You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

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Oct 23, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

This is the VIN tag thats on the trailer. If someone has tampered with this they are in trouble. The title to the trailer is titled to the dealership and is not just a transferred title from another owner and its a one owner title.

That tag is attached with standard steel pop rivets. Anyone here have a Mastercraft trailer who can verify that's the way they attach them?

Get the date codes from the tires. That might be enlightening.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Feb 15, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Thanks Jeeper I just got there myself.and man is he lucky on all sides of this one if it had been me it would have flown apart on the Highway
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Lieutenant Commander
Aug 2, 2001
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I would guess those are ss or aluminum rivets. Stained from the center steel pin or bleed thru from the trailers steel tubing. Like the bottom of that data plate.
If those are steel rivets then I would want to know why they have not rusted away like the trailer did.

And would then be thinking the data plate is from a different newer trailer.

Many trailers also have the serial number stamped into the frame somewhere. Maybe it can be found and maybe it is readable in order to compare numbers.

What is the d.o.t. date branded into the trailer tires??? And are all four tires the same.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 15, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

jeesh guys. It has only been a little over a week since this happened and many of you want to burn the dealer at the stake. The owner may not even know the particulars of what happened yet and the salesman already replied that he would contact Alpheus on the 3rd "when he returned". It is the holidays when many take vacations. I don't find it hard to believe at all that the owner and salesman aren't there. If it weren't the holidays I wouuld agree that contact should have been made by now, but the timing of the break just came at a bad time. Alpheus already said he wasn't in a hurry right now. Give the dealership a chance to make it right before calling in the news crews, or hiring Johnny Cochran. And lets face facts, he bought a boat for $1000 dollars and many of you seem like he is entitled to a brand new $5000 custom aluminum trailer. Yes, an accident could have happened, but the fact is an accident did not happen. On top of that, talking about buying a car that a dealer is required to perform a safety inspection on is irrelevent to this discussion because it ain't a car and an inspection more than likely isn't required, at least it isn't in where I live. If it were me and I got that deal on the boat I would just kick myself in the ***** for not inspecting the trailer before purchase and just go out and find another. I personally wouldn't blame the dealer. In regard to buying used stuff, I live by the saying "caveat emptor" whether I'm the buyer or the seller.


Dec 27, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I am very new to this forum and am no boating expert. HOWEVER... I am VERY, VERY VERY, familiar with laws that involve vehicles that travel on public highways. If you make a living providing vehicles to customers that will be leaving your private property and operating down a public thoughfare, you are responsible for the reasonable road-worthyness of that vehicle before it leaves your lot. PERIOD. There is no such thing as "as-is" as it relates to a vehicle that leaves a "professional retailer" and falls apart in a dangerous manner days later. This is not local law... this starts to be come federal since vehicles can travel from state to state.

The current owner of this trailer will win a lawsuit 100% of the time no matter what state in the US. This trailer was not safe for operation on public highways. The dealer has a legal obligation to disclose this as they are considered an expert in their field. They have no excuse since they have already admitted they swapped trailers. They had ample opportunity to determine the condition of this trailer while the swap was being done. They legally cannot allow a vehicle in that condition to leave their lot and move down the public street.

If they really didn't know the condition of that trailer, they are still responsible. Period. End of story.

That being said, I think you are on the right track by allowing them to make it right in a reasonable manner. However, I caution you as to waiting until after the 1st. There are people at the dealer this week who can get in touch with the owner and the salesman at midnght if need be. I would insist that you be given your options immediately. I agree that they are likely stalling to see if they can dream their way out and are probably consulting with their own legal counsel this week. You may just hear from their lawyer next Monday.

I hope this works out for all involved. Thank GOD no one was injured.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 2, 2001
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

On top of that, talking about buying a car that a dealer is required to perform a safety inspection on is irrelevent to this discussion because it ain't a car and an inspection more than likely isn't required, at least it isn't in where I live. If it were me and I got that deal on the boat I would just kick myself in the ***** for not inspecting the trailer before purchase and just go out and find another. I personally wouldn't blame the dealer. In regard to buying used stuff, I live by the saying "caveat emptor" whether I'm the buyer or the seller.
Is the above your thoughts after reading the entire thread ?? Especially where the OP says the dealer stated that the trailer was inspected by his techs and "was good to go". ???


Master Chief Petty Officer
Feb 15, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

You're right, thank God no one got hurt. Now about that stake burning, I'll bring the marshmallows


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Dealer has its reputation on the well as their pocketbook "IF" they don't resolve this issue for the man.

On their side, I can totally see how sucky this is - Sell a boat with a trailer to someone for $1000.....and it turns around and kicks you in the butt.....I'll bet they wish they would have just lit a match to it......What a hassle.

However, since they did decide to sell it - they are gonna have to pony up and do the responsible thing......

