Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 12, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

...Hopeshefloats, keep Murphy busy for a week or two will ya. I got some business to attend to and I don't need him peering over my shoulder.

Well...How do you like that...just when I was beginning to think you were OK ;):D In-case it slipped your mind, I've kept him busy 'laughing' for two thirds of my redo, surely you won't mind if I pass....right?:D

Get that ship shaped so we can play tag from Port Huron to Lake Erie ;)


Apr 1, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

I'd hate to think Kenny left you hanging Don. Murphy didn't visit you did he? We need an update please, I'm starting to sshhake.

Bwana Don

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 20, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

Sorry guys I owe you pictures and an explanation why I havn't been on my resto in a while. So here goes;

I HAVE decided to replace the bellows and the shifter cable (mercruiser parts only) prior to splash. A freind of mine almost sunk his boat at the launch because a bellow split. I don't know the history on mine. They look a little weak.

I ran out of funds. I need to be a bit frugal here, the plastic cards are getting a little heavy.

This is the biggest reason here. I'll finish this later tonight? I need a few minutes to gather my thoughts.

OK I'm back, my son is not doing very well. Nothing life threatening, but pretty serious nonetheless. The last few years I've been hoping he will grow out of this "phase he's in. It has become painfully obvious this is not so. I am convinced he is Autistic. He has so many signs and is doing poorly in school and socially. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to be more precise. Highly functioning at least, but way off normal.

This has been hard for me to accept and the boat has taken a very minor role. I really haven't felt like doing much of anything. Zach is in first grade and he can't keep up with his peers. The older he gets the more obvious it is something is wrong. Doctors avoid the word Autism like the plague. My wife swears all his trouble began the day after the MMR vacination. No doctor will even listen to this. We are seeing a nueroligist to rule out something physical like a tumor or whatever.

Our family will make it through this. I am having a difficult time adjusting right now. I've never backed down from a challenge in my life and I won't now either.

On a brighter note I dusted off the 12 foot flatbottom. I fixed the trailer up and we fished for the last 6 weeks. Zach loves to fish and so do I.

Well thanks for listening, and yea I know I owe you guys pics, sorry. I will work on this over the winter too. God bless all.


Apr 18, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

My 13 year old (now) started having problems with his kidneys right after a vaccination. I did my research and there is research indicating a correlation between the two. Luckily the problem disappears with low doses of medication...going on 10 years.

Funny how we trust the medical professionals carte blanche. Though we have no one else to trust not that long ago it was the standard to drill into peoples heads to let the demons out...or a good blood letting will fix it.


Apr 1, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

Don we can understand why the boat is on hold, as it should be. I have to tell you my nephew is Autistic and we have the same problems with Doctors and someone giving us answers. Maybe they just don't know, or so its seems. In any case you are giving your son what he needs, lots of love and shareing great times with him, which is a mark af a great Dad. I have discovered as with any child, they can pick up on your moods so be carefull. Its understandable about you concern but try not to let your son know your worried. There are many levels of autism and ways to handle/treat all of them. God Bless and take care.
BTW, my nephew is the smartest kid I have ever known (seriously smarter than some adults) but kinda hard to keep up with his energy. LOL


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

Don, sorry to hear about your situation. A friend of mine from my old job has a son with ASD. His wife helped start this organization Obviously they wouldn't be local for you but they have lots of good information and support. My son's friend sounds like your son. Nice kid, high functioning but just not quite "normal". He's made tremendous progress.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

I feel for ya. Working in public eduction (wife too) we see the rough stuff that students and parents go through.

There is hardly anything better than a father/son fishing trip. Nice job keeping the priorities straight Don. Keep on it buddy!

Much Heart, Jason

Bwana Don

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 20, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

Thanks guys, I really appreciate the support. I'm just now coming to term with this. Once I admitted there was a problem then reality hit me full force. I have a special needs child. He tries to keep up with the other kids but it's no use. He struggles socially and with writing. He was been in "The Early On" program at two years old for being speech delayed. All the signs for Autism are there.

My wife is taking this pretty hard, she's known all along (since the measles, mumps, ruebella vacine) there was a problem. It's gotten worse as of late, he's now diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome, ADD and OCD. Not uncommon for ASD children.

The Tourette's has gone from ticks and minor movements to verbal. As luck would have it it's swearing, not the f-bomb or taking God's name in vain but pretty bad still. I didn't let him go to Cubscouts last night because the swearing was soooo bad. Too bad it was a pack meeting and he had a couple badges coming. I hope this passes soon. If they kick him out of school I can always take him to the factory with me.:D


and the rest of the Starcraft gang. God bless you all.

Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

Don I'll be honest, we've missed you on here a bit, but no doubt you've got your priorities in line. Family first, nothing wrong with that.

