No corrosion cure in a can at least that I know of. Cleaning with wire wheel, cup brushes, nylox and fine wire not coarse. Patching and filling the damage, normally on my boats anyway the clean up and hull repairs take the most time and labor of the whole process.
welcome to the rotten-tin support group :welcome: :lol:
this is a chicken-or-egg scenerio...did the PO add the epoxy before or after the swiss-cheese appeared? :noidea:
I also had epoxy smeared all over the outside of my hull; epoxy's adhesion to aluminum is questionable...and when it fails, it traps water. Throw-in the fact that it might be anti-fouling epoxy which contains Cu.
I would say before it appeared, the picture you re posted was acually a drain hole for the bottom "fin" bits that run along the hull. The previous owner must have thought it was a water entry point after cleaning the hull up it looks much less threating. The only bad spots after much angle grinder time is my two side by side mystery holes. Bad pitting on fuel tank and lighter but not fantastic pitting on the bottom of hull before transom. Pulling transom this week if i manage to muster up some energy after work or the weekend. I did pick up a sweet capatins chair off craglist after work today!
Finally found some time to get the stand built i think i will put another 2x8 on it where motor bolts go though as i noticed this motor dosent hang it fastenens with bolts so there will be lots of twisting force on it. All this is scrap wood from work.... need to save somthing somewhere on this
Looks like a pretty stern heavy set up, all that motor weight sinks the stern pretty deep and that kicker is blocking off one of the SW drain tubes. How would you use the stern eyes to secure the boat on the trailer? She needs some thought going into a redesign back there. The tabs are out too far and not even with the bottom of the hull, The kicker could use a bracket to get it off the tube are a couple thoughts.
The splashwell drain tube *could* be open to drain if it's between the kicker's not a solid mount going across. If you can avoid a bracket this is much simpler to just hang it on the transom. Remember the steering arm needs space on that side.
The deconstruction phase is about finding/identifying every bad or negative thing about the boat and then making the repairs and or adjustments before the rebuild. I had some things I didn't notice on my boats that caused me extra work down the line and you certainly don't want that after you put it back together.
Im trying find out the best course of action to take here. The elictrolis ? Bug hole looking things that need attention they look like my fuel tank corossion. I would like to fill or patch them with somthing. Im thinking a epoxy of some kind then gluvit the inside of hull. What is the best fix for them. Its mostly near the back of the hull on the inside of the boat floor where wet salty foam was.
Just pulled the wood out of the transom yesterday intill the wee hours of the morning. I didnt really poke around intill this morning. with a brass wire wheel i exposed some nasty sad aluminum. You can see through my ?#!$ing transom heres a few pictures i reallly dont want to deal with 100 rivites on each side and remove the hole sheet. It only reall bad ina few spots. Hopfully someone can steer me in the right direction again