The deed is done!


Nov 30, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

What make you think that Timothy McVeigh was a Christian? I never claimed that I or any Christian was superior to those who are not, I just made a comment about the tendencies of Christians not to practice indiscriminant homicide. I consider that a favorable characteristic.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

jtexas said:
We do not need to search elderly non Muslims, but NPR is about as politically correct as you get! Why do we spend tax $ on NPR? I guess this is a little more then $.02. Thanks for putting up with my rants. JR

[smart-ass comment]
your rants aren't that bad of a read, I just think if I go to the trouble of labeling a smart-ass comment as such the least you could do is respond in kind
[/smart-ass comment] ;)

You say PC, I say respectful...any way you look at it, NPR is about as good a source of actual news (and I mean beyond sound bites) as you'll find anywhere.

Excluding any group, even the elderly, from security procedures would create a loophole, a weakness in the system, and I have to believe that somewhere in the world lives a terrorist with enough brains to figure out how to exploit it. Just an opinion.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

The good news is that we only have two more years of 'Duhbya'

Thank God we do have 2 more years of "W", I shudder to think of how deep in shist we would be if we had Billery or Osamaobama running things.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: The deed is done!

He was raised Roman Catholic.....
Google Timothy Mc Veigh & look at the wikipedia link...
I just made a comment about the tendencies of Christians not to practice indiscriminant homicide
Sure they do...;)...
How about the right to life wingnuts?
Your Liberal Seattle friend :).......JK


Nov 30, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

I knew you were being clever, it was just a good excuse to rant some more. I agree that NPR is not bad at reporting the news, it just seems to me that there are a lot of quality liberal news entities that make profits that are taxed, so why do we need one more source of cool aid at taxpayer's expense? Old folks: I also agree with what you said here. My point is this: most of the current terrorism comes from people with one well known characteristic that should be our focus. RESPECTFULLY, JR


Nov 30, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

Haut said:
He was raised Roman Catholic.....
Google Timothy Mc Veigh & look at the wikipedia link...
I just made a comment about the tendencies of Christians not to practice indiscriminant homicide
Sure they do...;)...
How about the right to life wingnuts?
Your Liberal Seattle friend :).......JK

There are over 1 Billion Christians, and I know Ireland was a problem, et al. That said: there is an order of magnitude here. Relative moralism used by Liberals in the 60s equated the USSR with the USA remember? I never bought that then or now. When you have a billion members there are bound to be "wingnuts" like Jones town etc., that really does not prove anything. Liberals love military people also to prove they aren't into the white flag business. I'm not convinced. John Kerry is a first class puke regardless of his military service. Respectfully JR


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: The deed is done!

Haut said:
just made a comment about the tendencies of Christians not to practice indiscriminant homicide

I think (edit) most of you are still making a critical mistake. Although our most recent bad guys are primarily Islamic fundamentalists, it is not Muslims or Christians or Jews or Quakers or Democrats that are the problem. It is "EVIL PEOPLE". Bad guys (and Gals) do bad stuff. It does not matter necessarily what religion they claim to mis-represent. Religion does not teach murder. Evil people teach murder. Religion does not cure evil, it only identifies it ;)


Aug 1, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

Religion does not teach murder

KORAN commands to kill infidels:

Allah is an enemy to unbelievers. - Sura 2:98

On unbelievers is the curse of Allah. - Sura 2:161

Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. - 2:191

Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah's religion reigns supreme. (different translation: ) Fight them until there is no persecution and the religion is God's entirely. - Sura 2:193 and 8:39

Fight unbelievers who are near to you. 9:123 (different translation:
Believers! Make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Let them find harshness in you. (another source: ) Ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers....



Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: The deed is done!


I believe all of those have been disputed and/or defined differently. It reminds me of the mistranslation of the Commandment Thou Shall Not "Kill", the translation that most who actually studied the various records recognise is Thou Shall Not "Murder". Big Difference.

BTW, the use of the word ALL in my post was too strong so I am editing . . .


Aug 1, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

Makes no difference how we define or dispute the translations, the fact of the matter is how the radical Imans interpret the Suras... so yes, there is a religion that makes it a duty to Murder non-believers.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

I think (edit) most of you are still making a critical mistake. Although our most recent bad guys are primarily Islamic fundamentalists, it is not Muslims or Christians or Jews or Quakers or Democrats that are the problem. It is "EVIL PEOPLE". Bad guys (and Gals) do bad stuff. It does not matter necessarily what religion they claim to mis-represent. Religion does not teach murder. Evil people teach murder. Religion does not cure evil, it only identifies it ;)[/quote]


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: The deed is done!