I'll bet they think twice about selling a boat like this in the future......BTW...the boat itself looks/sounds like it was worth more than a grand.....I can't help but wonder what they know about the boat that "we" don't.....

Is the hull going to cave in when you hit 35mph in the middle of the lake?? :eek:


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 15, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Is the above your thoughts after reading the entire thread ?? Especially where the OP says the dealer stated that the trailer was inspected by his techs and "was good to go". ???

Yes it is. Nothing against him, but the OP admits he didn't even really look at the trailer. If I had made that deal I would go lick my wounds and get a different trailer. In my opinion, if you are the person that is going to be pulling the trailer it is your responsibility to know about trailers and trailer safety. I don't really give a crap about what the laws say in this regard. I take responsibility for my actions, like buying things. If I get duped by a seller (dealer or not), I regard this as a failing on my part, not the sellers part.

Now if I were the dealer in this case, I would do something about it. My main point is that you guys don't even want to give the dealer a chance. Contact has been made by the salesman with a promise to contact the owner on the 3rd. If that isn't acceptable to the owner he should let the salesman or dealer know, but it doesn't sound to me like the 3rd is unacceptable to the owner, just to all you guys.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

yeah I'm wondering the same about the boat......

for 1000 bucks that was a steal......if it actually works.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 3, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Also I don't recall seeing the dealer name in the post. KEEP IT THAT WAY don't want to see them trying to use slander against you or would it be lible since it is typed and not spoken

You are correct. That is why I never once mentioned the dealers name. This may be just a fluke and a new salesman said some things that he shouldn't have in order to sell a used boat. I'm not going to destroy the dealers rep before I have even had a chance to talk to him face to face...


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 13, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I've been following the thread and I have to say that I'm extremely impressed with how Alpheus is handling the situation. Everyone is correct, thank God no one was hurt, but they weren't. This may just a bad situation and a mistake. Sure it says the techs checked it out. How many of you have people that work for you and make mistakes, or have made them yourself? Give the dealer a chance to make it right. If he doesn't then do what you have to do. If he doesn't stand by his product I'll buy the marshmellows!:D


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 2, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Honestly, even if I had to "rent" a trailer this spring, I'd still be happy w/ that boat for 1000 bucks :)


Oct 23, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I would it find it rather suspicious if they claim ignorance given that they switched trailers. Their response will be very telling regarding the type of business they are.

I will also offer kudos to Alpheus for the way he is handling this.


Dec 27, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Yes it is. Nothing against him, but the OP admits he didn't even really look at the trailer. If I had made that deal I would go lick my wounds and get a different trailer. In my opinion, if you are the person that is going to be pulling the trailer it is your responsibility to know about trailers and trailer safety. I don't really give a crap about what the laws say in this regard. I take responsibility for my actions, like buying things. If I get duped by a seller (dealer or not), I regard this as a failing on my part, not the sellers part.
I respect your opinion but you must also see that there is a much more serious problem then being "duped" by a seller. What if this was not Alpheus who was "duped" by this salesman? What if his mother/sister/wife/girlfriend knew he was wanting this boat but knew nothing about trailers, and wanted to buy it for him for Christmas? She asks the people at the dealer if it is OK to tow home and they say "yep.. all good" That tongue breaks off on the highway while riding home but now there are injuries or worse? You assume every customer has the knowlege to evaluate the condition of every item they buy. Many don't. That is why they rely on the "expert" they are buying it from. If it was a private indiviual that is not in the boat selling business, that would be a much different story. I would agree whole-heartedly with you. But a "boat dealer" must know better and not allow it to happen.

My guess is that the owner of the dealer did not know the condition of that trailer and the salesman suspected it was weak and there was probably someone in the back who said it shouldn't be sold. However, it likely slipped though the cracks and was sold when it should not have been. The salesman was looking to make a sale but I really doubt he knew it would fail like it did. No need for pitchforks and torches. Most times you will find these are honest poeple who made a mistake. The dealer will likely be much more cautious after this about suspect trailers.

I will be very interested in the outcome of this after the holidays.

BTW... The trailer manufacturer is not to blame here. This trailer may have been on the bottom of a lake for 3 years :eek: Who knows... :rolleyes: I have seen people who could ruin a brand new anvil in less than an hour so I would not pick the trailer builder apart. I'm sure that trailer did not leave the assembly location with all of that rust inside the frame. The trailer was abused by someone.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 15, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I respect your opinion but you must also see that there is a much more serious problem then being "duped" by a seller. What if this was not Alpheus who was "duped" by this salesman? What if his mother/sister/wife/girlfriend knew he was wanting this boat but knew nothing about trailers, and wanted to buy it for him for Christmas? She asks the people at the dealer if it is OK to tow home and they say "yep.. all good" That tongue breaks off on the highway while riding home but now there are injuries or worse? You assume every customer has the knowlege to evaluate the condition of every item they buy. Many don't. That is why they rely on the "expert" they are buying it from. If it was a private indiviual that is not in the boat selling business, that would be a much different story. I would agree whole-heartedly with you. But a "boat dealer" must know better and not allow it to happen.

