Some People ?

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: Some People ?

Are you insured? Take the hit and let a sub deal w/her.

Actually, that may be the best advice so far.
If the OP carries insurance, the insurance inspector will be much better placed to tell her "to go pound sand."

OP should get his insurance company engaged and make sure that they are well aware that this is a BS claim.


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 6, 2010
Re: Some People ?

geeze, paint a house for $250? If you're feeling that charitable I'll fly you out here and you can paint mine for $250 :D

sorry to hear about your troubles, my dad had a small business and it seems every year or two one of these (male or female, makes no difference) crawls out of the woodwork. hopefully she'll just spend a bunch of money on court costs and get nothing. If she does sue you, go in as professional and prepared as you can and hope she goes in like a raving lunatic.

If she has home owner's insurance I don't understand why she doesn't wait for a thunderstorm and report hail damage, if she's going to screw someone anyway..


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: Some People ?

You can only file a complaint with the consumer protection of Maryland if you?re filing against a bussiness. Any personal claims must be filed with small claims court. If nothing else, just refuse mediation and Arbitration and have it sent to small claims court.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 28, 2002
Re: Some People ?

Did she at least pay you the $100 for the cleaning? If not counter sue for your money.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 14, 2009
Re: Some People ?

I am not disagreeing with you, simply saying that we all have "our point of view" in any situation and it may or may not be shared by another, especially an elderly woman that probably doesn't have the first clue. (I would have thought anyone knew you had to sand something before painting it. I was wrong.) Heck, for arguments sake lets say this woman is out to take advantage. It really doesn't change anything from a business perspective. You are still the one left holding the bag with a complaint against you.

My only reason for bringing this up is to help you consider how to handle future business. Her fault, your fault, no one's fault, it still lands on your business' shoulders as you have seen from the complaint filed. Is it fair? Probably not. Is it the real world of owning a business? Absolutely yes! All I am suggesting is this should be a catalyst for you to review business practices and find ways to avoid being caught in this sort of situation in the future. If the siding is 25 years old you may need to go out of your way, in the extreme to make the client aware that a power wash is not a miracle and the result will be clean 25 year old siding and with all the dirt gone it?s age is going to be apparent.

As a small businessman I sympathize with you and no one would like all business to go smoothly more than me. The reality is the only way that happens is if I do all the upfront work, identify possible issues before they become issues and communicate it clearly. I simply can?t assume the customer is knowledgeable or even has common sense because experience has shown me it isn?t all that common. :(

EDIT: A thought added: Just about anyone can run a business or service as long as things go smoothly. The real test is in how a problem is handled. Sometimes, actualy more often than I like, it means setting aside ego and what I think is fair and look at "what is best for my business" and act accourdingly, even when it means swallowing that big lump in my throat. No that is not suggesting you go paint her house for free or cheap, but it may mean needing to do some leg work (time and money) to get the complaint removed from the records. IMHO there is nothing more valuable to a small business than its reputation.
Anyone who has been in business for a while and is successful has learned the hard way that this is the absolute truth.

Did she at least pay you the $100 for the cleaning? If not counter sue for your money.
Actually this is the opposite of what I would do. (See Bubba's post). He should cheerfully refund her money and say "sorry you were not satisfied with the job". And then chalk it up to experience. That $100 refund will come back tenfold down the road.

Captain Shikaboo

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 3, 2012
Re: Some People ?

All I want to know is how you were able to rig up your power washer to shoot soccerball hail out of it... That sounds like a great party novelty item.

R Socey

Chief Petty Officer
Jan 9, 2011
Re: Some People ?

Did she ever collect from the neighbor for the fence? That might be a good bit of information to keep in mind.
Encouraging her kind of behavior only perpetuates it.
I made my offer - she refused - I retracted it.
Thomas Jefferson once said....In matters of fashion swim with the current....In times of Principle, Stand Like A Rock!!!

If it were my name and business....I Would Stand Like a Rock.

I would spend MORE than she is asking in defense and Not give in.

Good Luck !!! :)
I'll stand!

I would do a little local research and find out who else she has pissed off and/or frivolously sued.
I don't know how to research - I'll wait - the ball is in her court.
If it's small claims court, she will prob be liable for YOUR legal costs if she loses. Don't give in and try to settle...that only encourages her behavior. I already made her an offer that she rejected.