QC, I agree with you100%. Religion does not kill, anymore than it protects, any more than it feeds people. It's the human that reads his desires into the text of scrolls and books.
Jesus did not bomb the Murrow building. Tim McVeigh did.
Ala did not bomb the WTC, Ramzi Yousef {etal} did.
When the excuse of religion is used to carry-out otherwise heinous, evil acts toward one's fellow man, it has ceased being religion, and it's NOT faith that motivates the mutant any longer.



Nov 30, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

Sorry I pushed reply before posting, (to many thumbs). QC: I agree with your basic point: [that people are chosing to do evil things]. That said, one must ponder history to have an understanding of their conduct. Christianity has had very dark moments in the past, (as has Judaism), but both religions have moderinized, (but passages in our sacred texts also are troubling in the literal way they are stated). The dark ages and the Crusades and the Spanish Inquistion were low points in my religion. Islam has always used military means to spread their message, and it has always been a "full meal deal" governing every aspect of the adherants lives. After the 6th century when the Islamic hordes arrived, the people around the Mediterranean sea had two choices: #1 lose your head, or #2 pray to Mecca 5 times per day. I don't find it shocking that Islam found success. The Islamic culture had huge territorial success and achieved dramatic advances in technology, mathmatics, astronomy, etc. Have you ever wondered why most of the major stars have Arabic names? All that said: Islam as a religion has never moderinized. OBL and the other garbage are just using the language in the Koran as partially posted by Crunch to do what these animals have done for 1500 years + or -. This is not new and they just use modern technology they acquire to do the things they have always done. If we were unfortunate enough not to be born here in the USA, and were instead born in the Islamic Middle East we very well could have gone to school under the thumbs of Imams and learned to adhere to the intolerance that we see over 1 billion people following today. So to say the religion does not cause it people cause it: you are correct. BUT: religion is the only known factor in human history to be associated with this type of outcome. As I stated earlier: re-training likely will not work. D. Pipes; T Friedman, B Lewis et al state that 25% of the followers of Islam have some very bad seventh century customs and attitudes burned into their souls, that is 250 million people give or take. Since I don't plan to pray to Mecca anytime soon, and even liberals may find that distastfull, (if they stop focusing on how much they hate W), we have a real problem here. I hope we don't have to send 250 million people to Allah to find out if their theory is correct, but it could come to that. Let's hope and pray it does not. Respectfully, JR Sorry I can't spell.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

JR, nobody worth listening to cares if you can spell or not.... it's the ideas we look at. :p


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: The deed is done!

crunch you must have devoted years of study in the most influential mosques in the world to wield such authority in the Islamic faith. You must be one of the world's premier Imams.

Did you realize that all Christians are required to practice cannibalism? It's true. Communion bread and wine are literally human blood and flesh. Saw it on the Catholicism web site, so it must be true. Of all Christians.


Aug 1, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

crunch you must have devoted years of study in the most influential mosques in the world to wield such authority in the Islamic faith. You must be one of the world's premier Imams.

Tex, you've run that crap by before, and it's still crap.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: The deed is done!

It's good enough crap for someone who is advocating the murder of innocent men, women and children.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

crunch you must have devoted years of study in the most influential mosques in the world to wield such authority in the Islamic faith. You must be one of the world's premier Imams.

Did you realize that all Christians are required to practice cannibalism? It's true. Communion bread and wine are literally human blood and flesh. Saw it on the Catholicism web site, so it must be true. Of all Christians.

Skip down a few posts for reply


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: The deed is done!

Just curious and really don't want to get involved in the preceding debate, but.....someone explain just how the execution of a murdering dicatator sparks such a debate? I have seen such debates on the forums before over other world matters.....just curious.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: The deed is done!

I don’t think that we will have any peace in the Middle East until there is a version of (Mustafa Kemals) commonly called "Atatürk"that title was bestowed on him in 1934 by their national parliament, it means (Father of the Turks).

He might be in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran, or any of the other despotic Country’s of the area, but it will have to come from within, not imposed by the outside.

Turkey ideology is called "Kemalism", but most of the Turks refer to it as "Atatürkism". It’s a republican form of government not unlike our own. The New Turkey's ideology was, and remains, "Kemalism", later known as "Atatürkism". Its basic principles stress the republican form of government representing the power of electorate, secular administration, nationalism, and mixed economy with state participation in many of the vital sectors, and modernization.

In his quest to bring Turkey into the twentieth century, he formed a truly secular system taking it from an outmoded semi caliph system, a legacy of the crumbling Ottoman Empire. He managed to do this in four years, between 1926 and 1930; the Turkish Republic achieved a legal transformation, which might have required decades in most other countries.

Atatürkism introduced to Turkey the process of parliamentary and participatory democracy. It is the first Moslem nation to become a Republic, Religious laws were abolished, and a secular system of jurisprudence introduced. When he modernized turkey into a secular government education played a major role. He made religious faith a matter of individual conscience; he made it a true secular system