boats


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 13, 2008
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

Well guys, finally got the transom laminated today. I decided last weekend to hold up on it for fear I might not have enough resin. (Turned out I did) It's not something you want to stop in the middle of! Picked up another Gallon today and got to it...

As I mentioned earlier, I pre-drilled pilot holes in one transom half. You want to use a drill that's a little bigger around than the screws you're using. This allows the screw to pull one half tightly to the other half in a clamping motion.


After I finished drilling, I rough sanded both halves to rough them up and take down any high spots left from drilling.


The next part is where you need to be prepared to work fast and have everything you'll need at your fingertips.

For laminating I mixed the resin with a little less hardener than normal to give me better working time. It also gives a little more "soak time" into the plywood for better adhesion. Again, it's very important to mix the resin and hardener very thoroughly. Hard to do when you're in a hurry! After mixing the resin I poured some on the bottom half and spread it out with a plastic fiberglass spreader covering the entire transom half with a thin coat...


Then I laid on the glass mat making sure that my "seam" in the center was nice and tight but not overlapping and then resined the glass mat using the spreader again.


Don't know why but my camera wouldn't come on for some of what I wanted to show. Running on a time limit, I said the hell with the camera 'til I was done. Not much to see though...

When the mat was all coated I rolled any air bubbles that had formed out with my DIY Fiberglass roller. Next I "primed" the top half of the transom with resin too, then laid it carefully on top of the other half and lined it up. After it was aligned I started installing the screws starting at the top, moving from left to right and down. This works the resin from top to bottom to help prevent air or resin pockets.

All screwed together now. Not much else to do but wait. I'll trim the excess mat off after the glass has cured...


Next will be installing the transom to the boat. Gotta get a hold of some things first though so it might be a few days.

Oh yeah, the grandson's very happy that he has his puzzle again. Fadu fik! :D


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 11, 2008
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

Looking good! The pictures really help understand the process. I'm trying to file all this good information away in my brain for that far off (or so it seems) day when I get to that point myself.​

One question, are you going to leave the screws in the transom or are you planning to remove them prior to installation?​

Keep the pic's coming!​


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 13, 2008
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

Didn't have much time to work on the boat today so I finished up trimming and grinding the excess glass and resin runs. Wasn't able to get a good pic today. But pretty much, it looks the same as it did before the lamination, so nothing to see really.

And Cougar, yes I removed the screws. They've done their job. The lamination itself is all the strength the transom will need. I thought about leaving them in for added strength but after really thinking it out I decided that they just simply weren't necessary. I also thought they may actually cause problems later on in the life of the boat. The transom will still flex, even if only for a couple of millimeters. The screws, being unflexible, may eventually work themselves loose and start chewing through the inner skin. The other part of that is that resin won't adhere to metal anyway. On the other boat I'm restoring, someone tried to glass in a big aluminum plate to "reinforce" the transom. Needless to say, the glass never stuck to it.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 13, 2008
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

I made some phone calls this morning to see if I could locate some heavier glass than what's normally available around here to tab in the transom with no luck, so looks like I'll be ordering online.

So I've got a couple of questions. I want the outer edges of the forward side of the transom to be really strong. It sounds from what I've read that about 3 layers of 1708 Bi-ax should turn out to be as strong as the hull itself, which is what I'm after. Does 1708 12" then 8' then 4" Bi-ax tape sound like the right products and way to do it or should I go with something like layers of 2oz mat and 8oz. cloth tape in the same widths?

I'm also thinking of doing the same sort of thing for the bottom half of the stringers to give them real good support and then using 3/4oz. mat on the upper halves to seal in the rest of the stringers. This is far more than what it had originally. Do you think it's the way to go or is it overkill? I'm also thinking of doing the same around the edges of the floor. Same question.

Last, when I install the floor, there will be an area around the edges where there will be a void. Should I fill it with say something like tiger hair or is there something better I should use.

