The Fishermans Arm's


Sep 22, 2001
G'day all<br /><br />If you folk's are anything like me there is nothing I like better after a day's fishing than to go to the pub, have a drink and talk about anything and everything.<br /><br />So why not join me in the Fishermans Arm's for a drink and tell us about the one that got away.<br /><br />I will buy the first round as long as it's not Foster's. ;)


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

Or Bud. It's the most popular beer here in the states, but they age it over beachwood....So it comes out tasting like beachwood.<br />Miller is a good domestic. Sammy Adams is my mostest more favorite beer.<br />If yer ever in sunny SW Florida, drop-in . The beer is on me...No, really..It's all over me (Cats).<br />Don't drink them much anymore,as they run right thru me. But I still enjoy one or two.


Sep 22, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

Hi 12 Footer<br /><br />Would love to drop in for a drink but can't see myself being in Florida this side of Xmas unless I win lotto. I must admit I do enjoy a beer or three but I'm also quite partial to the odd scotch or beurbon. <br /><br />How's the fishing over there? It's the middle of spring here and the best time of year to put the boat in for some fun.<br />The crayfish season is about to start so I will be getting my boat and cray pot's ready over the next week or two.<br />Last year was a very poor season for me as I didn't get a single cray hope I do better this year.<br /><br />Sorry the other half just said it time to leave the pub and get to bed. <br />Catch up with you next time. <br /><br />Opening hours are between 01:00 and 24:59 any day of the week so just drop in any time. The sun's must be past the yardarm somewere in the world!! That's my excuse to drop in for a drink anyway.<br /> ;)


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

It's just the start of Fall here, and temps aree still high, with occasional fronts that bring the snook to the mouths of inland canals...Just right for the type of fishin I do :) Also, the tarpon will be moving back in,and they are allways a rod-breaking experiance..Totally worthless for food value, but a popular game fish. When you land a 60-80lb tarpon,you feel it for weeks..What a rush!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

Do you suppose you gents would let a Heineken or Beck drinker sit at your table? I also have a fondness for Chivas, neat.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB :)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 10, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

12Footer.... how about a Natural Light.<br />(what I drink occasionally) but if you show me the tarpon, I wll buy what you want.


Sep 22, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

Come on in and pull up a chair all are welcome here. Hope you have some good fishing yarn's and not too many fairy-tales to tell. :rolleyes: <br /><br />Anyone who drink Chivas Regal J.B. has got to be OK with me.<br />I'm soory but I have never heard of this Natural Light MGuckin (may I call you MG?) but if the barman has one I'll pay for the first.<br /><br />These tarpon sound like some good fun I would love to know more about them.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

Hey Mgukin,what are ya doing tonight?<br />I'm gonna go back out for a few hours,after a nap..<br /><br />I didn't get any tarps, but I did get three snook. The tarpon are there,and moving in as i type this. Other good spots to try for them is the channel....Anywhere in the channel. They are hungry,and will nail a yellow feather or topwater (if trolled slow enough). <br />Yea-buddy,Needadrink. Those tarpon will tear you up.and your boat too. I allways unhook them at the gunwhale and let them hastle me another day. A 80lb tarpon is the biggest thing I ever caught,and the only thing that wore me out....I take that back..I forgot my first mate grandbuddy. He would wear anyone out.<br />I never drink in the boat,MG...But if you're commmin, brung whatever you want. But I'll be a drivin. <br /><br />


Sep 22, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

G'day 12Footer<br />Good to see someone is catching some fish.<br />I have a trip up the river planed for this weekend to try my hand at a bit of Bream fishing. It can be good fun on light tackle and also they are a good table fish.<br /><br />I had a look on the web at some article's about Tarpon fishing and yes they do look like some mean mothers. <br />Is there a web site for your area? <br />The site I use for my local area is it gives you some good tips about fishing, boating & wether reports.<br /><br />Glad to see your a man after my own hart when it comes to beer and boats. You just can't take any chances out there on the water, and besides it's always better to sit back after a days fishing and enjoy one with frends. That way you can alway tell them about the one that got away. ;) <br /><br />How is life in the U.S of A after Sep 11th? I find it hard to comprehend that anyone can do such evil things. :confused: <br /><br />Anyway good fishing catch you next time.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

Howdy, Needadrink :) <br /><br />Here is a good local fishing-related site that I still frequent.... <br />Those Tarpon are like hooking a great white. They are rarely boated, because they destroy boats. After fighting a medium sized one for about an hour, every joint in your body aches. It literally takes the desire to fish away from a guy...For about a week :) <br /><br />I think the world is still in shock over this one. Our freedoms have changed for the forseeable future. We are changing the laws to allow for a better control of the evil ones.<br />It has to be this way, or they will continue.<br />None of us Americans are used to having our Email scanned and phones tapped. But so be it, at least until evil is trampled into hell where it belongs. I pitty the Afghan cilivilians, who must now try to survive this war,on top of just trying to survive.<br />But as our president said,"we will contuct this weeding out of evil with resolve".<br />It's a scarey world.."But yeah, tho we walk through the valley of the shaddow of death, we will fear no evil" [God is on the side of good,so he fights with us].


