Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

Elmer Fudge

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 25, 2003
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

The topic was "" Who killed the Kurds?....how?.. ""<br /><br />Not why or whether it was morally right or wrong :rolleyes:


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

The question is irrelevant. We all know Saddam was a bad guy. He killed the Kurds with chemical weapons we supplied him to kill Iranians. Which I presume would have been ok had he actually killed the proper people. I guess, at least.<br /><br />Had the debate been "We should take out Saddam because about a dozen years ago he killed x number of Kurds" then it would make some sense. But it wasn't that. It was Saddam was somehow responsible for the attacks on 9/11, he was training terrorists, he had WMD's and was planning to use them on us, and he was trying to aquire nulear weapons, also to use on us.<br /><br />Had any of it been true, it was provocation enough for us to take action.<br /><br />Except none of it was true, and it is becoming reasonably clear that we knew it wasn't true. Which is why the reason for the war quickly morphed into estabishing democracy in Iraq.<br /><br />And why supporters keep asking completely irrelevant questions, like who killed the Kurds.


Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

Had the debate been "We should take out Saddam because about a dozen years ago he killed x number of Kurds" then it would make some sense. But it wasn't that. It was Saddam was somehow responsible for the attacks on 9/11, he was training terrorists, he had WMD's and was planning to use them on us, and he was trying to aquire nulear weapons, also to use on us.<br />
If none of it was true, you seem to have a great grasp on fiction. Not a reasonable response. But, I digress.<br /><br />And, just WHO was "diddling" with honeys while all this was building up???<br /><br />Someone should have had the cajoines to do something about it instead of relieving tension in the oval ORIFICE.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

PW2 please rememer the reasons we went over to Iraq, not the ones you made up.<br /><br />We went over because we thought Iraq had WMD and we knew Saddam was a bad guy. We were worried he would share his WMD with other bad guys. That was the only reasons, please dont invent any.<br /><br />Turns out, we never found any WMD, doesnt mean he didnt have any. How hard would it have been to hide a small amount and then get it out of the country????<br /><br />Ken


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

The question is irrelevant. We all know Saddam was a bad guy. He killed the Kurds with chemical weapons we supplied him to kill Iranians. Which I presume would have been ok had he actually killed the proper people. I guess, at least.<br /><br />
Then why did you answer correctly. Because its not relevant? What would chemical weapons classify as...???....From your post PW, I cant make out what your saying...Here I'll make it a no brainer for ya...<br /><br /><br /> Do you believe Saddam had WMD's and that he used them on the Kurds? <br /> Select multable choice:<br /><br />a. yes,yes<br />b. no,no<br />c. yes,no<br />d. no,yes <br /><br />
he had WMD's and was planning to use them on us, and he was trying to aquire nulear weapons, also to use on us.<br /><br />Had any of it been true, it was provocation enough for us to take action.<br /><br />Except none of it was true, and it is becoming reasonably clear that we knew it wasn't true.
BTW did you mispell nuclear? :D


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

Never found any WMD. We were told by Colin Powell that not only did we believe they had WMD but we knew their location.<br /><br />Now Ken, you have already told several of us how much smarter you are, so where did they go and who has them now.<br /><br />If the truth was we knew their location do we not have spy equipment that could have tracked the removal. Yes we do, and we were lied to by our government.<br /><br />Now we are in, how the heck do we ever get out. And again Saddam killed the Kurds with gas.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

Originally posted by txswinner:<br /> Never found any WMD. We were told by Colin Powell that not only did we believe they had WMD but we knew their location.<br /><br />Now Ken, you have already told several of us how much smarter you are, so where did they go and who has them now.<br /><br />If the truth was we knew their location do we not have spy equipment that could have tracked the removal. Yes we do, and we were lied to by our government.<br /><br />Now we are in, how the heck do we ever get out. And again Saddam killed the Kurds with gas.
Lets go to school boys...ahem!:<br /><br /><br />Poison gas = WDM<br /><br /><br />Now lets say all say it together...you too PW!<br /><br />
Poison gas = WDM!...<br />


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

The WMD question is meaningless. For God's sake the United Nations and everybody else believed he had WMD. He did, and he used them, which I know was the original question . . . Now that we are at war, why is it always pointed out that "we" were wrong? Hans Blick (sp.) thought they had WMD, the French thought they had WMD, the Germans thought they had WMD. It is obvious that Saddam either had them or wanted everyone to believe he had them. So what? We should disregard all info? We should assume that all intelligence is false? Of course not, we act on what we believe from all of the sources we review. Hindsight is for children.<br /><br />BTW OJ, TXS was closer to nuclear than you were to multiple . . . :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 3, 2004
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

