Re: The stRingers are out!
Thanks guys! I was thinking the same thing about the keel. DO you think it would hurt to run a couple of screws through the center stringer into the keel if the keel's going to be fiberglassed in completely? Yeah the front area of the keel in the pictures is kind of rough. I was thinking about injecting some exopy into the areas where there are gaps in that area before I glass it in. I was looking at a catalog the other day and they had kevlar tape in 6,8,10,12" widths. I was thinking I could put a layer or two of this over the glass on the keel and make it just about abrasion resistant. Good idea, bad idea?
Here are some more pictures. The first shot is of the cleaned transom and inner hull where the new transom will bond. I still have a few small areas to scrape out yet on the hull as you can see in the picture. They're all in areas around the laps! The FG transom sure looks like swiss cheese with that sunlite shining through it!
THis shot is of the grinding in progress on the stringers. As you can see the 2 outside stringers are just about completely ground out and the center stringer still has a ways to go. The area up near the bow on the center stringer should be a freakin pain in the neck!! Also as you can see in the pic I have cut out one rib where it crosses the stringer (area circled in red). I was thinking about cutting all of the ribs where they cross the stringers in a similar fashion (areas indicated in green). DO you think this is too much? If I don't cut them this way then there really isn't any way to clean under the ribs. I've gotten in as well as possiable and there is still an area about 1" wide under each rib that isn't very clean. I was thinking if I cut the ribs in this fashion and re-epoxied the ones that are loose then there wouldn't really be any harm done. I would say that 2/3 of them need refastened anyway. Good idea, bad idea?
Nova, I noticed that you're in SW Ohio too. Can I ask where? I'm about 45 min out of Cincinnati.