My guess is that the owner of the dealer did not know the condition of that trailer and the salesman suspected it was weak and there was probably someone in the back who said it shouldn't be sold. However, it likely slipped though the cracks and was sold when it should not have been. The salesman was looking to make a sale but I really doubt he knew it would fail like it did. No need for pitchforks and torches. Most times you will find these are honest poeple who made a mistake. The dealer will likely be much more cautious after this about suspect trailers.

I will be very interested in the outcome of this after the holidays.

BTW... The trailer manufacturer is not to blame here. This trailer may have been on the bottom of a lake for 3 years :eek: Who knows... :rolleyes: I have seen people who could ruin a brand new anvil in less than an hour so I would not pick the trailer builder apart. I'm sure that trailer did not leave the assembly location with all of that rust inside the frame. The trailer was abused by someone.

Like I said, if YOU are the one pulling the trailer then YOU need to know about trailers and trailer safety. I don't care if you are a mother, son, daughter, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, cousin or whatever. If you are going to be towing the trailer, YOU need to know, not some guy or girl that isn't in the tow vehicle. If you don't know then you either need to learn, or you need get someone else to tow the trailer. I don't assume every customer has the knowledge to know about trailers, and that is my point. They need to learn the knowledge before they pull a trailer or at least have a knowledgeable party not connected to the sale independently evaluate. I would never rely on the sellers "Expert" for anything. People need to become their own "Expert" in things like this. That is my opinion as a person who researches and becomes knowledgeable on stuff before diving in. That's the way I was raised and that is the way I am raising my children.

Now that I have given my philosophy, would I have sold that trailer if it were mine? No`In my opinion this was probably a mistake by the salesman eager to get rid of that boat. Give the owner of the dealership a chance to make it right.


Sep 9, 2007
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

You gotta admit though, how often is it you see a 3 yr old trailer crumble like that. Having just closed the deal for a thousand bucks, I too would have just kicked the tires, attached the safety chains an go, it looked fine cosmetically, who would have ever thought.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 3, 2009
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Like I said, if YOU are the one pulling the trailer then YOU need to know about trailers and trailer safety. I don't care if you are a mother, son, daughter, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, cousin or whatever. If you are going to be towing the trailer, YOU need to know, not some guy or girl that isn't in the tow vehicle. If you don't know then you either need to learn, or you need get someone else to tow the trailer. I don't assume every customer has the knowledge to know about trailers, and that is my point. They need to learn the knowledge before they pull a trailer or at least have a knowledgeable party not connected to the sale independently evaluate. I would never rely on the sellers "Expert" for anything. People need to become their own "Expert" in things like this. That is my opinion as a person who researches and becomes knowledgeable on stuff before diving in. That's the way I was raised and that is the way I am raising my children.

Now that I have given my philosophy, would I have sold that trailer if it were mine? No`In my opinion this was probably a mistake by the salesman eager to get rid of that boat. Give the owner of the dealership a chance to make it right.

That is BS!

95% of people driving there vehicles on the road today rely on the word of PROFESSIONALS that there vehicle is safe and roadworthy. In my case yes, I said it before I should have gotten my ***** under that trailer and checked it out,But that's me. I am mechanically inclined and have been working on my own vehicles since I was 11 years old. You tell me your Mother,Sister or who ever after they get their car out of the shop that they tear the car down in the parking lot and check out all of the work that was just performed??? I doubt it.

Do you really think every time you see a U-Haul trailer going down the highway that its being piloted by an experienced trailer pulling driver? Do you think every person climbs under the trailer to make sure that every bolt is tight and the trailer is 100% safe? No because the rely on the reputation of U-Haul trailers and the trained staff to tell you its safe...


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I think enough bashing of he original poster has gone on in this thread. If it continues, I will close the thread until Alpheus informs me what the resolution was from the dealer.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 15, 2008
Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

Re: You Know The Saying "trailer is worth what you paid for the boat" **I Disagree**

I think enough bashing of he original poster has gone on in this thread. If it continues, I will close the thread until Alpheus informs me what the resolution was from the dealer.

If you are referring to my posts, my intent was not to bash the OP. If it came across that way I apologize.

My main intent was to point out that most of the responses on this thread want to crucify the dealership without giving them a chance to do whatever it is they are going to do. The salesman made e-mail contact with the OP with a promise to respond on the 3rd, but many reponded that this wasn't good enough (not the OP). It is really up to the OP if the 3rd is soon enough and from what I read he is fine with the 3rd. That was my main point, or at least what I intended.

I did give a bit of my philosophy regarding responsibility for actions, but I did not intend that this as a slight on the OP, but rather my view of things in general.
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