Hmm.... I find that response smacks totally of complacency. If the site carries on like this, you'll be saying that yourself!
(see above)
Whether members pay or not pay for this forum is irrelevant. It is a service to a consumer or customer if you like. At the end of the day the Iboats commercial website is but a click away. People will complain for so long at bad service, then vote with their feet. Many don't even bother to complain, they just walk away.
This Forum is an invaluable tool for Forum members ONLY whilst it works properly. It is not for the most part a social club, even though dockside chart is allowed up to a point. Members come here when they have an issue and need an answer. If they cannot get on the site for that answer, most will go somewhere else for it. If they do, they will likely not return.
IBoats is is a great site, but it should be remembered that is one of many. I think that is where the complacency comes in. I have watched over the past few months at how this site has stumbled and all I see is blame being fired in lots of directions and no-one stepping up and saying...OK guys, I am responsible, All we hear is we are working on it and then we appear to take 1 step forward and 3 back.
(we have been posting updates including listing multiple instances of additional hardware purchases that have been required. This is an all hands on deck issue. The owners are involved as well. No one sees this as trivial. The "upgraded" vBulletin software had NOT been used before on a forum this large. We are the first.)
How many members have internet or TV or phone service and get teed off when the service goes down, then back up, then down again. You likely complain, but after so many times, you move providers, because what you seek is stability of service. That is all members want, not on-going excuses.
Ignore your members/customers at your peril.
(thanks for the Biz 101 lesson. Sarcasm intended.)
I have no wish to get into an argument with anyone on this site and I have no wish to expend any more time on my comments. I make them for what they are worth and other members can agree with them or not. That is their prerogative. My comments are aimed squarely at those who control this site.