Regardless of the moral or other indicated reasons for going to war in Iraq, the fact remains that it was a mistake as any student of the middle east should be able to tell you. It isn't winnable and never has been! The assumption that the Iraqis would unify and embrace democracy as we know it has been and remains ciompletely in error. It ain't gonna happen. And lets not forget the tens of thousands of Iraqi casualties that our actions have caused. <br /><br />I know there are a lot of UN bashers out there, with some justification, but the fact remains that this country and, in particular, this administration has failed miserably in helping to make it an effective organization capable of real clout in handling situations like Iraq. If we hadn't tried to run it (and, finally ignore it) rather than work to make it stronger, it could be far more effective.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

Isreal has nuclear weapons does that frighten anyone. Folks this is all very frightening to me.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

Oddjob,<br /><br />To answer your question, George Bush killed the Kurds. Are you slow? Everyone knows that all bad things are the result of something George Bush did. <br /><br />Why is gas high? Is it because of EPA tampering or OPEC gouging? No, it's because of George Bush.<br /><br />I have finally learned to place blame on George Bush for everything now and life is SWEET! It rained while I was trying to get my tools picked up today. Normally I would have blamed that on God , but thankfully we have George Bush. <br /><br />I'm not having lots of luck finding a new wife, once again it's George Bush!<br /><br />With any luck the law will be changed to allow a lifetime appointment for GW so I have someone to pin things on. <br /><br />I think George Bush had something to do with my timing issues on my Johnson 120 also. :D


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

oddjob, it depends on what the definition of "is" is, don't it? The WMD that Sadam used on the Kurds, he didn't have 'em anymore, having used 'em on the Kurds.<br /><br />Now, if GW (and Tony Blair, or I should say, their advisors) really believed that he had WMD, that should be reason enough for the invasion, regardless of whether there were any still in the country at the time.<br /><br />So the question is, did they or did they not believe what they were telling us?<br /><br /><br />BTW alden, thanks for taking that stand, it makes a good counter-balance for those who believe GW's poots don't stink.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

Originally posted by jtexas:<br /> So the question is, did they or did they not believe what they were telling us?
OF course they believed it. They would not have staked their reputations and their plan on it if they didn't beleive it. Again, detractors of theirs believed he had them. There was very little dissent about that in the International community before we went in.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 3, 2004
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

Whether they believed it or not, they were wrong and should have known or been so advised.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

Had we really believed the WMD story, we would have sent in enough troops to secure all the various weapons caches in the first place.<br /><br />Or was that merely incompetence?<br /><br />Even if Saddam had WMD's, he had no way to deliver them--even Israel, the country most threatened by Saddam, wasn't worried by him. There was never a credible threat to us by him, and sadly the war has distracted our focus from Bin Laden, and the people that really do threaten us.<br /><br />As far as making up our reasons for the war, even today in Bush's speech in Idaho, there were no fewer than 9 references to 9/11 in relation to the war in Iraq. The implication is clearly still to this very day that Saddam had a hand in 9/11, even when there is no evidence whatsoever, and never has been.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 6, 2005
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

Why are al qaeda fighting so vehemently in Iraq?<br /><br />What makes you think we are distracted from hunting Bin Laden?


Jan 22, 2002
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

he had WMD, everyone knew it, many countries believed he still had them, he said he had them. <br /><br />now - you can say bush/whitehouse should've known it. ok<br />you can say we were lied to - partly true, after we found faulty intel on some details. <br /><br />you cannot then claim we didn't have the right to go to war against iraq, that would be failing to recall saddams failure to abide by the gulf war u.n. resolutions - which was in itself a declaration of war against who? the U.S.A.<br /><br />and i believe just as bush said - saddam had known ties to the terrorists/alquaida - they had camp in iraq, saddam advisors met with them in other countries. this intel has not been declared falsified.<br /><br />now we just all need to put the energy taken in complaining about the war & bush, and turn it towards kudos to our armed forces and letting our admin continue concentrating on the war in iraq & afghanistan, instead of having to worry about making everybody happy over here in the comfort of their couch.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

quietcat & pw2, sorry but neither of you gave me good reason to take your side..."if he knew then he would have..." or "must have known or else he wouldn't have..." just don't hold water.<br /><br />ebb, agree, the US had the "right," or you might say, "justification in the eyes of the world" to make war.<br /><br />At this point, I don't care whether he was just wrong about WMD...if so, he erred on the side of caution and that's a good thing.<br /><br />But GW said it was because Iraq posed an immediate and credible threat to our security, and what I want to know is, was he lying or not.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 3, 2004
Re: Who killed the Kurds?....how?..

No!!! We shouldn't be letting Bush off the hook - even for a moment. He is a terrible leader with terrible advisors and the best thing we can do for our troops is to bring them home just as we finally had to do in Viet Nam!