If my neighbor sued me, I'd make their life a living hell from that point on. I'd play music loudly all day long....let my dog bark...and do anything I could to annoy her(all within the law, though). She is not my neighbor - thank God!

BTW: I believe that ANY offer to settle etc is an admission of guilt in the eyes of the courts. Being "nice" and just trying to settle wil bite you in the arse.
Too late.

Actually, that may be the best advice so far.
If the OP carries insurance, the insurance inspector will be much better placed to tell her "to go pound sand."
I don't have insurance - this was more like a favor.
OP should get his insurance company engaged and make sure that they are well aware that this is a BS claim.

geeze, paint a house for $250? If you're feeling that charitable I'll fly you out here and you can paint mine for $250 :D

sorry to hear about your troubles, my dad had a small business and it seems every year or two one of these (male or female, makes no difference) crawls out of the woodwork. hopefully she'll just spend a bunch of money on court costs and get nothing. If she does sue you, go in as professional and prepared as you can and hope she goes in like a raving lunatic.
Thanks I'll see what happens.
If she has home owner's insurance I don't understand why she doesn't wait for a thunderstorm and report hail damage, if she's going to screw someone anyway..
She probably screwed them already and spent the money on screwing someone else.
You can only file a complaint with the consumer protection of Maryland if you?re filing against a bussiness. Any personal claims must be filed with small claims court. If nothing else, just refuse mediation and Arbitration and have it sent to small claims court.
I don't have a buiness, I just work alone for others. That is good information - where is the Cobia info?
I am not disagreeing with you, simply saying that we all have "our point of view" in any situation and it may or may not be shared by another, especially an elderly woman that probably doesn't have the first clue. (I would have thought anyone knew you had to sand something before painting it. I was wrong.) Heck, for arguments sake lets say this woman is out to take advantage. It really doesn't change anything from a business perspective. You are still the one left holding the bag with a complaint against you.

My only reason for bringing this up is to help you consider how to handle future business. Her fault, your fault, no one's fault, it still lands on your business' shoulders as you have seen from the complaint filed. Is it fair? Probably not. Is it the real world of owning a business? Absolutely yes! All I am suggesting is this should be a catalyst for you to review business practices and find ways to avoid being caught in this sort of situation in the future. If the siding is 25 years old you may need to go out of your way, in the extreme to make the client aware that a power wash is not a miracle and the result will be clean 25 year old siding and with all the dirt gone it?s age is going to be apparent.

As a small businessman I sympathize with you and no one would like all business to go smoothly more than me. The reality is the only way that happens is if I do all the upfront work, identify possible issues before they become issues and communicate it clearly. I simply can?t assume the customer is knowledgeable or even has common sense because experience has shown me it isn?t all that common. :(

EDIT: A thought added: Just about anyone can run a business or service as long as things go smoothly. The real test is in how a problem is handled. Sometimes, actualy more often than I like, it means setting aside ego and what I think is fair and look at "what is best for my business" and act accourdingly, even when it means swallowing that big lump in my throat. No that is not suggesting you go paint her house for free or cheap, but it may mean needing to do some leg work (time and money) to get the complaint removed from the records. IMHO there is nothing more valuable to a small business than its reputation.
She is not old - I appreaciate your wisdom though.
Anyone who has been in business for a while and is successful has learned the hard way that this is the absolute truth.

Actually this is the opposite of what I would do. (See Bubba's post). He should cheerfully refund her money and say "sorry you were not satisfied with the job". And then chalk it up to experience. That $100 refund will come back tenfold down the road.
She has taken all the cheer away for now - I offered her way more than her hundred bucks back - she wants $1,625.00
Are you insured? Take the hit and let a sub deal w/her.
I am not insured - it was a favor for a friends neighbor.
I'll wager she's a lonely old biddy. Karma? If you let her get to you, she wins. Maybe an ins. agent w/the right questions will cause some sputtering on her part. Just throwing stuff out there. Don't see a win here.
She ain't old - miserable - yes. I'm hoping she will fold.


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Some People ?

Dealing with people can be fun ... in the process of evicting a tenant. First time ever for me and I hate it.