Figured if I'm gonna order online I might as well order what I need. Thanks guys.

Andy in NY

Oct 25, 2007
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

10 days with nothing?!?!?!?!

Newbie, you almost ready to start?

We decided that we aren't starting till the spring, ended up buyiung a new furnace.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 13, 2008
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

Sorry guys,

The past few days have sucked. Either I was too busy with other things or the weather turned to S**t. I don't know if any of you noticed the corner of a garage in one of my pics or not. Here's the thing. It sets right next to my house but the garage isn't mine. Ticks me off to no end. The guy I bought my house from owned that property and wouldn't sell it to me when I bought the house. I offered him 6 Grand at the time. It wasn't the money. He just simply didn't want to sell it. He was an old guy and when he knew he was about to kick the bucket, he asked me if I wanted to buy it. It's a 100 x 100 ft. lot with the small 1 car garage and currently assesed at $2200 You also have to understand that we live out in the absolute middle of nowhere.

"Well, how much ya want for it?" "$15000." "Uh, no, I don't think so." So I left it at that. Well, the ol' guy kicked off and now his immediate relatives are harpin' on me to buy it.

"Well, how much ya want for it?" "$15000." "Uh, no, I don't think so."

A hundred and fifty bucks a square foot? No way.

So, there's a damn garage right next to my house that I could have the boat in to work on no matter what the weather's doing or what time of day it is and I can't use it. It never stops pissin' me off. :mad:

Hopefully, at some point, they'll come to their senses and realize that what I offered 8 years ago was generous.

So for now I'm bound by free time, the weather, and amount of light left in the day.

We had the remnants of Ike blast through here last night (shredded my very large camping tent and took some shingles off the roof) and that looks like it should be the last of the lousy weather for about a week. Hopefully I can get some more done on the boat as the week progresses.


May 21, 2007
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

OHH man 15,000 thats nuts , your right i would let it sit , or maybe offer the 5,000 now !! lol
I know about the bad weather IKE just let us , droped 6 inchs of rain up here in mich , dont even want to think what he did to texas!!
this is my friday so I am going fishing tomorrow !! just thought i would rub that in a little !! hahah john

Andy in NY

Oct 25, 2007
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

I know the feeling man... I have a huge 1 1/2 car garage with a loft and a workshop, but I cant use the damn thing because half of the roof is bad and leaks like a siv... and wife says "garage or boat, you choose". So my new plan is to wait until the weather breaks in the spring to start on it. I may strip out the deck just to get a handle on what is going on, but thats about it.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 13, 2008
Re: MFG Gypsy 15 Tri-Hull Restore advice needed

Well guys, I did manage to get some work done in the past couple of days. Nothing worth adding pics for though. I coated the transom and stringers with resin, using a slow cure so the resin had time to soak into the plywood a bit. I didn't thin it out. Used it as is and applied it with an automotive fiberglass spreader on the flat parts and cheapie horsehair brush on the edges. I made sure that resin filled all of the remaining holes left behind by the screws as well. I also went ahead and laminated the transom for the other boat I'm working on and I'm starting to cut new stringers for it.

Now I'm as far as I can go until I can order in some fiberglass. Going to go with 1708 Biax to tab in the transom and stringers.

I fear I'm running out of time though without a garage. It has steadily been becoming much cooler here and have had 3 frosts already with another frost warning for tonight. We live in the Norther Hills of PA. 'Glass has been taking a lot longer to cure. Plus, I think it'll be another couple of weeks before I can order the stuff I need and then probably another week before it arrives. The people I bought this house from have a bug up their arses to do the closing on the property so I have to use the money I was going to use to order supplies for that instead. I'm definately getting short on time. :mad:

I was hoping to have the thing done and ready for next season. Not sure I'm gonna make it now. I'm still gonna give it my best shot though. I'm hunting around for a garage I can borrow or rent. Once I get my supplies it'll be balls to the walls. Garage or no garage!