Those saturday fishing trips sound like a great time for the both of ya:D

Hopefully he can get the badges next time around. Let me guess, you helped him get his badges for knot-tying, catching, filleting, and preparing fish, and fire-starting? (my nephew was working on some of those up north last summer and we had a blast;))

Give me a holler if you head up this way at all(north of Lansing), the Pike bite has been great and there's room for you guys anytime.:)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

That all sounds like a nightmare. I personally have ADD and was put on medication for it in elementary school which saved my grades and behavior. I actually should be on it now but they make it such a pain to get the medication that I don't bother. (I wouldn't be posting on here as much I'll tell you that! I'd actually have some attention span.) My son probably has it but it's tough to tell at 3 yrs old. I don't know how much attention span a 3 year old should have but he certainly has NONE. I wish you were local because I'd be able to send a lot of help your way. Between my friend's wife I mentioned before, my wife being an ex MH social worker, and some family friends dealing with an ASD son I know quite a bit about the resources available in our area. Both of the children I know with ASD are making good progress and are in mainstream schools with some help.

Bwana Don

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 20, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

HA I love pike. I'm targeting a 40" for my wall (replica mount?) and havn't got one yet. Things are a little too much for me to plan on any kind of road trip right now. I feel so much better after having talked to you guys. I've held this in for a year or two.

EZ there are lots of people with special needs kids that would trade places with me in a heartbeat. It's tough, I not going to lie, but I'm not going to feel sorry for myself. My kid will fish in the rain or the snow and never complains. he is an outdoors boy for sure. The fact we could only have one kid is maybe a blessing too. We can devote all our attention to him. Things could always be worse.

I've got big plans for the Offshore this winter. I'ts going in the water in spring, come heck or high water. No later than May 1!! I'll make a list.


Vice Admiral
Oct 4, 2008
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

HA I love pike. I'm targeting a 40" for my wall (replica mount?) and havn't got one yet. Things are a little too much for me to plan on any kind of road trip right now. I feel so much better after having talked to you guys. I've held this in for a year or two.

EZ there are lots of people with special needs kids that would trade places with me in a heartbeat. It's tough, I not going to lie, but I'm not going to feel sorry for myself. My kid will fish in the rain or the snow and never complains. he is an outdoors boy for sure. The fact we could only have one kid is maybe a blessing too. We can devote all our attention to him. Things could always be worse.

I've got big plans for the Offshore this winter. I'ts going in the water in spring, come heck or high water. No later than May 1!! I'll make a list.

Your a lucky man BD...My daughter (now 21) hates all things boating and fishing.
The Good Lord gave you your son because you all needed each other and have a purpose to fullfil together in this world.....
Bless you & yours....we are here for you


Apr 1, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

Don I think you will agree even though most of us have never met, we are still very good friends. At least thats my feelings IMHO. Never never hold things in when you can get it off your chest. As you have read we all share a similar experience in one way or another. Heck if nothing else thats what PM's are made for.:D
I have two girls, 24 & 26. They both love fishing and outdoors. No idea where they got that from:confused::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Bwana Don

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 20, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

Your a lucky man BD...My daughter (now 21) hates all things boating and fishing.
The Good Lord gave you your son because you all needed each other and have a purpose to fullfil together in this world.....
Bless you & yours....we are here for you

Thanks Kev, nothing happens by chance. I really need my wife and son, they make me a complete man. I'm going to play this out one day at a time. The Lord's in charge, not me. I guess I need reminding of that occasionally, like daily.:D

Last month Zach and I tried fishing in-between rain storms. As soon as we got to the boat launch it started coming down pretty good. I asked Zach, "you want to fish in the rain, or go home". We fished for 3 hours and loved it. Yea I'm blessed.

fsh, thanks for letting me bend your ear. I feel so much better getting this off my chest. It hasn't been easy for me. Every body needs friends and you guys are A OK in my book.

Just got back from Cubscouts, littleman earned his Bobcat badge. He didn't swear once at the den meeting. Thank you Lord. Good night and God Bless.


Apr 1, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

"Good Night and God Bless"

Red Skelton
I loved that man.:(


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 21, 2010
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore


Been absent myself for a few months and just catching up. Your posts are very touching. As a father of 5, I feel for ya when it's one of your own. It sounds like you're a man of faith, but our family will keep you and yours in our prayers too! Fellow east-sider who's available for coffee, fish chat or whatever you need! Blessings and strength to you!


Mar 10, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

Just started reading your post, sorry to hear about things,im sure that everything will WORK ITS WAY OUT, and if you lived close to me, id finish that boat myself for you.if you ever need mine, just come and get it for the weekend my friend.

Bwana Don

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 20, 2009
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

Well guys it's been a loooong winter. It snowed a little bit today even. Nothing stuck but it snowed! Been fishing instead of working on the boat and I'm not sorry. Suckers are running and so are the Steelhead. Little man has been terrorizing the Redhorse Suckers. Nothing like fishing with your kid.


Broadcast, thanks bud I'll take you up on that. jjacobs007, wish you were closer. I'd get a couple of pops and fire up the grill. We'd work on some boats!

Spring is here and I'm ordering some all the seals and boots for the outdrive. It won't be long, of course catch & release bass opens on Lake St. Clair in 2 weeks. I'll need to take a small break for that. :)

Take care guys.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 21, 2010
Re: Starcraft; 1971 V-Offshore

"Little Man" looks awesome Don! Priceless!

Gonna have to blow the dust of my thread pretty soon too! Been fishing a little much myself to work on the boat!