Anyway, when we had the car dealership we sold a new car (Oldsmobile Ciera 4cyl) to a customer who complained that it had a tire vibration at 80 mph. This complaint started when the car was 10 months old and had 16,000 miles on it. We balanced tires, rotated tired, changed wheels, let them drive other cars that they claimed had the same vibration, put 2 different sets of new tires (all 4), and installed a new transmission over the next 10 months. Now the car is almost 2 years old with over 30,000 miles and they start complaining to the BBB. Oldsmobile was involved from the start and they ended up buying the car back for the sticker price. These people who had no legitimate claim got all their money back and free use of the car of almost 2 years! Unbelieveable!

Then they had the nerve to slander our name all over town. The amazing thing about it is as they told people how we treated them, people came to the dealership saying, man, if you treated that family like that, how well will you treat me?!? We sold many cars from their "bad" publicity!

Basically, as Bubba was saying, sometimes when in business you have to swallow the ego and not insist on being right to get ahead. We always tried to treat the customer with respect and give them the benefit of the doubt, even if it was extremely hard to do so because they were so disrespting and wrong! It paid off in the end and we had a very successful business.

Back to the tenant I am evicting. I left it go longer than it should because I was giving her the benefit of the doubt. I will have a very hard time collecting the money she owes me for the back rent plus the damage she has done to the unit. However, I have been getting calls for my empty units because people know I treat them right ... it won't be vacant long unless I want it to be because I haven't found the right tenant.

R Socey

Chief Petty Officer
Jan 9, 2011
Re: Some People ?

Dealing with people can be fun ... in the process of evicting a tenant. First time ever for me and I hate it.

Anyway, when we had the car dealership we sold a new car (Oldsmobile Ciera 4cyl) to a customer who complained that it had a tire vibration at 80 mph. This complaint started when the car was 10 months old and had 16,000 miles on it. We balanced tires, rotated tired, changed wheels, let them drive other cars that they claimed had the same vibration, put 2 different sets of new tires (all 4), and installed a new transmission over the next 10 months. Now the car is almost 2 years old with over 30,000 miles and they start complaining to the BBB. Oldsmobile was involved from the start and they ended up buying the car back for the sticker price. These people who had no legitimate claim got all their money back and free use of the car of almost 2 years! Unbelieveable!

Then they had the nerve to slander our name all over town. The amazing thing about it is as they told people how we treated them, people came to the dealership saying, man, if you treated that family like that, how well will you treat me?!? We sold many cars from their "bad" publicity!

Basically, as Bubba was saying, sometimes when in business you have to swallow the ego and not insist on being right to get ahead. We always tried to treat the customer with respect and give them the benefit of the doubt, even if it was extremely hard to do so because they were so disrespting and wrong! It paid off in the end and we had a very successful business.

Back to the tenant I am evicting. I left it go longer than it should because I was giving her the benefit of the doubt. I will have a very hard time collecting the money she owes me for the back rent plus the damage she has done to the unit. However, I have been getting calls for my empty units because people know I treat them right ... it won't be vacant long unless I want it to be because I haven't found the right tenant.
I get your point. I offered to paint her siding 2, coats for $250.00! The paint would have been $140.00. It would have taken me 3, long days! The damage was under the dirt. I only charged her $100.00, to clean it. Do you suggest that I build her a new house? My offer was overly charitable. The knife cuts both ways - others might say " lets get this dumb *** to clean are filth, and pay us $1,525.00 to do so". I only do work word of mouth from now on. If someone I trust recomends you, I'll work for you; otherwise I won't. I don't have a buiness, I am just trying to survive in this crappy economy replete with foreign competition. Customer service, and letting the customer rape you is two disperate things!

Smuggler's Blues

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 16, 2011
Re: Some People ?

I powerwashed a house for some lady for $100.00, less fuel, and cleaner - it was filthy. My cleaning uncovered previous
damage from an egging, and tanic acid drips off the gutter that ran down the siding. Her siding is 25+ years old with hail damage to boot. I felt bad at first, and offered to repaint her siding 2, coats for $250.00. The paint is near $70.00 a gallon! She rejected my offer claiming it was all my fault. Now she is trying to sue me for $1,625.00. What the hell is wrong with her? :confused::facepalm::mad:
I did not solicit the job. I was doing a friends house next to hers. I was in a charitable mood. He later warned me that
she replaced a fence that seperated their property, and informed him that he was going to pay half! What the hell is wrong with her? I can't beleive I have to deal with her crap.
Suggestions welcome - it's good to vent - thanks!

