Total Rebuild Help


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2011
Re: Total Rebuild Help

With a tarp over the boat and you glassing please make sure to keep air moving through your work area. Even with a mask on if there is no ventilation that is not a good combination. I am sure you probably thought of this already just wanted to put it out there.


Sep 21, 2012
Re: Total Rebuild Help

Definitely going to make sure there is some air movement. No open flames anywhere in the area. Don't need a big flare up in the yard. Probably would be bad for my health:eek:

78 degress today. Hard to believe there is cold weather (at least for here) just around the corner. Will try out the heat lamp plan in a few days and let you know how it goes. Hopefully success. Then it's time for cutting some wood and ordering supplies! Can't wait for that to begin.

I have read about using Arauco plywood, but can't seem to locate any. Saw somewhere that the plant that makes it burned down. How accurate that is I'm not sure. Don't want to use PT either. Any other suggestions? Saw some decent looking BB Fir at Lowe's. Didn't see many voids on the edges. Is that going to be ok to use?

Thanks for checking in again!



Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
Re: Total Rebuild Help

The Fir Plywood will be fine. The arauco plywood plant did in fact burn down. Home depot seems to have it now more than lowes. Keep the tented area as small as possible. the heat lamps will be able to do their job much better the smaller the space.


Sep 21, 2012
Re: Total Rebuild Help

Will check with HD for the plywood. If not, fir it is. Shame about the plant. Just my luck.

Well, in the middle of 8 straight days of working. Not much progress will happen during that time frame. Just too busy. Weather is turning rather quickly around here. 72 and sunny aroiund 1:00 this afternoon, then at about 4:00 it had dropped to 54 degrees. Guess the cold front is moving in.

I was thinking....uh oh:D....Leave the tarp over the entire boat. But also construct some type of surround type box made from 1x1 stock and pink rigid insulation. In my mind I see it encasing the outside of the transom, coming up a couple feet, then over into the boat 3 or 4 feet, then down to the hull. Also probably a foot or so on the underside of the hull below the transom as well for good measure. It would be high enough to put in the heat lamps and it would add some insulation to the whole process. I plan on suspending the heat lamps from a board that will lay across the sides from port to starboard. Don't know if anyone shares my "vision" of how it would look:confused: I don't really have a way to post a drawing of it here. Anyone see any issues with this idea? I am also thinking of something similar for the stringers when I begin putting those back in as well. Will post pics when I have it all figured out.

Thanks everyone and have a good Monday!



Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Total Rebuild Help

The Dust Dome is set up, with air conditioning {at 9.5" inches away from the fan, you feel NOTHING!}, ... At the present time, the outside air temp is about 82 degrees, at 10:35 AM, inside the dust dome, it is a toasty 96 degrees...
Later this afternoon, when I get finished for the day, I'll take another temp reading, for those of you who would like some heat sent your way, it's free, take all you want... If y'all don't hear from me by this time tomorrow, I might be suffering from an itch induced, brain farting, heat stroke coma...
PS- that really isn't a boat hull under there, it is my pet blue elephant taking a nap...

This works in reverse during cold weather too, you just need to make the enclosure a bit smaller to conserve the heat...



Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 1, 2009
Re: Total Rebuild Help

you could always use a camo tarp...then no one would ever be able to find you.
but i agree...using a tarp like that can allow you to keep working once the weather turns, just keep the inside volume at a minimum, so you don't have to heat such a large area


Sep 21, 2012
Re: Total Rebuild Help

Thanks guys!

My tarp set up is very similar....well, was very similar to the one GT had. Was planning on sectioning off the portion that I was working on to reduce the volume and increase heat retention capacity as has been suggested. Unfortunately, the wind from this storm has taken care of my version of the "blue elephant." Gusts up to around 40MPH today. Didn't blow it over per say, it actually ripped the pvc out of the joints that I had glued together. WOW! Didn't see that coming. Just waiting for it to die down and I will piece it back together again if possible. Looks like that won't be until Wednesday. Didn't see any tears in the tarp at least so that's good.

Speaking of the storm. Thoughts go out to all with friends and family in areas with much more severe weather than we received here in SC. Hope everyone is safe!

Take care!



Sep 21, 2012
Re: Total Rebuild Help

Well, back online!

Haven't had much time to work on the boat for the past week or so. Hopefully will get back to it on Tuesday weather permitting. Still have to shore up the structural aspects of the tarp. That will be my next thing. Hope to be cutting the plywood and laminating it Tusday as well. Will post what I get done.

Until next time.....



Sep 21, 2012
Re: Total Rebuild Help

Rain, rain, go away!

Still no new progress as Mother Nature has other plans at the moment. Next day off is Saturday but have family commitments so nothing new will be happening this week I guess. Sure wish I had a garage!


Sep 21, 2012
Re: Total Rebuild Help

Hello again.