Sep 22, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

Hi 12Footer<br /><br />Must be your turn to buy the drinks! I'll just have a beer thanks.Thought we might have seen J.B come in for a quick one and a chat, must be to frighten that he will have to buy a drink for all of us.<br /><br />How did your last trip go with MG? or did you sleep in? :) Must admit I seem to cath more fish when I'm sleeping :D <br /><br />Thanks for the web site I will have a good look at it later.<br /><br />We have had a Great White cruising up and down one of our most popular beaches the last few week, it's seems a bit like Jaws over here.<br />This time last year a swimmer was taken by a White and they think it may be the same one.<br />Each spring we get the migration of whales down the coast and the sharks hang around after the young one's. :eek: <br /><br />I hope we can see a quick end to the war on terrorism. I just don't want the Taliban or the Afghan people to make a martyr out of this scum Bin Laden. :mad: <br /><br />May your God go with you and keep you all safe.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 10, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

Just got back from what I was hoping would have been a good fishin trip on the west coast but Mother Nature change her mind. Oh, weel, a fishless day is better than a great day at work.<br />needadrink..... yup, MG is fine.<br />Natural Light is a very light beer bottled by Coors. <br />JB..... I also like Chivas but prefer Johnny Walker Black.<br />12Footer.... I do not drink while boating no matter who is driving, but thanks for the thought. <br />2 things not allowed on my boat are bare feet (only required garment cuz of hooks) and alcohol. Now, after the boat is safely back in the slip, its "whatever floats yer boat".<br /><br />I can be there in 3 hours.


Sep 22, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

Hi all<br /><br />MG sorry to hear you had a poor trip but as you so rightly say a bad day's fishing is better than a good days work.<br /><br />It's good to see all you guy's are of the same mind when it come to boats and beer. I have seen some idiots come back to the boat ramp too drunk to stand, one would only hope that no one has to go to the aid of such clowns.<br /><br />What are the boating laws like in the U.S regarding safety equipment? Over here it is compulsory to carry life jackets and flares. Fire extinguisher, radio, and epirb are not unless you go more than 5 miles off shore. I myself carry all of the above as well as a G.P.S and first aid kit. You can't have too much safety equipment in my opinion.<br /><br />We also have a volunteer sea rescue groups that for a small fee of $36au per year will look after you when you are on the water. All you have to do is log on when with your radio when you leave the ramp and log off when you get back. If you are overdue they will contact you by radio to see if you are OK but if you cannot be contacted they will raise the alarm and start a search.<br /><br />Anyway it getting past my bedtime and I need my beauty sleep so I will catch you next time.<br /> ;)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 10, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

needadrink....<br />Here, it is mandatory to have a flotation devise for all passengers at the time. The rest of requirements vary on the size of the vessel.<br />Boat is an 18' Starcraft rated for 9 passengers. Fishes 5 comfortably.<br />My boat is required to have an audible horn,jackets for all and lights if out at night.<br />I keep 4 cushions, 6 vests and 3 jackets in the cuddy cabin at all times.<br />I have a dc powered 115 dcb horn and an canned air powered horn along with all running lights (on full time), first aid kit, flares, vhf, gps (just upgraded from luran), radar, flares, manual bilge pump and an automatic bilge pump.<br />If you can't swim, you are still welcome, but, on my boat, you wear a jacket, no exceptions and, as of yet, no complaints.<br />Better to be overly prepared than under.<br />Beer is in da frig.<br /> ;) <br />Edit...<br />Forgot extingushers.... Got 3. Maybe overkill. <br />1 in the cuddy cabin, 1 on port console and 1 on starboard.


Sep 22, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

G’day MG <br />It’s good to see that you guy’s are of a similar standard. As you say you can’t have too much safety gear when you’re out in open water.<br />Can’t get off and walk back if anything go’s wrong unless of corse your initials are JC in which case the hole’s in your feet could be a problem (sorry I’m being sarcastic.<br />It sound like a good idea having a horn on board that is one thing I never even though about, we don’t get a lot of fog over here but still I think I may invest in one. We are also required to have running lights if we use the boat at night<br />. Of corse there are a lot of other requirements but I have listed only the main ones. <br /><br />Do you have a sea rescue organization over there? The sea rescue is the most important part of our safety and I would recommend anyone to join.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

G'day mates. I have a can of natural Light before me at this very moment.... well, half a can anyway. It is brewed by the people who make Budweiser, Anheuser Busch. Not bad, but I'll take a Heinie anytime.<br /><br />Went over to my catfish pond this AM. Caught a couple in the 2-3 pound range. Excellent for the smoker.<br /><br />Don't get to fish big water very often. Hope to make it to the Gulf the weekend after Thanksgiving. I'll let you know what happens.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB :)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 10, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

Guess that shows how much beer I drink. I stand corrected. :eek:


Sep 22, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

It doesn’t really matter who makes it as long as it’s cold, wet and tastes good. :D <br /><br />JB I would love to try some of that smoked catfish could you send some over.<br />I take it by your statement about big water that your landlocked, never mind you can have just as much fun in the rivers and lakes can't you.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 3, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

Down in my neck-o-the-woods on Devils Lake in Lincoln City, Oregon USA, we refer to the post fishing (aka lie telling session) time as "The Glenn Miller Hour". I'll put on one of Glenn's CD's as we enjoy any number of CAB's (cold adult beverages) while watching the sun swing directly over the lake. Around that time the northerly's are usually blowing, which distorts the suns reflection off the lake just enough to make it tolerable to see without shades. The buzz from a few cold (ok, quite a few) Labatt's combined with the warm glow of the late afternoon sun puts a person just about where ya wanna be. To this add some good conversation with old high school buddies and it just don't get no better than that.<br /><br />Yes keeps on a rockin' in the good 'ol USA.


Sep 22, 2001
Re: The Fishermans Arm's

Hi Walter and welcome to the Fishermans Arm's, it sounds like a beautiful part of the world you have there. :cool: <br /><br />I know what you mean we sit on the beach and have a good chinwag after a day on the water. With a six-pack of beer and natures own sky show over the Indian Ocean you can feel like a millionaire. <br />I may be bias but I think we have some of the best sunsets in the world over here. Still life is good no matter where you find yourself just sit back and enjoy it.