She wants new siding, if someone else pays for it, I think that would make her happy - for a moment. She is the last holdout in her community. The reason she didn't except my offer is she doesn't want paint. I know she got an estimate to replace her siding. The $1,625.00, is probably the highest paint estimate she could get. She plans on using that money towards the siding. When I offered to paint, she said in a loud nasty voice " that won't fix my hail damage" - she is one sick &^$%h.

So she admits it's hail damage and not something you did?

R Socey

Chief Petty Officer
Jan 9, 2011
Re: Some People ?

All I want to know is how you were able to rig up your power washer to shoot soccerball hail out of it... That sounds like a great party novelty item.
I wish it fired exploding cannon balls!

Not being mean but I knew that or knew you hadn't been at it very long. ;) Welcome to the world of being self employeed or in business.
Bubba, I have actually been around the home improvement buiness for 30, years. I did have a buiness for two years restoring boats/ painting them. I did learn about certain people from certain cultures, and I stay far away. I learned to only work word of mouth - I slipped up this time by trying to be nice; no more nice guy. I do believe that no good deed goes unpunished. Irronically, her neighbor wants me to paint his fasade - he comes recomended - funny world that we live in. I have mostly worked for contractors - now I know why their all drunks!

R Socey

Chief Petty Officer
Jan 9, 2011
Re: Some People ?

Again, not being mean but when I read these three lines all I can say is I hope you find a good job soon, being in business or self employed isn't for everyone. :)
You have obviously never worked in home improvements because if you had you would know that their are certain people from certain cultures that will not pay you. Ask anyone you know that does that type of work. Not political, not racial - just a fact of life. One thing I'll never do is suck off a government teet. I'm not looking for a job - I have plenty to do but the prices have been beet down from the ----- to political to say here! I'm sure your smart enough to figure it out. One peice of crap customer, and I'm not cut out for buisness. You have said alot, but the one thing you havn't said is what you would do in this situation - your pretty vague on specifics. Could of,, should of, would of, is not expedient. :)

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: Some People ?

Again, not being mean but when I read these three lines all I can say is I hope you find a good job soon, being in business or self employed isn't for everyone. :)

Again, not trying to be mean, but when I read these lines all i can say is if you made a demonstrable effort to be less arrogant and condescending in some of your posts, people wouldn't make so many negative comments about them. :)

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: Some People ?

you have obviously never worked in home improvements because if you had you would know that their are certain people from certain cultures that will not pay you.

home improvement no. But i've never judged anyone based on your criteria. Personal experieance has shown me you meet good and bad in every walk of life.

ask anyone you know that does that type of work. Not political, not racial - just a fact of life. One thing i'll never do is suck off a government teet. I'm not looking for a job - i have plenty to do but the prices have been beet down from the -----

i'll say it fo you, *competition*. No different than goods made over seas by the competition to american manufactures.

i'm sure your smart enough to figure it out.

i would rather i didn't.

one peice of crap customer, and i'm not cut out for buisness.

honestly, it has little or nothing to do with the customer, it has everything to do with you and how you are viewing the situation. Exploding cannon balls? Yes i know it's said tongue in cheek but it reflects that you are dealing from an emotional response (dare i say ego?) and not from "what is best for my business, self employement".

you have said alot, but the one thing you havn't said is what you would do in this situation - your pretty vague on specifics. Could of,, should of, would of, is not expedient. :)

i thought i was clear in saying i was saying all this to help avoid running into the problem again. (part of becoming a good business man / woman is learning from the problems encountered.) from what i can tell you plan to avoid such situations by only dealing with certain types of "cultures" and believe that is the solution. I think you are wrong but it's your call.

As to what to do, i believe i'd schedule a meeting with the organization where the complaint has been lodged and ask what they would they consider a reasonable solution to remove the complaint. (not phone calls, not emails, a face to face sit down.) people have a much harder time dismissing you when you are face to face with them. Personally i believe when you explain, show them the photos, emails etc. They will be a lot more receptive to your claim she is trying to get over on you. Do not allow emotion to be part of that conversation!!!

Again, this is not about making her happy, its about removing the black mark against you and your work. That is the thing "i" would focus on, not about my bruised ego, not about standing like a rock, not about what culture she belongs to, not about the competition from lower cost providers, nothing about getting back at the woman, the goal is to clean up the reputation to promote yourself and the business and nothng else.