Not much action on the boat as of late. Just a lot going on. Been looking over a lot of great threads on here and seem to have taken in too much information and now I have confused myself:facepalm:

So, here is what I am thinking:

Cover transom with a layer of 1.5 CSM on both sides and edges prior to install.Tab in the transom with a layer of 8" 1.5 CSM, then another layer of 12" 1.5 CSM around edges, and follow that up with a full sheet of 1708 to form the skin extending past the tabs another 2 or 3 inches on all sides

Cover the stringers with 1.5 CSM prior to install, then tab in with a layer of 1.5 CSM 4" onto hull, then a layer of 1708 6" onto hull

The sole will be tabbed in with 8" strips of 1708 then covered with 2 layers of 1.5 CSM

Does this seem sufficient for this little boat structurally? Any questions, comments, concerns, or affirmations would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance everyone!



Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Total Rebuild Help

The deck should also be covered w/ CSM @both sides & edges and this is the 1st layer of CSM in light brown in the graphic below

After installation of the deck, PB the hull sides to deck joint
1708 tabbing
CSM covering the entire deck & rolling up the hull past the 1708
Another layer of CSM covering the entire deck & rolling up past the previous CSM layer

In a smaller runabout, 2 CSM layers on the deck should be more then sufficient. On a larger I/O boat, like Friscoboater's 2 builds, or a boat that will see rough conditions regularly, 1708 should be incorporated into the deck's fiberglass layers.

From WOG's "Fabricating Decks, Stringers, and Transoms"


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 1, 2009
Re: Total Rebuild Help

on your transom...after the 2 layers of tabbing...most people put 2 full layers of 1708 covering the entire transom and extending on the hull past the transom...a few people recommend adding a final full layer of CSM on the transom also


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 8, 2012
Re: Total Rebuild Help

SSOWDERS - Just finished reading your thread, its inspiring me that I too, can restore my newly acquired boat. subscribing.


Sep 29, 2012
Re: Total Rebuild Help

great thread.. you made me smile when you mentioned "reading to much and getting confused".. Im doing the same type of first time resto and my brain also turned to mush trying to take in too much all at once. There is such an awesome amount of great info from so many here.
What I finally did was got myself a 3 ring binder, started saving and printing things like Woodonglass' pictures/diagrams that jbcurt posted above... Along with things like PB recipies, supply lists, techniques and anything else I think might be of value. I have several tri hull pics printed as well.. All in the binder that I can now keep in the garge.
Good luck with the project! Looks like its going well :)



Sep 21, 2012
Re: Total Rebuild Help

Thanks for the info guys! I will go with 2 full 1708 over the entire transom.

Was going to place an initial order for supplies, but decided to hold on a bit and do one large one for everything I think I will need (and a little more). Got to save a bit more money though. The resin I will be picking up locally so at least I don't have that hazmat shipping expense.

Appreciate everyone checking in! At work so gotta go for now



Sep 21, 2012
Re: Total Rebuild Help

Well, worked on getting the shelter put back together today. Just waiting for the pvc cement to cure and will put the rest back up.

Been over and over my plan and materials list. Then I went over it again about 20 more times. So here is the final version that I will stick with. Going to go ahead and place this order.
16 yards 1708
33 yards 1.5 CSM
3 gallons Cabosil
5 gallons CMF
2 rollers

15 Gallons resin. Getting the resin locally.

Let me know if this sounds like too much or too little.

I appreciate it everyone! Put back will be commencing soon I hope!



Sep 21, 2012
Re: Total Rebuild Help

Well, didn't get any response on my "final" supply list so I went ahead and placed the order this morning. Hopefully it's enough to get the job done. Will let everyone know when I get them and the put back begins (weather permitting).

Hope everyone is well and has a great Thanksgiving with friends and family!



Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Re: Total Rebuild Help

Well, didn't get any response on my "final" supply list so I went ahead and placed the order this morning. Hopefully it's enough to get the job done. Will let everyone know when I get them and the put back begins (weather permitting).

Hope everyone is well and has a great Thanksgiving with friends and family!


Looks like a great list, it may be over or under on an item or 2, but you will likely apply & use supplies slightly different then others.

For reference, on my 15' FireFlite I intend to order:

Resin 3qty 5gal
Biaxial Mat 1708 10YD

CSM, 1.5 oz. 50",25YD


Chopped strands, 1/4" 2QT


as a starting point, I will likely be getting more


Sep 21, 2012
Re: Total Rebuild Help

Thanks jbcurt!

Well, I was just outside staring at the boat since I can't do anything else until I get my supplies and I noticed something.

It is sitting on the bunked trailer with some extra supports added to keep the hull from spreading out on the sides, etc. I noticed that when taking a sightline from bow to stern, the bow (on my right hand side looking down the boat) is sagged down about 2 inches compared to the side on my left. I am simply comparing the top of the hull at the bow to the top of the transom area in the stern. I hope I am explaining this correctly. I only removed one stringer to this point so I thought all would be ok. I understand when they cut the boat hull glass it is less than perfect or straight. I just don't want any problems in the future. The cap came off just as it sits now and was supported at that time. Any ideas? Should I jack up the bow on the right side until it appears straight when looking from the front as compared to the top of the transom and add another brace to keep it in that position? I hope I'm making sense....

Help greatly appreciated!!

