Bush's unity speech


Apr 21, 2004
Last nite, Pres Bush called for the nation to put aside their differences, agree with him and vote Republican.

Now that is inspirational.

Just curious. Does anyone listen to him anymore?

I suspect if you agree with our policy in Iraq at this late date, you still do.

If not, Bush giving basically the same speech over and over again is not going to change many minds.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

Funny, I watched the same speech and came away with a totally different impression.

The message I heard the loudest is that no matter what we've done to protect ourselves against terrorist attacks like 9/11 we are still not safe. And as we carry on with our daily routines in a comfortable manner and get on with life in our free country, terrorists like those of 9/11 are constantly plotting against us.

I also heard that if we don't stop these terrorists now, they will eventually gather enough power and force country by country and anniliate the U.S.

His call for unity to fight the war on terrorism was strong.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Bush's unity speech

Perfect contrast.

Paranoia vrs common sense and survival.8)


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Bush's unity speech

He wants you to vote for the continued war on terror groups.

If you can't put aside your dislike for the man and realize that there still is a war on terror, and realize all the democrats can say is "we think the president is wrong" without telling you how to do it right, and only say that to get your vote, then who is the fool?



Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

I have said he is wrong on his fight many times. I do not disagree with the fact there is a war on terror in need of fighting. I only disagree with his way to fight it. I have given alternatives many times.

To blindly follow someone because they have no alternative themselves, creates a fool.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Bush's unity speech

If we were fighting the terror groups, I might agree with you. But we are primarily fighting in Iraq, in the middle of a civil war.

I might have more sympathy in Iraq if someone would tell me what specifically is the military objective , what exactly "victory" means, what are we doing to achieve it, and how do we know when we achieve it

And hearing him say for the umpteenth time how we are going to track down UBL and bring him to justice just has a bit of a hollow ring to it, especially when we learn that Pakistan has entered into an agreement with some local warlords not to allow Pakistani troops into the area thought to be where OBL is hiding.

There was a great program on C-SPAN the other day put on by the CATO institute (hardly a left-wing group) on how we are losing this war on terror by:.


1 Getting mired in Iraq
2. Emboldening the radical Muslims
3. Marginalizing the moderate Muslims by refusing to talk to them.

We have a grand opportunity when Al Zwahiri (sp?) announced that AlQaida"s prime targets will be Gulf based Muslims states, like Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and others seen to be friendly to the west to enlist the help of the more moderate Muslims in common cause to fight these radicals.

It is long been said that you cannot negotiate with terrorists, and that of course is true, which is all the more reason we have to appeal to the moderate Muslim factions that this is not a war against Muslims, but rather extremists that have hi-jacked the Muslim religion for their own ends


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Bush's unity speech

PW2, ever consider these types of things have been done, but not put into the media? Remember when Bush wanted to turn over the ports to (cant remember country). He was POed cause he thought it would help with relationships with moderate muslim countries.

I dont blindly follow anyone. I dont care if Al Gore said these things (like he ever would), I would still agree with them.

Al Queda has stated they have drawn a line in the sand, and that line is in Iraq.

Yes there is also a civil war going on, and I dont believe any Americans should be involved in this Sunni vs Shite war.

However, one must not forget that those that are fighting in this civil war are also terrorists that hate America.

Also, OBL has been relegated to "cheerleader" status. Al Queda is no longer the same group as prior to 9/11. They are primarily involved in information and help, not so much in planning.



Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Bush's unity speech

If we can all agree that killing as many terrorists as possible is a good thing, then the rest will work itself out.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech


You have assumed that because others don't offer alternatives, there must not be any. Or, at the very least, the person has nothing to offer making them a fool.

Using your same logic, I could also assume that because you agree with W's plan with no explanation of why, you are following blindly.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Bush's unity speech

What LF and Alden said and I'll add: DO YOU PROCESS THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE? Caps in case it is a hearing disorder . . . :love:


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Bush's unity speech

CJY, please re-read my post, I have stated why I believe in the presidents plan.

I only need to quote Al Queda and Bin Laden as to why.

I know there are alternatives. But I honestly havent heard one. Not even a bad one.

The president says - stay the coarse, criticized as being to vague

The democrats say - pull out, and I criticized it as also being too vague. When, how, etc... Not one suggestion. Kerry never made one when running as president. He just said he would do something different, but didnt say how.



Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

eeboater said:
Why you gotta hate, PW2?
Because thats all the liberal Left has is hate for our President.
The whole reason for this troll.
I don't Blindly follow anyone but yet I heard the same speach as LF!


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Bush's unity speech

Hate? Who, me?

I certainly don't hate Bush. I love this country, and I do hate the direction he is taking this country.

There is a difference.

And I assume there is no one that can articulate what precisely is the military objective is in Iraq?

Why is it it seems only a few on the right are troubled by this?


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Bush's unity speech

Military objective is to continue to hunt down terrorists as well as provide support for the new Iraqi government.

Success is defined as: a stable Iraqi government in place that is able to maintain the peace effectively on its own.

I predict it will take another 5 years.



Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Bush's unity speech

PW2 said:

And I assume there is no one that can articulate what precisely is the military objective is in Iraq?

Gee, I thought I was pretty clear in my earlier post.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Bush's unity speech

Its is my impression that fighting a war on terror would include many covert operations as well as thousands of reasons why you would not make known exactly what your plan of attack is at any given moment.

I believe the objective of the current administration is to weaken the strength of the enemy, as it is with any war and any administration.

Different type of war, different strategies. Its an ongoing process that changes with the intel received on a daily basis.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Bush's unity speech

"Last nite, Pres Bush called for the nation to put aside their differences, agree with him and vote Republican."

"Just curious. Does anyone listen to him anymore?"

You obviously didn't. Not putting words into your keyboard, PW2, just exactly what you typed.

Why don't you try not putting words into my President's mouth for a change?


Jul 19, 2004
Re: Bush's unity speech

PW2 said:

And I assume there is no one that can articulate what precisely is the military objective is in Iraq?

"We're training Iraqi troops so they can defend their nation. We're helping Iraq's unity government grow in strength and serve its people. We will not leave until this work is done. Whatever mistakes have been made in Iraq, the worst mistake would be to think that if we pulled out, the terrorists would leave us alone. They will not leave us alone. They will follow us. The safety of America depends on the outcome of the battle in the streets of Baghdad. Osama bin Laden calls this fight "the Third World War" -- and he says that victory for the terrorists in Iraq will mean America's "defeat and disgrace forever." If we yield Iraq to men like bin Laden, our enemies will be emboldened; they will gain a new safe haven; they will use Iraq's resources to fuel their extremist movement. We will not allow this to happen. America will stay in the fight. Iraq will be a free nation, and a strong ally in the war on terror."

- President George W. Bush



Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Bush's unity speech

Personally, I think the president just wasn't partison enough. I realise he has to TRY to pander to the left. But in doing so, he fails to get the message accross (hence, we get these silly little posts from them here crying about it). They complain about him giving in essense, the same speach, and then they come here and rant the same rant about it.

I really think he should just continue to tell the truth -- drum it into their heads like a 6th grade teacher carries-on about global warming. The weapon of propaganda has werked well for them and my enemies in the past,
so it's time to fight fire with fire.
Enough of telling the opposition (whoever the oposers are) to join American resolve and kick terrorist arse...They have their missions and are commited.
Enough about "putting-asside our differences", and point-out the differences instead. Dang it, name names!!! Call these supporters of islamo-fascism out in a public address. He should've spent all his alotted time on that.
We are at war, and it's time to hear "if aren't with us, you're against us" -- repeatedly and loudly.