Look, i know how hard that is sometimes, been there more times than i care to think about but it really is what is required if you are to be self employed or working at a business of your own. I'll tell you the same thing my mentor told me so many years ago, "if i can't do this, then i should find a job working for someone that can". Harsh yes, but true none the less. Public relations, peace maker and yes even chief *** kisser is all part of the job description of owner or self employed. I very often wish that were not true but all the wishing in the world won't change a thing, the job description remains what it is.

I'll close with this, ask any successful business person about it and if they are being honest they will tell you the same exact thing, personal feelings, opinions, anger, preconcieved ideas of what the customer is, or however you want to say it has no place in making tough business decisions. I sincerly wish you all the success in the world as you move forward and i mean that in every positive way possible. I love seeing people step up and out on their own, even more than that i love seeing them succeed against the odds and make no mistake, the odds are always against the small start up. Do everything you can to maximize your side of the odds and good luck!


Feb 18, 2009
Re: Some People ?

QED? Unlicensed, unensured, unbonded, under $400, I'm walking away. Edit: I did have a helper write his name in the wooden siding we were preping for paint with a pressure washer. He went looking for a job and I replaced the siding.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 21, 2007
Re: Some People ?

You know if your doing any kind of work on a semi regular basis you can get $300,000 of liability insurance for only $32 down and $32 a month. You don't need an LLC or even a city license to get it either. Here in Florida your supposed to have a workers comp exemption, which makes you need an LLC, plus $50 for the exemption filing. Should be less than $300 to be legal, plus your local business tax if you get what used to be called a business license.

Some policies are comprehensive and will actually cover you for any kind of work you do. If you do lots of work in one class you may have to start paying more, but then your making money so why worry about paying more?

As to that woman, I've got a neighbor like that! I tried to help her out and ended up with her shoving me than walking to the other side of the street, sitting down and stating that "I hurt her and she was calling the cops and suing!" Yeah good times! I called the cops and filled a report against her which was backed up by a neighbor who witnessed it all.

Some people are just things we cant post on this forum.

Good luck.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 2, 2011
Re: Some People ?

When I was younger I would do some handyman work on the side. Did some work for one lady and she sounds like the lady Socey is having problems with. She was telling me how she had filed complaints and tried to sue different contractors. I decided to get the *#@@ out of there and not go back. I didn't want any part of working for her after that. Some of these folks have to much time on their hands. They just want to get something for nothing and if they have to ruin some guy out working for a living to do it, they are fine with that. You know as soon as these people walk into a courtroom they are going to be acting all sweet and innocent and tell a judge/jury how the big,bad man took advantage of them. Socey, I hope this all gets dropped and you don't have to pay out a bunch of money for something you didn't cause. Best of luck man.

And expect her to show up with a neck brace, estimate for her car, and her little dog in a body cast rolling on a skateboard.

Seriously though, I own my own small business and these people are everywhere. I agree with Tim Frank. You offered to rectify the damage you caused. She declined. You are not responsible for pre-existing damage.

And I also agree with Bubba on his choice to rectify. What ever you do show NO emotion (show compassion for the situation) and mediate like you are representing a million dollar corporation not yourself.

Don't offer anything else that you haven't already. From my experience once she sees that she will go for more.

This Lady is why I do not do any work for Individuals. Just Companies.

R Socey

Chief Petty Officer
Jan 9, 2011
Re: Some People ?

So she admits it's hail damage and not something you did?
Yes - it was a blurt she regreted a half secound after she made it - I'm sure.

You know if your doing any kind of work on a semi regular basis you can get $300,000 of liability insurance for only $32 down and $32 a month. You don't need an LLC or even a city license to get it either. Here in Florida your supposed to have a workers comp exemption, which makes you need an LLC, plus $50 for the exemption filing. Should be less than $300 to be legal, plus your local business tax if you get what used to be called a business license.

Some policies are comprehensive and will actually cover you for any kind of work you do. If you do lots of work in one class you may have to start paying more, but then your making money so why worry about paying more?

As to that woman, I've got a neighbor like that! I tried to help her out and ended up with her shoving me than walking to the other side of the street, sitting down and stating that "I hurt her and she was calling the cops and suing!" Yeah good times! I called the cops and filled a report against her which was backed up by a neighbor who witnessed it all.

Some people are just things we cant post on this forum.

Good luck.[/QUOTE
Thank's for your sentiments - I'll look into the insurance. I had to pay $1,600.00 per year to work on boats.

