To Build a Boat (any boat)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 19, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

is anyone else prompted by a popup asking fo the username and password

coleman kayak1

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 8, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

lark, I hyave a 1964 3hp 'rude. They are the best engines ever! Except right now mine needs an ignition tune-up, but other than that its the best outboard I've ever ran.

AMD Rules

Lieutenant Commander
Sep 23, 2004
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

This thread is giving a popup request for login credentials, as tracker mentioned. wazzup with that ???


Nov 24, 2001
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Funny, every time I open this thread, my computer asks me to access server and type in username and password. Is this virus infected ??? Has anyone experiences similar ?


Jun 14, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

If I go to tbab from the menu page if you will, I get the pop up. If I go to it from my email notifacation it works just fine. :confused:


Nov 24, 2001
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

The web site referred to is owned by :Comcast Cable Communications, Inc ??? By the IP<br /><br />Who is that ??


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Edit - Sorry folks not sure whats going on with my server but I'm not home right now to fix it. That was my local server asking for a name and password for viewing the pictures I had posted. I moved the pictures until I can get home to figure out whats causing it. Sorry about that. More work when I get home :)

coleman kayak1

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 8, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

The camper boat is looking pretty nice there wimper. :D :cool: I think you are better off with the Johnson. 14" does seem like a bit much to have below the keel. For beaching or otherwise. Please keep us posted :) :D

coleman kayak1

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 8, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Has anybody ever considered building a boat with plans from this site ? I was considering the "Flying Punt" before I bought my amuminum v-hull.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Thats a cool site coleman... havent seen that one before. Lotsa good plans there.<br /><br />I've got the first stretch of 1/4" wrapped around the nose of the camper boat... mega heat from a blast furnace and a wet rag helped to get it bent. Not an easy task I might add. I may cut the next layer in half so I've only got 2 feet at a time to bend. Hopefully it'll go a lil easier... Not sure yet how long I need to let it set before I can mess with it now after its cool... Its still settleing and snap crackling an popping when I move it so I'm leaving it be for the night. One more piece over the nose and it'll be game on for the rest of the bottom as the rest of it is flat. I'd like to use resin between the two sheets to properly laminate them but I'm doubting thats going to be possible... with the additional heat require to make the bend the resin will kick off before I have it bent into shape... I may have to use something else between but a lil leary of that. Any ideas? Gorilla Glue?<br /><br />


Feb 10, 2003
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Hey Wimp, the croc is still in progress. Haven't had much time to work on it lately. Spending too much time at work and the rest with the family (found out a couple weeks ago another JasonB is on the way!).<br /><br />Anyway, on the croc, the paint is about 2/3 finished. Need to finish it up this week for delivers next weekend. I'll try to get pics soon.


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Wimper maybe you can pre bend your panel before gluing it on so you don't have to try and do it all at once. I would try and use the same resin you are using for the rest of the project too. A piece of mat or weave in between would fill the gap and add a lot of strength also.


Jun 14, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Wimp, you could cut some SHALLOW kerfs across the panel you are bending. That would help them to bend easier.Dont worry about losing strength with the kerfs, if I know you, that thing will have 25 gallons of resin on it! :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

JasonB congrats on the new JasonB. That might be the result of spending extra time with the family? :) We want pics of the croc boat and the new Jasonb when they are both finished :D <br /><br />Calico - That could work as long as the shape holds when its removed after pre bending... there's a lot of stress to it during the bend so I'm a lil aprehensive about removing it. Strongly considering this expenading glue. It should expand into any voids there should be and being 100% waterproof seems like the good deal. I used this stuff on the canoe and it worked decent to hold some broken pieces in place. This is NailPower power urethane glue... says its 100$ polyurethane glue, 3x the sticking power over oridnary glues, recommended for every kind of material I could consider using it with, and the water proof thing helps. Its the stuff you need a lil moisture on the surface to help it cure and when it does it expands into a very dense foam. I've used it in a couple of other places on this thing to try it out, and it takes a lot longer to cure than resin but its strong enough that when you pry the two pieces of wood apart when they are fully cured, it pulls wood apart, does not seperate the wood from the glue. After much deliberation with myself, I'm probably gonna go with this as I can take as much time as I need getting the wood in place before the glue dries. I'm also thinking that I might only come up 2/3 of the way with the next piece. If you look at the pics there are 4 "stringers" across the nose that this is bent around.. I may only come up to the third one with this second sheet as there's not really going to be any water force on the top one and the from the second one down to the top one is the funkiest part of the curve and puts the most stress on the wood.<br /><br /><br />CPJ the plywood on the nose is doubled up 1/4" I think even shallow kerfs would cause trouble for me in the bend as thats getting way too thin. The first sheet would have been ok to do that but this second sheet needs to sit as flat as possible against the first sheet. :) I shyed away from the half inch ply on the nose cause I would have had to cut close to 70 reliefs into it before I was done and laminating 2 sheets of 1/4 seemed soo much easier :)

coleman kayak1

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 8, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Yep- you would have to cut a ton of reliefs, and it is soo much easier :)


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Wimper, I would run the panel right past the place where the edge will be when finished. After everything is cured trim the edge down to where you want it. I think it will be a big pain to try and fasten the finished edge down while bending it, it will want to split apart. The leverage of the extra length left on the plywood will help greatly when making your bend too. Also, don't be shy about running screws right through the whole thing into temporary battens on the outside and inside of the skin as clamps that get removed later. You can fill, fair, and paint later. Definately clamp the top edge this way. This would help prevent buckling and splitting too IMO. Getting the two sheets laminated together as tight as possible is most important for strength.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

oh yes everything is screwed & glued permenant... All the screws will be sunken and fiberblassed over so whats the diff right? just added strength in my book.<br /><br />I did exactly what you suggested by leaving it a lil long and i'll go back with the trim router to get a perfect edge after the glue cures. <br /><br />And I screw the first edge in place before I start the bend then more screws as I go along to keep as much surface together as possible.

coleman kayak1

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 8, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Originally posted by Wimperdink:<br /> All the screws will be sunken and fiberblassed over so whats the diff right? just added strength in my book.<br />
Sounds logical to me wimper


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: To Build a Boat (any boat)

Pontune on Svensons <br /><br />Ok I was browsing plans again and was checking out the "Pontune". Correct me if i'm wrong but I'm reading in the specs that this thing will do 10 mph with a 3 hp and 800lbs of load??? Think thats possible???