And expect her to show up with a neck brace, estimate for her car, and her little dog in a body cast rolling on a skateboard.

Seriously though, I own my own small business and these people are everywhere. I agree with Tim Frank. You offered to rectify the damage you caused. She declined. You are not responsible for pre-existing damage.

And I also agree with Bubba on his choice to rectify. What ever you do show NO emotion (show compassion for the situation) and mediate like you are representing a million dollar corporation not yourself.

Don't offer anything else that you haven't already. From my experience once she sees that she will go for more.

This Lady is why I do not do any work for Individuals. Just Companies.
I will not speak to her again; she may claim I damaged her ears.

You have obviously never worked in home improvements because if you had you would know that their are certain people from certain cultures that will not pay you.

Home improvement no. But I've never judged anyone based on your criteria. Personal experieance has shown me you meet good and bad in every walk of life.

Ask anyone you know that does that type of work. Not political, not racial - just a fact of life. One thing I'll never do is suck off a government teet. I'm not looking for a job - I have plenty to do but the prices have been beet down from the -----

I'll say it fo you, *competition*. No different than goods made over seas by the competition to American manufactures.

I'm sure your smart enough to figure it out.

I would rather I didn't.

One peice of crap customer, and I'm not cut out for buisness.

Honestly, it has little or nothing to do with the customer, it has everything to do with you and how you are viewing the situation. Exploding cannon balls? Yes I know it's said tongue in cheek but it reflects that you are dealing from an emotional response (dare I say ego?) and not from "what is best for my business, self employement".

You have said alot, but the one thing you havn't said is what you would do in this situation - your pretty vague on specifics. Could of,, should of, would of, is not expedient. :)

I thought I was clear in saying I was saying all this to help avoid running into the problem again. (part of becoming a good business man / woman is learning from the problems encountered.) From what I can tell you plan to avoid such situations by only dealing with certain types of "cultures" and believe that is the solution. I think you are wrong but it's your call.

As to what to do, I believe I'd schedule a meeting with the organization where the complaint has been lodged and ASK what they would they consider a reasonable solution to remove the complaint. (Not phone calls, not emails, a face to face sit down.) People have a much harder time dismissing you when you are face to face with them. Personally I believe when you explain, show them the photos, emails etc. they will be a lot more receptive to your claim she is trying to get over on you. Do NOT allow emotion to be part of that conversation!!!

Again, this is not about making her happy, its about removing the black mark against you and your work. That is the thing "I" would focus on, not about my bruised ego, not about standing like a rock, not about what culture she belongs to, not about the competition from lower cost providers, nothing about getting back at the woman, the goal is to clean up the reputation to promote yourself and the business and nothng else.

Look, I KNOW how hard that is sometimes, been there more times than I care to think about but it really is what is required if you are to be self employed or working at a business of your own. I'll tell you the same thing my mentor told me so many years ago, "If I can't do this, then I should find a job working for someone that can". Harsh yes, but true none the less. Public relations, peace maker and yes even chief *** kisser is all part of the job description of owner or self employed. I very often wish that were not true but all the wishing in the world won't change a thing, the job description remains what it is.

I'll close with this, ask any successful business person about it and if they are being honest they will tell you the same exact thing, personal feelings, opinions, anger, preconcieved ideas of what the customer is, or however you want to say it has no place in making tough business decisions. I sincerly wish you all the success in the world as you move forward and I mean that in every positive way possible. I LOVE seeing people step up and out on their own, even more than that I love seeing them succeed against the odds and make no mistake, the odds are always against the small start up. Do everything you can to maximize your side of the odds and GOOD LUCK!
Thank you for your well articulated advise - I will take it to heart. I do get emotional at rare times; ebulitions that take days to fade when evil comes my way. I utilized this forum to vent - I am grateful for it too. I am an arrogant bastard - I need to work on it. I think it comes from knowing that I treat people better than they treat me nearly always. I will probably never make a good buisness man, because I don't want to deal with someone that I have to have a written contract with. I am a look you in the eyes, shake your hand, do what I say I'm going to do, kind of guy. My word is truly my bond! When I need a license, bonded, insured - I run things through friends buisnesses, and piece work the portians I want to conquer. Here are some pics:


I,don't know why I offered to paint the back of her house - I guess I'm stupid, and arrogant:eek: